1. 授权研发人员权限越级(sudo)
- $ cat public
- User_Alias A4 = public
- A4 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vim,/bin/cat,/usr/bin/tail #这里你自己定义
- $ ansible all -m copy -a 'src=public dest=/etc/sudoers.d' -s
2. 批量memcached清除缓存(flush_all)
- echo 'flush_all' | nc -z -w 1 $IP $PORT
如果有很多,可以向下罗列,批量清除,如果你觉得很low,可以使用数组declare -a,或者循环while,
- $ cat clear_memcached.py
- from pymemcache.client.base import Client
- import sys
- def read_log(path):
- with open(path) as f:
- yield from f
- def HP(path):
- for line in read_log(path):
- ret = line.strip().split()
- ret[1] = int(ret[1])
- ret = tuple(ret)
- print(ret)
- yield ret
- def clear_mem(path):
- for hp in HP(path):
- c.flush_all()
- c.close()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- clear_mem(sys.argv[1])
- $ cat mall_mem.txt
- $IP1 $PORT1
- $IP1 $PORT2
- ...
3. 远程快速校验多台主机不同目录下的文件内容一致性(扩容时发挥作用很大)
- $ ssh -t $ip 'find $dir1 $dir2 ... -type f -exec md5sum {} \;' > $ip.md5 # 注意$dir1..等使用绝对路径
- $ doc2unix $ip.md5 #(这个很隐秘,多了windows的回车符)
- $ ssh -tt $ip.other 'md5sum -c --quiet' < $ip.md5
- # 如果一致,什么也不反回;不一致的会告诉NOT MATCH的文件
哎,非逼自己用python去写,实现了find + sha256sum,但想将其保存到特定文件中,这一点却没实现。这一版,只是想回顾“装饰器”,这里没起到作用。
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import os, os.path, sys
- import hashlib
- from functools import wraps
- def search(fn):
- @wraps(fn)
- def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
- paths = list(args)
- ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
- #paths.pop()
- for path in paths:
- print(path)
- for pathname in os.listdir(path):
- pathname = os.path.join(path, pathname)
- if os.path.isfile(pathname):
- with open(pathname, 'rb') as f:
- m = hashlib.sha256(f.read())
- # hashfile = path + '.sha256'
- # print(hashfile)
- # with open(hashfile, 'a+') as f:
- # f.write('{} {}\n'.format(m.hexdigest(), pathname))
- print('%s %s' % (m.hexdigest(), pathname))
- #ret.write('aaa')
- #ret.write('%s %s' % (m.hexdigest(), pathname))
- #ret.close()
- if os.path.isdir(pathname):
- wrap(pathname)
- return wrap
- @search
- def write(*args, **kwargs):
- pass
- #hashfile = list(args).pop()
- #print(hashfile)
- #hashfile = ''
- #f = open(hashfile, 'a+')
- #return f
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- write(*sys.argv[1:])
4. 配置Open-falcon HostGroups时,根据hostname绑定template,快速获取平台的主机名
- $ ansible $group1 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_hostname' -o | awk -F'[ :|"{}]' '{print $17}'
5. 关闭远程Nginx\Tomcat进程,启动服务就不写了
- $ cat marketapi_stop.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- kill -QUIT $(cat /home/aspire/config/nginx/nginx.pid)
- $ ansible $group1 -m script -a 'marketapi_stop.sh' -s
- -------
- $ cat tomcat_stop.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- kill -9 $(ps aux | awk '/tomat808[0]\/conf/{print $2}')
- $ ansible $group1 -m script -a 'tomcat_stop.sh' -s
6. 远程tail -f 查看日志滚动
- $ ssh -t $IP 'tail -f xxxx.log'
时间: 2024-09-28 23:39:12