一个笛卡尔积的update from引发的问题(内存泄露?)







postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,buffers,costs) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 , tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;
ERROR:  table name "tbl1" specified more than once  


UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;  

另外需要注意,以上QUERY已经产生了笛卡尔积,三个表(tbl1, tbl1, tbl2)的JOIN,但是只提供了一个JOIN条件。




        id      bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
        uid     bigint,
        times   bigint,
        hostname_num    bigint,
        ip_num  bigint,
        session_num     bigint,
        device_num      bigint,
        page_num        bigint,
        platform_num    bigint,
        duration        bigint,
        duration_min    bigint,
        duration_max    bigint,
        in_server       bigint,
        start_time_max  timestamp,
        end_time_max    timestamp,
        in_heartbeet    boolean,
        in_predict              boolean


CREATE FUNCTION fill_data_tbl1(numRows int) RETURNS VOID AS $$
                INSERT INTO tbl1 (uid, times, hostname_num, ip_num,
        session_num, device_num, page_num, platform_num,
        duration, duration_min, duration_max, in_server,
        start_time_max, end_time_max, in_heartbeet, in_predict)
        select 13000000 + cnt, FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100), FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100),
        FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100), FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100), FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100),
        FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100), FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100), FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100),
        FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100), FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100), FLOOR(RANDOM() * 100),
        TO_TIMESTAMP(FLOOR(RANDOM() * 84151112122)), TO_TIMESTAMP(FLOOR(RANDOM() * 84151112122)),
        false, false from generate_series(1, numrows) t(cnt);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;  

select fill_data_tbl1(1500000);  

        id      bigint PRIMARY KEY,
        uid     bigint


CREATE FUNCTION fill_data_tbl2(numRows int) RETURNS VOID AS $$
                INSERT INTO tbl2 (id, uid) select cnt, 13001000 + cnt from generate_series(1, numrows) t(cnt);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;  

select fill_data_tbl2(1500000);  


UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;  


postgres=# explain UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;
                                                      QUERY PLAN
 Update on tbl1  (cost=37.85..39154698995.45 rows=2252418000000 width=139)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=37.85..39154698995.45 rows=2252418000000 width=139)
         ->  Seq Scan on tbl1  (cost=0.00..43894.12 rows=1501612 width=127)
         ->  Materialize  (cost=37.85..133276.33 rows=1500000 width=12)
               ->  Merge Join  (cost=37.85..118451.33 rows=1500000 width=12)
                     Merge Cond: (c.uid = p.uid)
                     ->  Index Scan Backward using tbl1_uid_idx on tbl1 c  (cost=0.43..58384.61 rows=1501612 width=14)
                     ->  Index Scan Backward using tbl2_uid_idx on tbl2 p  (cost=0.43..37588.43 rows=1500000 width=14)
(8 rows)


postgres=# set temp_file_limit ='10MB';
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;
ERROR:  temporary file size exceeds temp_file_limit (10240kB)  

复现问题时,可以把它设到无限大(-1),其实本例设成1GB就够用了,因为造成问题的不是temp file.

postgres=# set temp_file_limit ='1GB';
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;  


这样会无休止执行下去,同时导致内存不断增长,这个内存占用和temp file没有关联,应该是某处内存泄露导致的。

14105 digoal  20   0 8655m 8.3g 101m R 100.0  1.6  18:48.08 postgres: postgres postgres [local] EXPLAIN  


