
Flash enabled designers and developers to deliver rich content over the browsers, creating motion, interactivity and an impressive visual experience. Good Flash-sites do not require too much bandwidth, load fast and allow for a smooth interaction; besides, beautiful Flash-based sites are Photoshop masterpieces, transporting some kind of reality and fantasy to the Flash movie.

In the showcase below we present 50 colorful, creative, interactive and beautiful Flash-based web-sites. Hopefully they will serve you as an inspiration for your future works or just entertain you on a lousy, boring Sunday.

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Drinks Sites

Martini Asti
This Martini site is a nice example of giving a fresh image of a drink. The navigation is made simple, the graphics have superior quality, it loads fast and runs smoothly. What else does a Flash site need? Note due to the law on alcoholic drinks, you need to enter an e-mail address, a password of your choice and accept their terms.

Glacéau - Vitaminwater
The vitamin water site is full of motion and small details like the top menu, with a colored wave effect, the mouse movement, the masks effects and swirls which make it great.

Bacardi - Original Mojito (currently offline)
The motion graphics and the water effects in slow motion give a unique style to this site. A fresh site, with a colored menu with a drag option, makes it functional and simple. Note: due to the law on alcoholic drinks, you need to enter an e-mail address, a password of your choice and accept their terms.


v5 Design
Beautiful landscape with some nice details such us the sun and butterflies. The old paper effect when opening from the menu, and the mask effect over the green plants give it a special touch.

The Sensisoft site offers a nice interaction for users. The vortex effect while changing from path, the motion graphics in the background, the high quality and details of the graphics make it a great design agency site.

Mauricio Guimarães Portfolio
Mauricio portfolio is a good example of creativity. Instead of the ordinary menu, he uses a kind of parallax movieclip, where the user must interact with the stage to explore the site.

Colorchakra - Portfolio of Srinath Rangamani
A colored background with high quality graphics.

Magnivate Interactive Boutique Agency
A nice animated site. One particular feature on this site is that you need to set a character to explore the site.

e-Content Solutions
This studio portfolio starts with a nice and unusual preloader, a kind of puzzle which interacts on mouse rollover. Another kind of interaction is user’s ability to explode the balloons.

Ari´s Labs. The Digital Home of Graphic Designer Ari Hirvonen
The high quality of motion graphics, conception and the functional layout makes this site a good example of what a Flash portfolio should look like.

Edwin Murat Ganter Portfolio
A simple and creative layout. Not common, but still practical and easy to use.

Color effects and 3D layout on this site are remarkable. However, it could be improved with some motion graphics and page transition effects.

Infinit Colours
This site gives the user the option to change the background between beautiful high quality designs. The menu is also a creative alternative to deliver some interactivity.

Infographiste Indépendant
Another creative portfolio, full of interactivity and motion graphics. The background image is great.

A great Generative Art example which requires the user to interact with the stage.

On this site you can use the character to move along. The graphic element is great and the concept it unusual.

A great creative portfolio, using an unusual layout.

Agence Secondlife
At a first glance this site needs the user to interact with it in order to move forward. Rather than the graphics quality, this site creates a 3D globe, full of color which is a creative option to move around the site.

Digaworks Corporation

Zign Marketing Digital


Elipse Agency

Matt Wiggins Portfolio

Lilia Planet


时间: 2024-09-11 15:10:24



吸取来自大自然的灵感,用天然的素材点缀设计网站风格,不仅可以给用户一个亲近的感觉,而且可以让网站与众不同,给用户深刻的视觉印象.下面就是50个自然风的网站设计实例,在炎炎夏日,你能不喜欢这样心旷神怡的自然风嘛! 84colors Ecoki Envira Media Crepes Tapada Nacional de Mafra Mad Monkey Beautiful E-mail Newsletters OdNowa Imprimerie Villière Kirdan


我一直敬佩能做出如此出色的动画网站的达人,他们不仅有很好的技术,更有独特的创意. 本文收集了国外30个非常非常漂亮的使用Flash制作的网站,强烈推荐动画设计师前去围观.我一直敬佩能做出如此出色的动画网站的达人,他们不仅有很好的技术,更有独特的创意.如果你有将很酷的中文动画网站设计,欢迎提交给我们. 1. Cubic 2. Miki Mottes 3. Soft 4. I Am Always Hungry 5. WaterLife 6. Kenjiro Harigai 7. Smart Grid


