' File: GetDriveX.vbs (WSH sample in VBScript)
' Author: (c) G. Born
' Showing the properties of a drive by using
' FileSystemObject
Option Explicit
' Drive type constants
Const Unknown = 0
Const Removable = 1 ' Removable medium
Const Fixed = 2 ' Fixed medium (hard disk)
Const Remote = 3 ' Network drive
Const CDROM = 4 ' CD-ROM
Const RAMDisk = 5 ' RAM disk
Dim Text, Title, drive
Dim fso, oDrive ' Object variable
Dim drtype(6)
drtype(0) = " Unknown "
drtype(1) = " Removable "
drtype(2) = " Fixed "
drtype(3) = " Remote "
drtype(4) = " CDROM "
drtype(5) = " RAMDisk "
Text = "Drive" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Title = "WSH sample - by G. Born"
drive = ""
Do ' Query drive letter.
drive = InputBox("Drive letter (e.g. A)", "Drive", "C")
If drive = "" Then ' Test for Cancel button.
End If
drive = Left(drive, 1) ' Extract drive letter.
' Valid drive name (between A and Z)?
If Asc(UCase(drive)) < Asc("A") Or _
Asc(UCase(drive)) > Asc("Z") Then
MsgBox "Drive " & drive & " is illegal"
drive = ""
End If
Loop Until drive <> ""
' Create FileSystemObject object to access the file system.
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Check whether drive exists.
If (Not fso.DriveExists(drive)) Then
WScript.Echo "The drive " & drive & " doesn't exist"
End If
Set oDrive = fso.GetDrive(drive) ' Get Drive object.
If (oDrive.IsReady) Then
Text = Text & UCase(drive) & " - " & oDrive.VolumeName & vbCrLf
Text = Text & "Drive type: " & drtype(oDrive.DriveType) & vbCrLf
Text = Text & "File system: " & oDrive.FileSystem & vbCrLf
Text = Text + "Capacity: " & _
FormatNumber(oDrive.TotalSize/(1024*1024), 0) & _
" MB" & vbCrLf
Text = Text & "Free: " & FormatNumber(oDrive.FreeSpace/1024, 0) _
& " KB" & vbCrLf
Text = Text & "Drive not ready" & vbCrLf
End If
MsgBox Text, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Title
'*** End