CDN Business Overview: How to Get a Dominant Physical Presence and Infrastructure In China

Internet use is rising exponentially in China. That's why the demand for fast and reliable resources is more critical than ever, especially for businesses that depend on e-commerce, video streaming, and content downloads. However, due to China's vast geographic size and poor connectivity between carriers which contribute to high network latency, there are many challenges that exist when trying to reach China's fast developing online market.

That's where Alibaba Cloud comes in. 

Alibaba Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) drives success in the Chinese market with the fastest, most secure, and most available network in China. With Alibaba Cloud's dominant physical presence and infrastructure in China, you can quickly scale internet resources as your business grows. What's more is Alibaba Cloud CDN has the best connections to all key Teleco's/ISPs to maximize the performance of your website.

Download the whitepaper now to learn more about one of the world's largest CDNs and how it's high performance and reliability can help improve your website or application's customer experience.

时间: 2024-09-19 09:27:32

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