NET中打印包含有格式的 RichTextBox 的内容


本文逐步说明如何打印 RichTextBox 控件的内容。RichTextBox 控件不提供打印其内容的方法。但是,您可以扩展 RichTextBox 类以使用 EM_FORMATRANGE 消息。然后,您可以将 RichTextBox 的内容发送到某个输出设备,例如打印机。

创建 RichTextBoxPrintCtrl 控件
要扩展 RichTextBox 类并使用 EM_FORMATRANGE 来打印 RichTextBox 控件的内容,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 使用 Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 新建一个名为 RichTextBoxPrintCtrl 的类库项目。

默认情况下,将创建 Class1.vb。
2. 将 Class1.vb 文件的名称更改为 RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.vb。
3. 在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击“引用”,然后单击“添加引用”。
4. 在添加引用对话框中,双击“System.Drawing.dll”,然后双击“System.Windows.Forms.dll”。
5. 要添加引用,请单击“确定”。
6. 删除“RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.vb”中的现有节点。
7. 将以下代码复制到“RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.vb”中:
Option Explicit On

Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Drawing.Printing

Namespace RichTextBoxPrintCtrl
Public Class RichTextBoxPrintCtrl
Inherits RichTextBox
' Convert the unit that is used by the .NET framework (1/100 inch)
' and the unit that is used by Win32 API calls (twips 1/1440 inch)
Private Const AnInch As Double = 14.4

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Private Structure RECT
Public Left As Integer
Public Top As Integer
Public Right As Integer
Public Bottom As Integer
End Structure

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Private Structure CHARRANGE
Public cpMin As Integer ' First character of range (0 for start of doc)
Public cpMax As Integer ' Last character of range (-1 for end of doc)
End Structure

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Private Structure FORMATRANGE
Public hdc As IntPtr ' Actual DC to draw on
Public hdcTarget As IntPtr ' Target DC for determining text formatting
Public rc As Rect ' Region of the DC to draw to (in twips)
Public rcPage As Rect ' Region of the whole DC (page size) (in twips)
Public chrg As CHARRANGE ' Range of text to draw (see above declaration)
End Structure

Private Const WM_USER As Integer = &H400
Private Const EM_FORMATRANGE As Integer = WM_USER + 57

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "USER32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Integer, ByVal wp As IntPtr, ByVal lp As IntPtr) As IntPtr

' Render the contents of the RichTextBox for printing
'Return the last character printed + 1 (printing start from this point for next page)
Public Function Print(ByVal charFrom As Integer, ByVal charTo As Integer, ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs) As Integer

' Mark starting and ending character
cRange.cpMin = charFrom
cRange.cpMax = charTo

' Calculate the area to render and print
Dim rectToPrint As RECT
rectToPrint.Top = e.MarginBounds.Top * AnInch
rectToPrint.Bottom = e.MarginBounds.Bottom * AnInch
rectToPrint.Left = e.MarginBounds.Left * AnInch
rectToPrint.Right = e.MarginBounds.Right * AnInch

' Calculate the size of the page
Dim rectPage As RECT
rectPage.Top = e.PageBounds.Top * AnInch
rectPage.Bottom = e.PageBounds.Bottom * AnInch
rectPage.Left = e.PageBounds.Left * AnInch
rectPage.Right = e.PageBounds.Right * AnInch

Dim hdc As IntPtr = e.Graphics.GetHdc()

fmtRange.chrg = cRange ' Indicate character from to character to
fmtRange.hdc = hdc ' Use the same DC for measuring and rendering
fmtRange.hdcTarget = hdc ' Point at printer hDC
fmtRange.rc = rectToPrint ' Indicate the area on page to print
fmtRange.rcPage = rectPage ' Indicate whole size of page

Dim res As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero

Dim wparam As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
wparam = New IntPtr(1)

' Move the pointer to the FORMATRANGE structure in memory
Dim lparam As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
lparam = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(fmtRange))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(fmtRange, lparam, False)

' Send the rendered data for printing
res = SendMessage(Handle, EM_FORMATRANGE, wparam, lparam)

' Free the block of memory allocated

' Release the device context handle obtained by a previous call

' Return last + 1 character printer
Return res.ToInt32()
End Function

End Class
End Namespace

8. 要创建“RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.dll”,请在“生成”菜单上单击“生成解决方案”。

要测试该控件,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 使用 Visual Basic .NET 新建一个 Windows 应用程序项目。

默认情况下,将创建 Form1.vb。
2. 从工具箱中,将一个按钮拖到 Form1 上。将名称更改为 btnPageSetup,然后将“文本”更改为页面设置。
3. 从工具箱中,将另一个按钮拖到 Form1 上。将名称更改为 btnPrintPreview,然后将“文本”更改为打印预览。
4. 从工具箱中,将另一个按钮拖到 Form1 上。将名称更改为 btnPrint,然后将“文本”更改为打印。
5. 在工具箱中,依次双击“PrintDialog”、“PrintPreviewDialog”和“PrintDocument”,然后双击“PageSetupDialog”将这些控件添加到 Form1 中。
6. 将“PrintDialog1”、“PrintPreviewDialog1”和“PageSetupDialog1”的 Document 属性修改为PrintDocument1。
7. 在“工具”菜单上,单击“自定义工具箱”。
8. 单击“.NET Framework 组件”,单击“浏览”,单击以选择“RichTextBoxPrintCtrl.dll”,然后单击“确定”。
9. 从工具箱中,将“RichTextBoxPrintCtrl”拖到 Form1 上。
10. 在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击“Form1.vb”,然后单击“查看代码”。
11. 将以下代码添加到 Form1 类中:
Private checkPrint As Integer

Private Sub PrintDocument1_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.BeginPrint
checkPrint = 0
End Sub

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage
' Print the content of the RichTextBox. Store the last character printed.
checkPrint = RichTextBoxPrintCtrl1.Print(checkPrint, RichTextBoxPrintCtrl1.TextLength, e)

' Look for more pages
If checkPrint < RichTextBoxPrintCtrl1.TextLength Then
e.HasMorePages = True
e.HasMorePages = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btnPageSetup_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPageSetup.Click.Click
End Sub

Private Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click
If PrintDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btnPrintPreview_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrintPreview.Click
End Sub

12. 要运行该应用程序,请单击“调试”菜单上的“开始”。
13. 在“RichTextBoxPrintCtrl”中键入文本。
14. 要设置页面设置,请单击“页面设置”。
15. 要预览该页,请单击“打印预览”。
16. 要打印“RichTextBoxPrintCtrl”的内容,请单击“打印”。

时间: 2024-12-06 13:59:39

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