
With these priority tasks, you need to remove any friction that slows the user’s progress. Call-to-action buttons can be a good way of doing this. They look great, but the reason you’re using them is to grab the user’s attention.

Choosing your words carefully

Buttons are for actions, like ‘Get a quote’, ‘Download’, ‘Open an account’, ‘Go to checkout’. The text on the button should begin with a verb. Otherwise it’s not a call-to-action, it’s just a button with some text on it. ‘More information’ for example, is not a call-to-action.

Think about what your user would say if you asked him what he was trying to do. If he would say, ”I want to compare the price” then ‘Compare the price’ is what you write on the button. These are what Jared Spool calls ‘trigger words’.

Using the right words reduces the friction of your key tasks. The most common wording problems are caused when organizations use different words than their customers. Here are some examples:

Organization says User says
Price estimate Quote
Procurement Buying
Fees Costs
Apply for an account Open an account

Cultural subtleties can be the cause of task friction as well. Look at the difference between these two buttons.

Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk comparison.

British people use trolleys (carts) or baskets when in real stores, so in the UK, Amazon calls the ‘Shopping Cart’ the ‘Shopping Basket’. In a usability test, it’s unlikely that a UK participant would be unable to find the ‘Shopping cart’ button. But ‘Shopping Basket’ reduces the friction in the task.


The effectiveness of your call-to-action button will be affected by your choice of position for it. The example below from Virgin Money has an effective call-to-action. Emphasis is gained by removing clutter from the page and placing the button in the content area.

On lower level pages the button appears on the right-hand-side which is not ideal, but the lack of clutter makes it still clear (below).

If we put ourselves in our user’s shoes, it’s possible to see a point of friction on this page. If I’m considering this credit card and I’m on the costs page, I’m probably going to look at all of the costs. To do this I need to scroll down. Look what happens when I do this (below). The button is gone. Virgin Money is missing a trick here by not repeating the button at the bottom of the page.

If I want to, I will find the ‘Apply online’ button. But its disappearance causes friction and when you’re dealing in large numbers of potential customers, that friction means lost sales.

Use of color

Color is very important when trying to create emphasis. I wrote a post on my blog that recommended you let your hyperlinks shine. Well, your call-to-action buttons should shine even brighter. After all, if you’re using them correctly, these buttons will take people to the most important stuff.

The color you choose for your button can affect its usefulness. The example below is my profile page on LinkedIn.com (I know, a face only a mother could love).

My profile page from LinkedIn.com

The ‘View Full Profile’ button is the one button that LinkedIn want you to click above everything else. When you do so, you’ll be prompted to create an account and this is what they want you to do.

The button on LinkedIn page has a unique color that isn’t shared with any other part of the design. On a page with lots of information, this button still stands out.

Swinton Car Insurance

It’s not always necessary to reserve a color solely for your call-to-action button. But it’s best not to over-use your button color elsewhere in the design. The page on the right is from Swinton Insurance.

Lots of blue on the page makes the ‘Quote’ button difficult to see. I actually scrolled right past it the first time I looked at this page. If they’d made it orange, it would be a lot better.


Size matters when you’re trying to reduce the friction in your key task. Fitts’ Law tells us that the time taken to point at an object is directly influenced by the size of that object. So big is beautiful when creating a call-to-action button.

Firefox Page on Mozilla.com

The size of button you choose can be dictated by the button’s importance over everything else on the page. Take the Firefox page for example, Mozilla don’t mess around with subtlety here.

Sub-consciously, a good design communicates priority to us. With one massive button on the page, that priority is obvious. But size can be used a little more subtlely when our page has 2 call-to-action buttons on it.

In order to illustrate my point, I’ve been messing about with the Twitter homepage (below). I have removed a call-to-action for ‘Watch a video’ and made the ‘Get Started Now’ button a bit smaller than it actually is.

