来自 quora 的问题 What is the best career advice for a software developer to earn higher salary 觉得有些建议很中肯,挑一些翻译过来. 首先奉上最快速的薪水翻倍建议: 直接过来北上你的薪水就能翻一倍.(但是很可能你的生活成本也会提高一倍.^_^) 好了,不开玩笑,进入正题. One thing i can say, no matter what position i was in or what was my s
来自 quora 的问题 (What is the best career advice for a software developer to earn higher salary ) 觉得有些建议很中肯,挑一些翻译过来. 译文地址:http://www.jianshu.com/p/167214b9d1bf 首先奉上最快速的薪水翻倍建议: 直接过来北上你的薪水就能翻一倍.(但是很可能你的生活成本也会提高一倍.^_^) 好了,不开玩笑,进入正题. One thing i can say, no