《基于MFC的OpenGL编程》Part 4 Drawing Simple 3D objects


Viewing Volume is nothing but the region of 3D Cartesian space in that will occupy the window. It is nothing but the minimum and maximum x, y and z values that are inside the window. So if a vertex is outside this range of x, y and z values then they are clipped by OpenGL before rendering can occur.

Z Buffer

The new term we have to deal with in addition to width and height of an object in 3D graphics is depth. The depth of an object is its distance from the viewpoint. The viewpoint is the location from which we are looking at that point. This depth value goes into the depth or Z-buffer. If we are drawing 2 objects that have some pixels that overlap, the first object will after it is rendered have its depth value in the depth buffer. When the next object is rendered, OpenGL will check to see whether the pixel it’s about to draw is in front of (with respect to the viewpoint) any pixel from the first object that’s already drawn. It does this by checking the Z value of the current pixel with the value that is already in the buffer. If the new pixel is closer to the viewpoint, OpenGL places its depth value in the depth buffer. This is how the Z-buffer works.


One term we need to understand very well to learn 3D Graphics well is projection. Well, computer graphics at its simplest is all about setting a color to a pixel on screen. And a pixel on a screen can have only two dimensions. So 3D graphics is merely an illusion. The 3D coordinates that we specify will have to be projected onto a 2D surface to create this illusion for us. And we have to specify how this projection works. By specifying a projection we specify the clipping or viewing volume.



BOOL m_bPoint;    //Status of Point
BOOL m_bLine;    //Status of Line
BOOL m_bPolygon;  //Status of Polygon
BOOL m_bTriangle;  //Status of Triangle


  m_bPoint  = FALSE;
  m_bLine    = FALSE;
  m_bPolygon  = FALSE;
  m_bTriangle = FALSE;
  m_bCube      = FALSE;
  m_bTorus    = FALSE;
  m_bTeapot    = FALSE;
  m_bIcosahedron = FALSE;
  m_bSimpleCube = FALSE;


void CCY457OpenGLView::OnObjectsTeapot()
  m_bCube      = FALSE;
  m_bTorus    = FALSE;
  m_bTeapot    = TRUE;
  m_bIcosahedron = FALSE;
  m_bSimpleCube = FALSE;
void CCY457OpenGLView::OnObjectsCube()
  m_bCube      = TRUE;
  m_bTorus    = FALSE;
  m_bTeapot    = FALSE;
  m_bIcosahedron = FALSE;
  m_bSimpleCube = FALSE;
void CCY457OpenGLView::OnObjectsIcosahedron()
  m_bCube      = FALSE;
  m_bTorus    = FALSE;
  m_bTeapot    = FALSE;
  m_bIcosahedron = TRUE;
  m_bSimpleCube = FALSE;
void CCY457OpenGLView::OnObjectsTorus()
  m_bCube      = FALSE;
  m_bTorus    = TRUE;
  m_bTeapot    = FALSE;
  m_bIcosahedron = FALSE;
  m_bSimpleCube = FALSE;

void CCY457OpenGLView::OnObjectsSimplecube()
  m_bCube      = FALSE;
  m_bTorus    = FALSE;
  m_bTeapot    = FALSE;
  m_bIcosahedron = FALSE;
  m_bSimpleCube = TRUE;

时间: 2024-08-03 12:10:40

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