No video Button

With only one call-to-action button, ‘Get Started Now’ Works well. The contrasting green makes it stand out from the page. However, there is a video you can watch if you want to see Twitter in action. I’ve added the button back in on the example below . It’s more difficult to get a sense of the page’s priorities. The two buttons are competing.

With the Video Button

The video button enjoys the best contrast but the’Get Started Now’ button enjoys better positioning. Something else is required to tip the balance in favor of the ‘Get Started Now’ button.

On the actual homepage, Twitter uses size to do this…

The actual Twitter homepage

The ‘Get started Now’ button now has priority. The design tells us that it’s the most important bit. If we’re not ready to get started, then ‘Watch a video’ is the next thing we are told to look at.

There is an added benefit of using size here. Some of us can’t tell red from green. It is the most common type of color-blindness. So some people will see both of these buttons as being a similar color.

Avoid overkill-to-action

Providing good contrast requires restraint on the part of the designer. Every call-to-action button you add to a page reduces the impact of the ones that already exist. Try to avoid smothering your page in call-to-action buttons and you will preserve the emphasis of your important tasks.

The example on the right comes from TD Waterhouse’s UK site. Notice how the ultra-important ‘Open an account’ button is smothered by login buttons. When your user is already an account holder they aren’t going to leave your website because they can’t instantly find the login. If they get distracted, they will still be a customer.

However the potential customer who gets distracted may never return.

What difference does it make?

A company called Maxymiser released a case study last year from one of their UK clients to demonstrate the value of their multivariate testing service. The results were very interesting and showed how seemingly subtle changes can make a big difference.

This is their new shopping basket page (see image on right).

Laura Ashley arrived at this design following mulivariate testing of 5 different options on their live website, including their original one. This page enjoyed 11% more clickthroughs to the checkout page than the company’s original basket page.

One of the other options tested was practically identical to this one. The only real differences being:

  • The "update shopping bag" link was a grey button, placed in-between the 2 buttons shown here.
  • The "Go to checkout" button was dark gray instead of green

It too was more successful than the original page but enjoyed only 3% more clickthroughs. These 2 apparently minor differences, equated to a significant difference (7% uplift) in the number of people proceeding to checkout.

时间: 2024-10-26 19:49:22



  是时候为网页设计师的来一组便捷的辅助工具了.日新月异的网页技术革新催生了大量的设计与开发工具,HTML5/CSS3几乎成了设网页设计师的必修课,而强大的JS也为网页提供了更多的可能性.尤其是HTML5,作为一门极为有用且实用的标记语言,它赋予网页设计师创造更优秀网页的可能. 这也是为什么,身为网页设计师的你需要不停地了解最新的技术趋势和新兴工具,这些全新的库.框架.插件和技术能让你的网页如虎添翼. HTML5使得设计师和开发者在各个不同领域都比之前更强大了.快速,漂亮,安全,响应式,这些特性


设计|素质|网页|网页设计 网页设计是一门新兴的边缘性的行业,在网络产生以后应运而生.网页如门面,小到个人主页,大到大公司.大的政府部门以及国际组织等在网络上无不以网页作为自己的门面.当点击到网站时,首先映入眼帘的是该网页的界面设计,如内容的介绍.按钮的摆放.文字的组合.色彩的应用.使用的引导等等.这一切都是网页设计的范畴,都是网页设计师的工作. 作为一名网页设计师,首先要具备审美的能力,而网页设计就相当于平面设计,网页设计师可以将平面设计中的审美观点套用到这上面来(其区别是动态网页的制作是平面


设计|网页|网页设计 风格一词在词典上的解释是"气度.作风:某一时期流行的一种艺术形式".具体到网页设计的基础上,网页设计师的风格就是在运用自己的所拥有的手段,包括所拥有的审美的素质.应用软件的能力.以及感受生活的敏锐的觉察力,来建立起自己独特的设计形式.独特的作风.从这个概念出发,设计师就应该有自己的风格. 在网络如此发达的今天,网页也是五花八门,千奇百怪,但是作为一个设计师的地位还没有得到应有的提升,造成今天的网页设计师的风格没有真正的得以体现,使网页的设计在一个低层次的水平上重复


