Kororaa 15的第一个beta版本(代号为“Squirt”)已发布,分为32位和64位的KDE和GNOME。
更新到Fedora Remix 15:
·Third party repositories such as RPM">Fusion, Google Chrome, VirtualBox, Adobe Flash, etc
·Full multimedia support (Flash installable via script on desktop)
·Updated Fedora Remix 15
·Customised GNOME 3
·KDE: The Kororaa changes to the program menus and desktop have not been applied, so it’s the default. However, Firefox is still the default browser, and VLC the default video player, etc.
·GNOME: The 32bit version does not have the desktop changes such as applied (64bit is correct). You can use the GNOME Tweak Tool to enable the file manager to control the desktop, and enable the custom desktop theme. Sorry about that!
Kororaa Linux基于让非专业人士更易于使用Linux这一理念而创建。它很长一段时间内都基于Gentoo,但在2010年它转变为一份基于Fedora的自启动运行DVD,并采用定制的KDE作为缺省桌面。它包含有各种各样的调整,以及能让该系统开箱即用的附件。
x86_64 (64 bit) i686 (32 bit) KDE (Live DVD) Download (~1.6GB) Download (~1.6GB) GNOME (Live DVD) Download (~1.4GB) Download (~1.4GB)