PHP 增加了对 .ZIP 文件的读取功能

This module uses the functions of the ZZIPlib library by Guido Draheim to transparently read ZIP compressed archives and the files inside them.
这个模块使用 ZZIPlib 库(Guido Draheim)来读取 ZIP 压缩文档和里面的文件

Please note that ZZIPlib only provides a subset of functions provided in a full implementation of the ZIP compression algorithm and can only read ZIP file archives. A normal ZIP utility is needed to create the ZIP file archives read by this library.
请注意:这个库只是ZIP所有扩展功能的一个子集,只能读取 ZIP 文档里面的内容。一个普通的 ZIP 环境需要能创建 ZIP 文档

Zip support in PHP is not enabled by default. You will need to use the --with-zip configuration option when compiling PHP to enable zip support. This module requires ZZIPlib version >= 0.10.6.
PHP 没有默认支持 ZIP,你需要使用 --with-zip 配置编译你的 PHP.这个模块需要 ZZPIlib 版本>=0.10.6

Note: Zip support before PHP 4.0.7 is experimental. This section reflects the Zip extension as it exists in PHP 4.0.7 and later.
注意:zip在 4.0.7之前是测试的。这一章写的是 php4.0.7 和以后版本的东西

Example Usage
This example opens a ZIP file archive, reads each file in the archive and prints out its contents. The test2.php archive used in this example is one of the test archives in the ZZIPlib source distribution.

Example 1. Zip Usage Example


$zip = zip_open("/tmp/");

if ($zip) {

while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
echo "Name: " . zip_entry_name($zip_entry) . " ";
echo "Actual Filesize: " . zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry) . " ";
echo "Compressed Size: " . zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry) . " ";
echo "Compression Method: " . zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry) . " ";

if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
echo "File Contents: ";
$buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
echo "$buf ";

echo " ";





时间: 2024-09-12 02:20:11

PHP 增加了对 .ZIP 文件的读取功能的相关文章

PHP 增加了对 .ZIP 文件的读取功能_php基础

This module uses the functions of the ZZIPlib library by Guido Draheim to transparently read ZIP compressed archives and the files inside them. 这个模块使用 ZZIPlib 库(Guido Draheim)来读取 ZIP 压缩文档和里面的文件 Please note that ZZIPlib only provides a subset of funct


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问题描述 java从sftp上下载到本地磁盘的zip文件读取不了,请大家帮忙解答下,谢谢! 从sftp上下载到本地的zip文件是没问题的,用压缩工具打开能查看里面的文件,为什么就是读取不了呢? java从sftp下载zip文件到本地磁盘代码: import; import java.util.Date; import; import com.jcraft.jsch