[root@iZ28tqoemgtZ 20733]# pmap -XX 14105
14105:   postgres: postgres postgres [local] EXPLAIN
         Address Perm   Offset Device    Inode     Size     Rss     Pss Shared_Clean Shared_Dirty Private_Clean Private_Dirty Referenced Anonymous AnonHugePages Swap KernelPageSize MMUPageSize Locked                VmFlagsMapping
        00400000 r-xp 00000000  fd:01  1311512     7240    2532    1954          896            0          1636             0       2532         0             0    0              4           4      0    rd ex mr mw me dw  postgres
        00d12000 r--p 00712000  fd:01  1311512        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          4         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd mr mw me dw ac  postgres
        00d13000 rw-p 00713000  fd:01  1311512       48      48      30            0           20             0            28         48        48             0    0              4           4      0 rd wr mr mw me dw ac  postgres
        00d1f000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0      292      64      58            0            8             0            56         60        64             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
        013f5000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0      248     216     155            0           72             0           144        164       216             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac  [heap]
        01433000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0     4608    4412    4412            0            0             0          4412       4412      4412             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac  [heap]
    7eff9c68a000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0  1602320 1601756 1601756            0            0             0       1601756    1601756   1601756       1200128    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7efffe34e000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0      516     516     516            0            0             0           516        516       516             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7efffe3cf000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0     2052    2048    2048            0            0             0          2048       2048      2048             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7efffe611000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0     1804    1800    1800            0            0             0          1800       1800      1800             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7efffe7d4000 rw-s 00000000  00:04  5610332  8620720  321376  309186            0        23340             0        298036     321376         0             0    0              4           4      0 rd wr sh mr mw me ms  zero (deleted)
    7f020ca80000 r--p 00000000  fd:01   151196   103580       4       0            4            0             0             0          4         0             0    0              4           4      0          rd mr mw me  locale-archive
    7f0212fa7000 r-xp 00000000  fd:01   132852       88      16       0           16            0             0             0         16         0             0    0              4           4      0       rd ex mr mw me  libpthread-2.17.so
    7f0212fbd000 ---p 00016000  fd:01   132852     2048       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0             mr mw me  libpthread-2.17.so
    7f02131bd000 r--p 00016000  fd:01   132852        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          0         4             0    0              4           4      0       rd mr mw me ac  libpthread-2.17.so
    7f02131be000 rw-p 00017000  fd:01   132852        4       4       4            0            0             0             4          4         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac  libpthread-2.17.so
    7f02131bf000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0       16       4       4            0            0             0             4          4         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7f02131c3000 r-xp 00000000  fd:01   132826     1752     432       9          432            0             0             0        432         0             0    0              4           4      0       rd ex mr mw me  libc-2.17.so
    7f0213379000 ---p 001b6000  fd:01   132826     2048       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0             mr mw me  libc-2.17.so
    7f0213579000 r--p 001b6000  fd:01   132826       16      16       2            0           16             0             0         12        16             0    0              4           4      0       rd mr mw me ac  libc-2.17.so
    7f021357d000 rw-p 001ba000  fd:01   132826        8       8       8            0            0             0             8          8         8             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac  libc-2.17.so
    7f021357f000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0       20      16      12            0            4             0            12         12        16             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7f0213584000 r-xp 00000000  fd:01   132972     1028      68      32           44            0            24             0         68         0             0    0              4           4      0       rd ex mr mw me  libm-2.17.so
    7f0213685000 ---p 00101000  fd:01   132972     2044       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0             mr mw me  libm-2.17.so
    7f0213884000 r--p 00100000  fd:01   132972        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          4         4             0    0              4           4      0       rd mr mw me ac  libm-2.17.so
    7f0213885000 rw-p 00101000  fd:01   132972        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          4         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac  libm-2.17.so
    7f0213886000 r-xp 00000000  fd:01   132971       12       4       0            4            0             0             0          4         0             0    0              4           4      0       rd ex mr mw me  libdl-2.17.so
    7f0213889000 ---p 00003000  fd:01   132971     2044       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0             mr mw me  libdl-2.17.so
    7f0213a88000 r--p 00002000  fd:01   132971        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          4         4             0    0              4           4      0       rd mr mw me ac  libdl-2.17.so
    7f0213a89000 rw-p 00003000  fd:01   132971        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          0         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac  libdl-2.17.so
    7f0213a8a000 r-xp 00000000  fd:01   132976       28       4       0            4            0             0             0          4         0             0    0              4           4      0       rd ex mr mw me  librt-2.17.so
    7f0213a91000 ---p 00007000  fd:01   132976     2044       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0             mr mw me  librt-2.17.so
    7f0213c90000 r--p 00006000  fd:01   132976        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          4         4             0    0              4           4      0       rd mr mw me ac  librt-2.17.so
    7f0213c91000 rw-p 00007000  fd:01   132976        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          0         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac  librt-2.17.so
    7f0213c92000 r-xp 00000000  fd:01   132819      132      28       0           28            0             0             0         28         0             0    0              4           4      0    rd ex mr mw me dw  ld-2.17.so
    7f0213cf0000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0      132     128     128            0            0             0           128        128       128             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7f0213e12000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0      392     312     312            0            0             0           312        312       312             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7f0213e75000 r--s 00000000  fd:01   401548      212       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0          rd mr me ms  hosts
    7f0213eaa000 rw-s 00000000  00:11  5610334        4       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0 rd wr sh mr mw me ms  PostgreSQL.1804289383
    7f0213eab000 rw-s 00000000  00:04 23166976        4       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0 rd wr sh mr mw me ms  SYSV001d4fe9 (deleted)
    7f0213eac000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0       24      24       6            0           20             0             4         16        24             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7f0213eb2000 r--p 00020000  fd:01   132819        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          4         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd mr mw me dw ac  ld-2.17.so
    7f0213eb3000 rw-p 00021000  fd:01   132819        4       4       4            0            0             0             4          4         4             0    0              4           4      0 rd wr mr mw me dw ac  ld-2.17.so
    7f0213eb4000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0        4       4       0            0            4             0             0          4         4             0    0              4           4      0    rd wr mr mw me ac
    7ffffb25f000 rw-p 00000000  00:00        0      152      60      28            0           36             0            24         24        60             0    0              4           4      0 rd wr mr mw me gd ac  [stack]
    7ffffb336000 r-xp 00000000  00:00        0        8       4       0            4            0             0             0          4         0             0    0              4           4      0    rd ex mr mw me de  [vdso]
ffffffffff600000 r-xp 00000000  00:00        0        4       0       0            0            0             0             0          0         0             0    0              4           4      0                rd ex  [vsyscall]
                                               ======== ======= ======= ============ ============ ============= ============= ========== ========= ============= ==== ============== =========== ======
                                               10357736 1935944 1922464         1432        23556          1660       1909296    1935824   1611476       1200128    0            188         188      0 KB   


