iring i-树莓派大神求救,源码看不懂 啊


树莓派大神求救,源码看不懂 啊

import com.pi4j.wiringpi.Spi;

public class WiringPiSPIExample {

// SPI operations
public static byte WRITE_CMD = 0x40;
public static byte READ_CMD  = 0x41;

public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException {

    // This SPI example is using the WiringPi native library to communicate with
    // the SPI hardware interface connected to a MCP23S17 I/O Expander.
    // Please note the following command are required to enable the SPI driver on
    // your Raspberry Pi:
    // >  sudo modprobe spi_bcm2708
    // >  sudo chown `id -u`.`id -g` /dev/spidev0.*
    // this source code was adapted from:
    // see this blog post for additional details on SPI and WiringPi
    // see the link below for the data sheet on the MCP23S17 chip:

    System.out.println("<--Pi4J--> SPI test program using MCP23S17 I/O Expander Chip");

    // configuration
    byte IODIRA = 0x00; // I/O direction A
    byte IODIRB = 0x01; // I/O direction B
    byte IOCON  = 0x0A; // I/O config
    byte GPIOA  = 0x12; // port A
    byte GPIOB  = 0x13; // port B
    byte GPPUA  = 0x0C; // port A pullups
    byte GPPUB  = 0x0D; // port B pullups
    byte INPUT_PORT  = GPIOB;
    byte INPUT_PULLUPS = GPPUB;        

    // setup SPI for communication
    int fd = Spi.wiringPiSPISetup(0, 10000000);
    if (fd <= -1) {
        System.out.println(" ==>> SPI SETUP FAILED");

    // initialize
    write(IOCON,  0x08);  // enable hardware addressing
    write(GPIOA,  0x00);  // set port A off
    write(IODIRA, 0);     // set port A as outputs
    write(IODIRB, 0xFF);  // set port B as inputs
    write(GPPUB,  0xFF);  // set port B pullups on

    int pins = 1;

    // infinite loop
    while(true) {

        // shift the bit to the left in the A register
        // this will cause the next LED to light up and
        // the current LED to turn off.
        if(pins >= 255)
        write(GPIOA,  (byte)pins);
        pins = pins << 1;

        // read for input changes

public static void write(byte register, int data){

    // send test ASCII message
    byte packet[] = new byte[3];
    packet[0] = WRITE_CMD;  // address byte
    packet[1] = register;  // register byte
    packet[2] = (byte)data;  // data byte

    System.out.println("[TX] " + bytesToHex(packet));
    Spi.wiringPiSPIDataRW(0, packet, 3);
    System.out.println("[RX] " + bytesToHex(packet));

public static void read(byte register){

    // send test ASCII message
    byte packet[] = new byte[3];
    packet[0] = READ_CMD;    // address byte
    packet[1] = register;    // register byte
    packet[2] = 0b00000000;  // data byte

    System.out.println("[TX] " + bytesToHex(packet));
    Spi.wiringPiSPIDataRW(0, packet, 3);
    System.out.println("[RX] " + bytesToHex(packet));

public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
    final char[] hexArray = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
    char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
    int v;
    for ( int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++ ) {
        v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
        hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4];
        hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F];
    return new String(hexChars);





时间: 2024-12-21 13:30:40

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