IsoAlgo Split Point

IsoAlgo Split Point



The impossibility to define the splitting point makes it impossible to generate 

the readable isometrics drawing in some cases. If the drawing is so crowded 

that can not read it clearly, it should add the split point to the drawing.


Key words. IsoAlgo, Isogen, Split Point,


1. Introduction

The impossibility to define the splitting point makes it impossible to generate the readable

isometrics drawing in some cases. If the drawing is so crowded that can not read it clearly,

it should add the split point to the drawing.

Figure 5.1 Crowded isometric drawing


2. Implementation

In PCF there is one identity to indicate the split point:

Figure 5.2 Split Point info in PCF

After split the drawing at the crowed position, will generate more isometric drawings, but 

they are more clearly than before. As the following picture shows that add two split points

automatically to get three isometric drawings. Every isometric drawing is more readable.

Figure 5.3 Split the isometric drawing

3. Conclusion

In order to improve the quality of the isometric drawing, need add split point for crowded

position to get more readable drawings.


IsoAlgo is not finish yet, any feedback or suggestion is welcome, 

please send email to the author:


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时间: 2024-08-02 01:58:20

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split 方法

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