(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffffb336ddf in gettimeofday ()
#1  0x000000000063d26a in InstrStopNode (instr=0x14d4500, nTuples=1) at instrument.c:82
#2  0x000000000062d813 in ExecProcNode (node=0x14cb548) at execProcnode.c:530
#3  0x0000000000650578 in ExecModifyTable (node=0x14cacc8) at nodeModifyTable.c:1363
#4  0x000000000062d53e in ExecProcNode (node=0x14cacc8) at execProcnode.c:389
#5  0x000000000062ad21 in ExecutePlan (estate=0x14ca928, planstate=0x14cacc8, operation=CMD_UPDATE, sendTuples=0 '\000', numberTuples=0, direction=ForwardScanDirection, dest=0xd149e0 <donothingDR>) at execMain.c:1549
#6  0x00000000006290ea in standard_ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x14ca1e8, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0) at execMain.c:337
#7  0x0000000000628fec in ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x14ca1e8, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0) at execMain.c:285
#8  0x00000000005c218f in ExplainOnePlan (plannedstmt=0x14ca150, into=0x0, es=0x14a54f8, queryString=0x1465b98 "explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;",
    params=0x0, planduration=0x7ffffb281e40) at explain.c:503
#9  0x00000000005c1ed9 in ExplainOneQuery (query=0x14a5348, into=0x0, es=0x14a54f8, queryString=0x1465b98 "explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;",
    params=0x0) at explain.c:357
#10 0x00000000005c1b9f in ExplainQuery (stmt=0x1467260, queryString=0x1465b98 "explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;", params=0x0, dest=0x14a5460)
    at explain.c:245
#11 0x0000000000790baf in standard_ProcessUtility (parsetree=0x1467260, queryString=0x1465b98 "explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;",
    context=PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL, params=0x0, dest=0x14a5460, completionTag=0x7ffffb2820e0 "") at utility.c:658
#12 0x00000000007903f2 in ProcessUtility (parsetree=0x1467260, queryString=0x1465b98 "explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;",
    context=PROCESS_UTILITY_TOPLEVEL, params=0x0, dest=0x14a5460, completionTag=0x7ffffb2820e0 "") at utility.c:334
#13 0x000000000078f61a in PortalRunUtility (portal=0x14988a8, utilityStmt=0x1467260, isTopLevel=1 '\001', dest=0x14a5460, completionTag=0x7ffffb2820e0 "") at pquery.c:1183
#14 0x000000000078f384 in FillPortalStore (portal=0x14988a8, isTopLevel=1 '\001') at pquery.c:1057
#15 0x000000000078eced in PortalRun (portal=0x14988a8, count=9223372036854775807, isTopLevel=1 '\001', dest=0x1467998, altdest=0x1467998, completionTag=0x7ffffb2822c0 "") at pquery.c:781
#16 0x0000000000789336 in exec_simple_query (query_string=0x1465b98 "explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) UPDATE tbl1 SET in_predict = true FROM tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;") at postgres.c:1104
#17 0x000000000078d1ce in PostgresMain (argc=1, argv=0x13f6b28, dbname=0x13f6988 "postgres", username=0x13f6960 "postgres") at postgres.c:4030
#18 0x0000000000719440 in BackendRun (port=0x14127f0) at postmaster.c:4239
#19 0x0000000000718bd4 in BackendStartup (port=0x14127f0) at postmaster.c:3913
#20 0x0000000000715612 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1684
#21 0x0000000000714c99 in PostmasterMain (argc=1, argv=0x13f5b90) at postmaster.c:1292
#22 0x00000000006767fa in main (argc=1, argv=0x13f5b90) at main.c:228  





