mysql-MySQL错误Every derived table must have its own alias


MySQL错误Every derived table must have its own alias

from (select *
from student
where dept_name = 'Comp.Sci.')
natural full outer join
(select *
from takes
where semester = 'Spring' and year = 2009 ) as aa ;

        到底怎么改 T-T




from (select *
from student
where dept_name = 'Comp.Sci.') as bb
natural full outer join
(select *
from takes
where semester = 'Spring' and year = 2009 ) as aa ;



Select distinct(LAC_CI) from (Select LAC_CI from dtdb_sh_test.dt_measurment where callid='04021002ms31310379260576' union Select LAC_CI from dtdb_sh_test.dt_measurment where callid='04021002ms3131......
答案就在这里:MySQL错误:Every derived table must have its own alias

时间: 2024-12-21 23:53:55

mysql-MySQL错误Every derived table must have its own alias的相关文章

MySQL错误:Every derived table must have its own alias

Every derived table must have its own alias 派生表都必须有自己的别名 一般在多表查询时,会出现此错误. 因为,进行嵌套查询的时候子查询出来的的结果是作为一个派生表来进行上一级的查询的,所以子查询的结果必须要有一个别名, 把MySQL语句改成:select count(*) from (select * from --) as total; 问题就解决,虽然只加了一个没有任何作用的别名total,但这个别名是必须的. select name1 name,

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