ASP URL反编码函数代码_应用技巧

我们在百度中搜索 ,则网址后面的参数就是

response.write urldecode("")
'作 用:URL解码
Function URLDecode(ByVal urlcode)
Dim start,final,length,char,i,butf8,pass
Dim leftstr,rightstr,finalstr
Dim b0,b1,bx,blength,position,u,utf8
On Error Resume Next

b0 = Array(192,224,240,248,252,254)
urlcode = Replace(urlcode,"+"," ")
pass = 0
utf8 = -1

length = Len(urlcode) : start = InStr(urlcode,"%") : final = InStrRev(urlcode,"%")
If start = 0 Or length < 3 Then URLDecode = urlcode : Exit Function
leftstr = Left(urlcode,start - 1) : rightstr = Right(urlcode,length - 2 - final)

For i = start To final
char = Mid(urlcode,i,1)
If char = "%" Then
bx = URLDecode_Hex(Mid(urlcode,i + 1,2))
If bx > 31 And bx < 128 Then
i = i + 2
finalstr = finalstr & ChrW(bx)
ElseIf bx > 127 Then
i = i + 2
If utf8 < 0 Then
butf8 = 1 : blength = -1 : b1 = bx
For position = 4 To 0 Step -1
If b1 >= b0(position) And b1 < b0(position + 1) Then
blength = position
Exit For
End If
If blength > -1 Then
For position = 0 To blength
b1 = URLDecode_Hex(Mid(urlcode,i + position * 3 + 2,2))
If b1 < 128 Or b1 > 191 Then butf8 = 0 : Exit For
butf8 = 0
End If
If butf8 = 1 And blength = 0 Then butf8 = -2
If butf8 > -1 And utf8 = -2 Then i = start - 1 : finalstr = "" : pass = 1
utf8 = butf8
End If
If pass = 0 Then
If utf8 = 1 Then
b1 = bx : u = 0 : blength = -1
For position = 4 To 0 Step -1
If b1 >= b0(position) And b1 < b0(position + 1) Then
blength = position
b1 = (b1 xOr b0(position)) * 64 ^ (position + 1)
Exit For
End If
If blength > -1 Then
For position = 0 To blength
bx = URLDecode_Hex(Mid(urlcode,i + 2,2)) : i = i + 3
If bx < 128 Or bx > 191 Then u = 0 : Exit For
u = u + (bx And 63) * 64 ^ (blength - position)
If u > 0 Then finalstr = finalstr & ChrW(b1 + u)
End If
b1 = bx * &h100 : u = 0
bx = URLDecode_Hex(Mid(urlcode,i + 2,2))
If bx > 0 Then
u = b1 + bx
i = i + 3
If Left(urlcode,1) = "%" Then
u = b1 + Asc(Mid(urlcode,i + 3,1))
i = i + 2
u = b1 + Asc(Mid(urlcode,i + 1,1))
i = i + 1
End If
End If
finalstr = finalstr & Chr(u)
End If
pass = 0
End If
End If
finalstr = finalstr & char
End If
URLDecode = leftstr & finalstr & rightstr
End Function

Function URLDecode_Hex(ByVal h)
On Error Resume Next
h = "&h" & Trim(h) : URLDecode_Hex = -1
If Len(h) <> 4 Then Exit Function
If isNumeric(h) Then URLDecode_Hex = cInt(h)
End Function

时间: 2024-08-01 21:01:25

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作为一个程序员,在完成设计后还要根据程序的情况以及用户的反映不断对程序进行改进,这样才能不断地完善自己的作品.笔者在制作完软件商务网的论坛后,发现人们总喜欢在帖子中加上各种有用的URL链接或Email地址.而笔者当初设计时没有考虑到这一点,使得这些URL链接或Email地址只能以文字的形式而并不是以超链接的形式显示,其它浏览帖子的人还必须把这些URL链接拷贝到浏览器中或把Email地址拷贝到Outlook中才能转到相应的链接地址或发送电子邮件到相应的Email地址. 发现这个问题后,笔者即着手进


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