# mkdir op_results
# cd op_results
# operf --system-wide --lazy-conversion  

等待120秒后ctrl+c 退出


#opreport -l -f -g -w -x -t 1 /home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin/postgres  

Using /home/digoal/oprof/oprofile_data/samples/ for samples directory.
CPU: Intel Broadwell microarchitecture, speed 2494.28 MHz (estimated)
Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (No unit mask) count 100000
vma      samples  %        linenr info                 symbol name
0046a7f0 260      13.3952  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:150 heap_fill_tuple
00491a50 208      10.7161  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c:3217 heap_update
005b5100 157       8.0886  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/execQual.c:5486 ExecProject
0046a5d0 157       8.0886  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:88 heap_compute_data_size
005ed880 86        4.4307  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/nodes/bitmapset.c:860 bms_first_member
005b1030 78        4.0185  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/execJunk.c:263 ExecFilterJunk
0069f6e0 78        4.0185  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/storage/lmgr/lwlock.c:906 LWLockAcquire
007b4ce0 69        3.5549  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/mmgr/aset.c:659 AllocSetAlloc
0046ae30 66        3.4003  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:695 heap_form_tuple
005b3bd0 64        3.2973  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/execMain.c:1663 ExecConstraints
005bf310 48        2.4730  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/instrument.c:70 InstrStopNode
0069ed30 47        2.4214  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/storage/lmgr/lwlock.c:1525 LWLockRelease
005ede30 33        1.7002  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/nodes/bitmapset.c:111 bms_copy
00787400 31        1.5971  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/cache/relcache.c:4202 RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap
005cc0e0 30        1.5456  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/nodeModifyTable.c:790 ExecUpdate
004897a0 30        1.5456  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/access/hash/hashfunc.c:317 hash_any
007b5350 25        1.2880  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/mmgr/aset.c:929 AllocSetFree
007a0180 25        1.2880  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/hash/dynahash.c:856 hash_search_with_hash_value
007b5a40 25        1.2880  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c:813 palloc
00683960 23        1.1850  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c:239 GetPrivateRefCountEntry
007b5740 22        1.1334  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c:914 pfree
005cc510 20        1.0304  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/nodeModifyTable.c:1289 ExecModifyTable
004698a0 20        1.0304  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:1327 slot_getsomeattrs


