-- 单库迁移升级(场景:原来的数据库在mongo 2.4版本中(端口27016),现在现把它迁移到3.2版本中(端口27017),在迁移升级过程中也有数据的变更)
use test
for(var i=1;i<10000;i++) {db.user.insert({"name":"rudy"+Math.round(Math.random()*1000),"password":"123"+Math.round(Math.random()*100)}) }
Timestamp(Date.parse(new Date())/1000,1);
Timestamp(1463128620, 1)
mongodump -o /tmp/backup/dump`date +%Y%m%d` -d test --port 27016
for(var i=1;i<10;i++) {
var rand=Math.round(Math.random()*1000);
mongorestore -h --port 27017 --dir /tmp/backup/dump20160516/
mongodump -h --port 27016 -d local -c "oplog.rs" -q '{"ns":/^test\\./,ts:{$gte:Timestamp(1463128620, 1)}}' -o /tmp/backup/oplog01/
mongorestore -h --port 27019 -d local -c "oplog.rs" --dir /tmp/backup/oplog01/local/oplog.rs.bson
mongooplog --host= --port 27017 --from
cp /tmp/backup/oplog01/local/oplog.rs.bson /tmp/backup/oplog01/local/oplog.bson
--指定oplogReplay参数对oplog进行重放(注意此时不需要 -d local -c "oplog.rs" 参数,因为其只会把oplog导入到local数据库中,但不对oplog进行重放)
mongorestore -h --port 27017 --oplogReplay --dir /tmp/backup/oplog01/local/
[root@beta tmp]# mongorestore -h --oplogReplay --port 27015 --dir /tmp/dump20160411/
2016-04-11T16:36:14.026+0800 building a list of dbs and collections to restore from /tmp/dump20160411 dir
2016-04-11T16:36:14.039+0800 assuming users in the dump directory are from <= 2.4 (auth version 1)
2016-04-11T16:36:14.040+0800 Failed: the users and roles collections in the dump have an incompatible auth version with target server: cannot restore users of auth version 1 to a server of auth version 5
[root@beta dump20160411]# rm -rf admin/
[root@beta dump20160411]# mongorestore -h --oplogReplay --port 27015 --dir /tmp/dump20160411/
[root@beta mongodb]# du -sh *
35G 27014 (2.4版本)
3.1G 27015 (3.2版本)
Failed: messaging.messageHistory: error creating indexes for messaging.messageHistory: createIndex error: WiredTigerIndex::insert: key too large to index, failing 2001
{ : "环境后台出现错误: org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 4 errors Field error in object 'flightWhiteSearchRequirment' on fi..." }
The total size of an index entry, which can include structural overhead depending on the BSON type, must be less than 1024 bytes.
MongoDB will not create an index on a collection if the index entry for an existing document exceeds the index key limit. Previous versions of MongoDB would create the index but not index such documents.
--查看索引中字段最长的 _id
var max_id=null;
var max_title_length=1;
db.messageHistory.find().forEach(function(doc){if(doc.title.length>max_title_length) {max_title_length=doc.title.length; max_id=doc._id;} });
一是在 mongorestore 中加上 noIndexRestore 不恢复索引,注意此时意味着恢复完成后要手动对每一个数据库的每一个文档重建索引
一是在 编辑 collection.metadata.json 文件,把与那个索引有关的语句删除掉
时间: 2025-01-30 17:49:31