LiVES 是一个简单易用但">功能强大的视频效果、编辑、转换和播放系统,其目的是用于数字视频艺术家和VJ。它采用了常用的工具(Mplayer,ImageMagick,GTK +),因此它能在大多数操作平台上运行,包括:Unix、BSD,Mac OS X/Darwin、 IRIX和openMosix。LiVES 支持大部份的视频类型,带有完全可扩展的插件。它也可以使用OSC的远程控制。
LiVES 1.4.5版本更新说明:
* Add -tmpdir startup option.
* Stop PAL formats reverting to NTSC in x264 encoder.
* Fix bug to add fewer blank lines to ~/.lives file.
* Do not show "Loaded subtitles" message when subtitles are not loaded.
* Instant opening of some .flv files.
* Move correct pointer (start or end) when the timeline is clicked in longer files.
* Add video fade in/out effect.
* Fix frames being cut after applying effects in virtual clips.
* Clean up code for rendered effects post-processing.
* Clean up code for dynamic menu building.
* Front end stability fixes.
* Mouse scroll now switches clips in the play window too.