#opreport -l -f -g -w -x -d -t 1 /home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin/postgres  

查看对应的函数调用, 哪些语句花了更多的CPU

#opannotate -x -s -t 1 /home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin/postgres -i heap_fill_tuple  



select * from tbl1, tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;  

postgres=# explain select * from tbl1, tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;
                                                 QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop  (cost=37.85..69948391099.48 rows=2252418000000 width=260)
   ->  Merge Join  (cost=37.85..118451.33 rows=1500000 width=138)
         Merge Cond: (c.uid = p.uid)
         ->  Index Scan Backward using tbl1_uid_idx on tbl1 c  (cost=0.43..58384.61 rows=1501612 width=122)
         ->  Index Scan Backward using tbl2_uid_idx on tbl2 p  (cost=0.43..37588.43 rows=1500000 width=16)
   ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..79264.18 rows=1501612 width=122)
         ->  Seq Scan on tbl1  (cost=0.00..43894.12 rows=1501612 width=122)
(7 rows)

postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,buffers,costs) select * from tbl1, tbl1 c, tbl2 p WHERE c.uid = p.uid;  


operf --system-wide --lazy-conversion  

after 120 second  



#opreport -l -f -g -w -x -t 1 /home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin/postgres  

Using /home/digoal/oprof/oprofile_data/samples/ for samples directory.
CPU: Intel Broadwell microarchitecture, speed 2494.28 MHz (estimated)
Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (No unit mask) count 100000
vma      samples  %        linenr info                 symbol name
005b5100 70       34.8259  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/execQual.c:5486 ExecProject
00469570 44       21.8905  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:1080 slot_deform_tuple
005bf310 21       10.4478  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/instrument.c:70 InstrStopNode
005bf640 11        5.4726  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/instrument.c:53 InstrStartNode
005b45d0 7         3.4826  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/execProcnode.c:368 ExecProcNode
007b4ce0 6         2.9851  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/mmgr/aset.c:659 AllocSetAlloc
0068ac40 6         2.9851  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/storage/file/buffile.c:359 BufFileRead
007c1130 5         2.4876  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplestore.c:888 tuplestore_gettuple
007b5350 4         1.9900  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/mmgr/aset.c:929 AllocSetFree
005cd850 4         1.9900  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/nodeNestloop.c:61 ExecNestLoop
005bc400 4         1.9900  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c:391 ExecStoreMinimalTuple
005bc160 3         1.4925  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c:444 ExecClearTuple
007b5670 3         1.4925  /home/digoal/postgresql-9.5.3/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c:396 GetMemoryChunkSpace  






#opannotate -x -s -t 1 /home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin/postgres -i AllocSetAlloc|less

               : * AllocSetAlloc
               : *              Returns pointer to allocated memory of given size or NULL if
               : *              request could not be completed; memory is added to the set.
               : *
               : * No request may exceed:
               : * All callers use a much-lower limit.
               : */
               :static void *
               :AllocSetAlloc(MemoryContext context, Size size)
    16 23.1884 :{ /* AllocSetAlloc total:     69 100.000 */
               :        AllocSet        set = (AllocSet) context;
               :        AllocBlock      block;
               :        AllocChunk      chunk;
               :        int                     fidx;
               :        Size            chunk_size;
               :        Size            blksize;