行动召唤在网页设计中--尤其是在用户体验方面--是一个描述在网页中用于诱导用户行为的元素的术语.在网站界面中,最流行的行动召唤的表现是出现在点击表单按钮.完成一个行动(比如"Buy this now!")或使用附加信息带到一个页面(比如"Learn more -")等请求用户来采取行动的地方. 我们如何创建有效的行动召唤按钮来吸引用户的注意并引诱他们点击?我们将在本文中通过分享一些有效的设计技术和查看一些实例来尝试回答这个问题. 有效的行动召唤按钮的最佳实践 设计行


随着公司影响力的壮大和产品的不断提升,相关的形象设计要逐步跟得上,需要逐渐提升,所以就招一个应届生网页设计师,算是一块成长.应届生有拼劲.肯学,但也好高骛远,起点都差不多,如何培养网页设计师就变得至关重要了.总结自己接触和学习设计的一点经验与大家分享,希望得到大家更多的建议. 一.配色 其实对色彩的感觉是设计师应具备的最基本素质,其作品不管是对网页界面.系统界面.还是产品包装等等都有广泛应用.基本的一些理论,什么冷暖色.对比色/补色.色彩心理.搭配原则等等,满大街都是,有意者随便搜一两篇看看就行


网页设计是一门新兴的边缘性的行业,在网络产生以后应运而生.网页如门面,小到个人主页,大到大公司.大的政府部门以及国际组织等在网络上无不以网页作为自己的门面.当点击到网站时,首先映入眼帘的是该网页的界面设计,如内容的介绍.按钮的摆放.文字的组合.色彩的应用.使用的引导等等.这一切都是网页设计的范畴,都是网页设计师的工作. 作为一名网页设计师,首先要具备审美的能力,而网页设计就相当于平面设计,网页设计师可以将平面设计中的审美观点套用到这上面来(其区别是动态网页的制作是平面设计不能达到的,它是一种审美


  编者按:互联网的诞生本就是一个奇迹,作为其中最重要的载体之一,网页就是这个大时代最重要的缩影,相关技术.设计伴随着信息共享催动着整个时代滚滚向前.这是一段简短的网页设计发展史,我们可以看到技术.设计与思想的演进,看到无数有识之士改变世界的剪影.本文作者是网站Froont.com的联合创始人Sandijs Ruluks. 当我发现设计网页有多投机取巧的方法之时,就逐渐开始对手打网页代码失去兴趣.的确,许多网页设计的问题并不止一种解决方案,但是很少有方案能解决所有的浏览器兼容性问题.最令我纳闷的


  @Akane_Lee :不少做平面的设计师想转行走网页设计这条路,做网页和做平面是完全不同的思维,加上还要熟悉或了解html和CSS代码,所以就很考验设计师的自学能力了.而且还有一点,我们在设计网页的过程中,并不是你想怎么设计都可以的,还要考虑编码实现和用户体验.那么今天我们就来和您聊聊,想转型成为网页设计师,需要必备的一些技能知识点: Photoshop Illustrator HTML CSS Responsive 加分:Bootstrap.Sass.Compass.Susy-等,会套用


  你喜欢篮球吗?如果你爱好篮球又恰好是的网页设计师,那么你可能会很喜欢Dribbble这个社区~如果你不喜欢运动,没关系,宅男还有电脑陪,Dribbble更是基友的不二人选,你可以向他吐露你的心事,秀作品,分享你生活工作的点点滴滴~ Dribbble(没错,中间有三个B)是一个由许多设计师和他们分享的日常工作截图组成的社区,这个网站的名字基于篮球,但是他也不会强制要求你必须是个狂热的篮球粉丝. Dribbble在功能上与推特相似,但是他主要集中在设计方面.比如说,在推特上你会问别人"你在干嘛呢