Description Resource Path Location Type Java compiler level does not match the version of the instal

Description Resource Path Location Type Java compiler level does not match the version of the instal的相关文章

java compiler level does not match the version of the installed java project facet

java compiler level does not match the version of the installed java project facet错误的解决 因工作的关系,Eclipse开发的Java项目拷来拷去,有时候会报一个很奇怪的错误.明明源码一模一样,为什么项目复制到另一台机器上,就会报"java compiler level does not match the version of the installed java project facet"错误呢?

eclipse提示java compiler level does not match the version of the installed java

    eclipse提示"Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed java project facet"的解决办法:     在项目的根目录下有个.settings文件夹,用文本编辑软件打开.settings文件夹下的org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml文件,修改其中的<installed facet="java" v

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使用Eclipse开发工具如何解决Java Compiler中Annotation Processin不出现的问题_java

很多做安卓开发的跟我一样,用的IDE可能都是从谷歌安卓官网上下载的ADT Bundle的Eclipse吧,确实这样很方便,解压出来就直接能用.但是前段时间遇到一个问题,本来打算用一下ButterKnife这个注入框架,但不光是把jar包扔进项目libs文件夹中就完了,还要求在项目右键的preference里找到Java Compiler,展开后在Annotation Processing节点下配置一些东西. 但是我展开Java Compiler后就傻眼了..根本就没有Annotation Pro