IsoAlgo --- Component Definition

IsoAlgo --- Component Definition


Keywords: PCF Component Definition, ISOGEN PCF Component Reference Guide


一、PCF  Component Definition

The component definition file defines the layout of the component definition in the PCF file. The contents of the file is documneted in the “PCF Component Reference Guide” and defines which items are obligatory in the output,  and which items are optional.

There must be at least two sections in a definition file: [Component Identifier] and [Mandatory Attributes]. The first gives the name of the ISOGEN component, the second the data required to process the component properly.

Additional sections define attributes that can be added the component definition. These are only added to the definition if corresponding properties are gived.

The Component Identifier section can contain only 1 line, the mandatory section not more than 12 lines.

Example component definition file for pipe:

Figure 1 Example component definition file for pipe


Example component definition file for normal elbow:

Figure 2 Example component defintion file for normal elbow




从PCF Component definition中可以看出,PCF文件中管子部件中哪些数据是必须的,哪些数据是可选的。


部件数据的读取可以将[Component Identifier]作为界限,来读取每个部件的属性数据。




ISOGEN is the registered trademark of ICI plc.

CADDS is the registered trademark of PTC(Parameteric Technology Corporation)

The following Alias documents are used preparing the software:

PCF Format Guide

PCF Component Reference Guide

ISOGEN SKEY Definitions

ISOGEN SKEY Dimensions

时间: 2024-08-03 15:38:38

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