

SYSASM role was introduced in 11gR1 and was designed to administer ASM instances. In 11gR1 , if you connected with SYSDBA role , you used to get a warning which was only recorded in alert log (Refer to my earlier post here). But things have changed in 11gR2. While trying to dismount a Diskgroup, I found following errors:
SQL> alter diskgroup flash_arc mount;
alter diskgroup flash_arc mount
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15260: permission denied on ASM disk group
Above error indicates that I do not have permission on the ASM Diskgroup.  As per 11gR2 documentation, 
SYSASM privilege is used for carrying out administration tasks on ASM Diskgroups. 
SYSDBA privilege can be used only for creating/deleting aliases and querying ASM dictionary views. 
 Frankly speaking(坦白说), you should unlearn the habit of connecting as “/ as sysdba” to ASM instance and learn connecting as “/ as sysasm”

When connected as SYSDBA to the database instance, the Oracle ASM operations are 
limited to: 
■ Create and delete files, aliases, directories, and templates
■ Examine various Oracle ASM instance views
■ Operate on files that were created by this user or only access files to which another 
user had explicitly granted access
■ Granting Oracle ASM File Access Control to other users

2、Oracle ASM的privilege
Using One Operating System Group for Oracle ASM Users:
If you do not want to divide the privileges for system access into separate operating system groups, then you can designate one operating system group as the group whose members are granted access as OSDBA, OSOPER, and OSASM for Oracle ASM privileges. The default operating system group name for all of these is usually dba and  that group is typically chosen for the default configuration

Using Separate Operating System Groups for Oracle ASM Users:
You can designate separate operating system groups as the operating system authentication groups for privileges on Oracle ASM. The following list describes the separate operating system authentication groups for Oracle ASM and the privileges that their members are granted.
此组被授予SYSASM权限,此权限对asm 实例有完全的控制权,比如这个组可以是:asmadmin
oracle ASM的OSDBA组:■ OSDBA for Oracle ASM group
此组被授予在oracle ASM实例的SYSDBA权限,这样就有了访问ASM上存储的数据的权限,这个组有OSASM组的子集。oracle asm的OSDBA组合oracle db的OSDBA组是不一样的,比如db的OSDBA可以是dba,而asm的OSDBA组可以是asmdba。
Oracle asm的 osoper组:OSOPER for Oracle ASM group
这个组在asm实例上被授予SYSOPER权限,提供:启动关闭,mount/dismount,check disk group,This group has a subset of the privileges of the OSASM group. 比如这个组可以是asmoper。
When you implement separate Oracle ASM and database administrator duties, this configuration requires different group and different software owners. Implicitly this implementation requires that the OSASM and OSDBA are different groups. For this 
configuration, you must create an OSDBA for Oracle ASM group and a database instance must be a member of that group to access the Oracle ASM instance.

In an installation that has been configured as Oracle Grid Infrastructure, the Oracle ASM user, such as grid, does not have to be a member of the Oracle Database OSDBA group, such as dba1 or dba2, because the Oracle Clusterware database agent runs as the database owner and can use SYSDBA to connect to the database.

However, in an Oracle Restart configuration, the Oracle ASM user (grid) must be a member of the OSDBA group (dba1, dba2, ...) of every database. This requirement is necessary because Oracle Restart software runs as the Oracle ASM user (grid) and this user must be able to start and stop the databases using the CONNECT / AS SYSDBA 
Additionally, the owner of the operating system disk devices should be the same as the owner of the Oracle ASM software. 

To connect remotely as SYSASM using password authentication with SQL*Plus, use 
the following statement:
sqlplus sys@\"\" AS SYSASM
Enter password:

sqlplus / AS SYSASM

时间: 2024-10-30 15:00:37



Oracle的对象权限.角色权限.系统权限 一.用户与模式     用户:对数据库的访问,需要以适当用户身份通过验证,并具有相关权限来完成一系列动作        SYS用户,缺省始终创建,且未被锁定,拥有数据字典及其关联的所有对象        SYSTEM用户,缺省始终创建,且未被锁定,可以访问数据库内的所有对象     模式(schema):是某个用户拥有所有对象的集合.具有创建对象权限并创建了对象的用户称为拥有某个模式       注意:创建数据库对象(视图,表等)的任一用户都拥有一个以

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oracle resource-Oracle系统权限和角色的问题

问题描述 Oracle系统权限和角色的问题 Oracle的resource角色是不是包含了创建表和对表数据进行增删改查的权限啊?还有就是我赋予了一个用户创建表的系统权限,用户也拥有这个权限了,但是用户无法使用-- 解决方案 resource不包含建表权限,常用的授权grant connect,resource,dba to username 解决方案二: 关于系统中权限和角色设计的问题oracle角色权限,系统权限和对象权限Oracle的对象权限.角色权限.系统权限 解决方案三: Oracle里


Oracle 权限设置 一.权限分类: 系统权限:系统规定用户使用数据库的权限.(系统权限是对用户而言). 实体权限:某种权限用户对其它用户的表或视图的存取权限.(是针对表或视图而言的). 二.系统权限管理: 1.系统权限分类: DBA: 拥有全部特权,是系统最高权限,只有DBA才可以创建数据库结构. RESOURCE:拥有Resource权限的用户只可以创建实体,不可以创建数据库结构. CONNECT:拥有Connect权限的用户只可以登录Oracle,不可以创建实体,不可以创建数据库结构.


1)最重要的区别,存储的数据的重要性不同 [sys]  所有oracle的数据字典的基表和视图都存放在sys用户中,这些基表和视图对于oracle的运行是至关重要的,由数据库自己维护,任何用户都不能手动更改.sys用户拥有dba,sysdba,sysoper等角色或权限,是oracle权限最高的用户. [system]  用户用于存放次一级的内部数据,如oracle的一些特性或工具的管理信息.system用户拥有普通dba角色权限. 2)其次的区别,权限的不同. [system]用户只能用nor


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