               :        fidx = AllocSetFreeIndex(size);
     8 11.5942 :        chunk = set->freelist[fidx];
     2  2.8986 :        if (chunk != NULL)
               :        {
               :                Assert(chunk->size >= size);
     5  7.2464 :                set->freelist[fidx] = (AllocChunk) chunk->aset;
     4  5.7971 :                chunk->aset = (void *) set;
               :                AllocAllocInfo(set, chunk);
     2  2.8986 :                return AllocChunkGetPointer(chunk);
               :        }
               :        /*
               :         * Choose the actual chunk size to allocate.
               :         */
               :        chunk_size = (1 << ALLOC_MINBITS) << fidx;
               :        Assert(chunk_size >= size);
               :        /*
               :         * If there is enough room in the active allocation block, we will put the
               :         * chunk into that block.  Else must start a new one.
               :         */
     2  2.8986 :        if ((block = set->blocks) != NULL)
               :        {
     2  2.8986 :                Size            availspace = block->endptr - block->freeptr;
    12 17.3913 :                if (availspace < (chunk_size + ALLOC_CHUNKHDRSZ))
               :                {
     1  1.4493 :        chunk->size = chunk_size;
               :#ifdef MEMORY_CONTEXT_CHECKING
               :        chunk->requested_size = size;
               :        VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(&chunk->requested_size,
               :                                                           sizeof(chunk->requested_size));
               :        /* set mark to catch clobber of "unused" space */
               :        if (size < chunk->size)
               :                set_sentinel(AllocChunkGetPointer(chunk), size);
               :#ifdef RANDOMIZE_ALLOCATED_MEMORY
               :        /* fill the allocated space with junk */
               :        randomize_mem((char *) AllocChunkGetPointer(chunk), size);
               :        AllocAllocInfo(set, chunk);
     4  5.7971 :        return AllocChunkGetPointer(chunk);
     3  4.3478 :}


#opannotate -x -s -t 1 /home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin/postgres -i AllocSetFree|less

               : * AllocSetFree
               : *              Frees allocated memory; memory is removed from the set.
               : */
               :static void
               :AllocSetFree(MemoryContext context, void *pointer)
     7 28.0000 :{ /* AllocSetFree total:     25 100.000 */
               :        AllocSet        set = (AllocSet) context;
               :        AllocChunk      chunk = AllocPointerGetChunk(pointer);
               :        AllocFreeInfo(set, chunk);


1. 写SQL时需要注意,避免产生笛卡尔积。
2. 这个问题已反馈给社区,看看是不是存在内存泄露。


tom lane的速度太快了,从报BUG到现在10个小时过去,已经修复 。

Fix small query-lifespan memory leak in bulk updates.

When there is an identifiable REPLICA IDENTITY index on the target table,
heap_update leaks the id_attrs bitmapset.  That's not many bytes, but it
adds up over enough rows, since the code typically runs in a query-lifespan
context.  Bug introduced in commit e55704d8b, which did a rather poor job
of cloning the existing use-pattern for RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap().

Per bug #14293 from Zhou Digoal.  Back-patch to 9.4 where the bug was

Report: <20160824114320.15676.45171@wrigleys.postgresql.org>
diff --git a/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c b/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c
index c63dfa0..6a27ef4 100644 (file)
--- a/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c
+++ b/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c
@@ -3802,6 +3802,7 @@ l2:
+       bms_free(id_attrs);
        return result;

@@ -4268,6 +4269,7 @@ l2:

+   bms_free(id_attrs);

    return HeapTupleMayBeUpdated;
时间: 2024-09-17 03:20:45

一个笛卡尔积的update from引发的问题(内存泄露?)的相关文章

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我们正在开发的类数据库系统有一个内存模块,出现了一个疑似"内存泄露"问题,现象如下:内存模块的内存释放以后没有归还操作系统,比如内存模块占用的内存为10GB,释放内存以后,通过TOP命令或者/proc/pid/status查看占用的内存有时仍然为10G,有时为5G,有时为3G, etc,内存释放的行为不确定. 首先说一下内存模块的内存管理机制.我们的内存管理很简单,使用全局的定长内存池,每一个内存块为64KB,如果申请的内存小于等于64KB时,直接从内存池的空闲链表中获取一个内存块,内