今天我们将展示一些非常有创意的Flash网站.尽管由于可用性和易用性的原因,Flash平台常常不被赞赏,但是使用Flash还是有很多优势的.Flash网站在所有的操作系统的所有浏览器中表现是一致的,你不用考虑浏览器的兼容性.利用Flash你可以让你的网站更动态话.更有吸引力和更具交互性. 大部分设计师和开发者使用Flash创建广告.交互网站.离线演示.屏保.游戏以及RIA(富互联网应用).现在,Flash CS5已经快要出来了,据说会在2010年的4月份发布.你可以了解一下Flash CS5的一


这是非常惊人的冷静冲浪周围三维闪光灯网站. 与震撼的视觉体验和难以置信的使用者之间的相互作用,尽管闪存肯定不是最喜欢的媒介无障碍,但它使网络与功能,闪光使设计者和开发者提供丰富的内容的浏览器,创造运动,互动性以及令人印象深刻的视觉经验, 这里是收集最闪光的网站, 3D环境和3D界面,请务必将您的一位发言者,因为大多数这些Flash网站使用的是冷静的音频以及.(这些网站将需要多一点带宽,请耐心等待,而该网站负载,这些网站是值得的等待时间) 1.) Comcast Town 2.) Markez M


我曾经找遍整个网络以尝试找到一些简洁而结构良好的网站实例,这可能是一个独特的布局或者只是使用一些好的排版.间距简单的呈现出来,或者是网站的给人的第一印象,这里只是一些我喜欢的. 从这些网站实例中我们很容易发现一些特性,比如大空白.巨大而且漂亮的图片.对比鲜明的色彩.主色调为浅色(白色或者浅灰).以及网格化布局等. Brian Hoff Kyle Steed Spoon Graphics Sushi and Robots New To York Adrian Pelletier Ribbons o


纵观历史,伟大的设计者总是发现新的方法来展示他们的创意从而表达自己,对设计的定义更为关键的是在现在的条件下创造出一种新的和用户沟通的方式;没有"好","坏"的设计.他们总是定义为"不同". 所以你怎么能确保你的设计是比您的竞争对手的更好那?你怎么能让你的用户的注意您的产品(UCD)?在这里,我们也许可以帮助企业找到一些思路,这里我们挑选了45个良好UCD的企业网站. 01. 2udoku 02. Sprinklepenny 03. Scorelo


纹理这几年已经变得越来越流行了,而且被更好的应用了.当然它们并没有被限制在网站设计方面:各种纹理也被广泛应用于印刷设计.插图.传统艺术.电视广告-只要你想到的地方!纹理是给你的设计增加深度的最佳方式之一,无论它是在简洁的矢量插画上的隐约的噪点还是跨越一个布局的涂鸦. 在过去的几周,我们收集了众多漂亮的纹理网站设计实例以启发你,夏满就是收集的一小撮链接,可以帮助你开始在你自己的设计中使用纹理. 使用纹理的网站设计 Loukotka FT Designer Cole & Weber Jason Ju


简约成熟的形象一直是流行的设计风格.在网页设计网站的最低限度的剥夺了视觉效果和幻想色彩或效果的衣服,离开底层结构暴露出来.在一个美丽的最低限度的网站的关键是牢固和结构布局,以及侧重于时尚和设计好的版式.这50例子展示最好的最小的网站设计实例. Chama Kyle Steed David Arias Finch Site Inspire elCandor Corporate Rick Watch Black Estate Fellswoop Jason Santa Maria Design Ho


创造性的利用色彩渐变.照明效果.发光效果,以及比如插入像素分割的细节操作,可以产生一个漂亮的和令人印象深刻的网站设计.在决定一个色彩模板的时候,设计师通常要么选择一个暗色系色盘,要么选择一个亮色系色盘,而在本文中,你将看到的是亮色网站设计. 本次收集展示一批可以启发你的设计灵感的杰出和华美的发光.闪亮.有光泽的网站设计实例. X3 Studios Kompakt Saturized studio Digitalmash MULTIWAYS