
pkg-config is computer software that provides a unified interface for querying installed libraries for the purpose of compiling software from its source code. pkg-config was originally designed for Linux but is now also available for the various BSDs, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Solaris.

It outputs various information about installed libraries. This information may include:

Parameters for C or C++ compiler

Parameters for linker

Version of the package in question

The first implementation was written in shell. Later, it was rewritten in C using the GLib library.



When a library is installed (automatically through the use of an RPM, deb, or other binary packaging system or by compiling from the source), a .pc file should be included and placed into a directory with other .pc files (the exact directory is dependent upon your system and outlined in the pkg-config man page). This file has several entries.

These entries typically contain a list of dependent libraries that programs using the package also need to compile. Entries also typically include the location of header files, version information and a description.


Here is an example .pc file for libpng:






 Name: libpng

 Description: Loads and saves PNG files

 Version: 1.2.8

 Libs: -L${libdir} -lpng12 -lz

 Cflags: -I${includedir}/libpng12

This file demonstrates how libpng informs that its libraries can be found in /usr/local/lib and its headers in /usr/local/include, that the library name is libpng, and that the version is 1.2.8. It also gives the additional linker flags that are needed to compile code that uses this library.


Here is an example of usage of pkg-config while compiling:

$ gcc -o test test.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags libpng)

PostgreSQL中取一个libpq.pc的例子 : 

[root@150 pkgconfig]# pwd


[root@150 pkgconfig]# ll

total 16

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 273 Aug  5 11:24 libecpg_compat.pc

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 245 Aug  5 11:24 libecpg.pc

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 228 Aug  5 11:24 libpgtypes.pc

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 251 Aug  5 11:24 libpq.pc

[root@150 pkgconfig]# cat libpq.pc 

Name: libpq

Description: PostgreSQL libpq library


Version: 9.3.5



Cflags: -I/opt/pgsql9.3.5/include

Libs: -L/opt/pgsql9.3.5/lib -lpq

Libs.private:  -lssl -lcrypto -lcrypt -lldap_r -lpthread


1. man pkg-config


时间: 2024-12-07 04:09:38



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存储.NET应用程序到定制的XML .config文件中

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web|字符串|字符串 web.config中的文件如下: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration><appSettings>      <add key="constring"  value="integrated security=SSPI;data source=localhost;initial catalog=教务管理

如何配置Web.config文件 for ASP.NET

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web|数据|数据库|数据库连接|数据库连接 如果我们把数据库连接信息也就是数据库连接字符串写在web.config里,不但加强了程序的安全,同时也极大的方便了程序的修改.    在web.config文件里添加关键字key是通过<appSettings>标记来实现的,但是appSettings标记通常放在<system.web>.....</system.web>标记外面.例: <configration>     <appSettings>


web|程序|动态   Web.config文件假设有如下需要管理的配置信息:  <appSettings>    <add key="SiteTitle" value="站点名称" />    <add key="SiteUrl" value="主页网址" />    <add key="SiteLogo" value="站点Logo" /&g


  项目进入测试阶段,暂时闲下来了,写点笔记. 读取web.config 或者 app.config中自定义配置的值的属性,常用2种方法. 假设有如下配置: <appSettings>  <add key="A" value="config with A"/>  <add key="B" value="config with B"/> </appSettings>  using