我记得在有一次面试中,面试官问我自己实现的一个栈中会不会有内存泄露的问题,我努力搜索可能的问题,就是感受不到可能出现的问题.当时忽然意识到,内存泄露这个问题一直被我忽略,因为用的是java/C#,这些语言中都有内存自动回收的机制,我突然发现自己对这个问题竟然一无所知.面试中的栈就是下面这个: // 你能检查出"内存泄露"吗? public class Stack { private Object[] elements; private int size = 0; private sta


问题描述 刚刚接触directx不久,问大家一个关于directx加载纹理耗时和内存使用问题 问大家一个关于使用directx开发2d游戏的问题,假如游戏中人物和怪使用的素材长宽都是512 32位的图片,人物包含头发.身体.和武器, 8方向行走64帧,攻击128帧,站立48帧 如果把一个人物所有的纹理都预先加载完需要使用的内存是 64MB+128MB+48MB=240MB如果是使用哪个加载哪个纹理,当前帧使用不到都清理掉那么卡帧很严重我这边测试平均创建一个纹理如果直接使用A8R8G8B8大概耗时


Q:刚才我参加了面试,面试官问我如何写出会发生内存泄露的Java代码.这个问题我一点思路都没有,好囧. A1:通过以下步骤可以很容易产生内存泄露(程序代码不能访问到某些对象,但是它们仍然保存在内存中): 应用程序创建一个长时间运行的线程(或者使用线程池,会更快地发生内存泄露). 线程通过某个类加载器(可以自定义)加载一个类. 该类分配了大块内存(比如new byte[1000000]),在某个静态变量存储一个强引用,然后在ThreadLocal中存储它自身的引用.分配额外的内存new byte[

c/c++ 内存 结构体-在一个结构体中动态创建另一个结构体数组,那么怎样释放内存!求助,谢谢了!

问题描述 在一个结构体中动态创建另一个结构体数组,那么怎样释放内存!求助,谢谢了! struct Link_Info { int Destination_VertexID; int Vertex_To_Vertex_LinkID; int Cost_of_Link; }; struct Vertex_Info { int OutDegree; int Vertex_Num; Link_Info* out = new Link_Info[8]; }; Vertex_Info* Vertex_Cha


问题: 我之前参加了一个面试, 被问到在java中如何创建一个内存泄露.不用说我当时不知道说啥,如何创建一个,我到现在也没有头绪.可以给我示范一个例子么? 回答: 有一个方式可以创建一个纯Java的内存泄露(运行代码中对象不可达,但仍然驻留在内存里) 1. 应用创建了一个长时间运行的线程(或者使用线程池,这会使内存泄露更快)2.线程从类加载器加载一个类3. 这个类分配一个大内存块(例如new byte[1000000]) ,把它通过强引用指向一个静态成员变量,然后把它自己的引用存储到Thread


我把别人的例子改了一下,觉得这样写更紧凑!套用别人的原话,当一个DOM对象包含一个Js对象的引用(例如一个Event Handler), 而这个Js对象又持有对这个DOM对象的引用时,一个环状引用就行成了,于是在ie下就出现了内存泄露.点击"运行代码"并打开任务管理器看内存变化.分别在ie8和ff下测试,差距不用多说. 运行代码 复制代码 代码如下: <html>  <head>    <title>Memory leak</title>

ThreadLocal是否会引发内存泄露的分析 good

这篇文章,主要解决一下疑惑: 1. ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap中提到的弱引用,弱引用究竟会不会被回收? 2. 弱引用什么情况下回收? 3. JAVA的ThreadLocal和在什么情况下会内存泄露?   带着这些疑问,自己模拟了一下ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap的结构,先展示下自己涉及的结构: 自己实现一个simple的ThreadLocalMap,里面用一个entry用来存放由自己模拟的ThreadLocal调用set方法set进去的值. 并且和