

#ifndef EngryBird_AppConstant_h
#define EngryBird_AppConstant_h

 * The pipe has four state, using the following tag to mark.
 * > the state up
 * > the state down
 * > the state passed
 * > the state new created
const int kPipeUpTag = 21;
const int kPipeDownTag = 12;
const int kPipePassedTag = 30;
const int kPipeNewTag = 31;

 * > the pipe's height
 * > the pipe's width
 * > the speed of pipe moves
 * > the distance between the down pipe and up pipe
 * > the distance between the pipes vertical
 * > the number of pipe pairs display int the screen in the same time
 * > the distance that the pipe will display in the screen, for player to ready
const int kPipeHeight = 320;
const int kPipeWidth = 52;
const float kPipeShiftSpeed = 80.0f;
const int kPipeUpDownDistance = 100;
const int kPipeInterval = 180;
const int kPipePairCount = 2;
const int kWaitDistance = 100;

 * The radius of the bird
const int kBirdRadius = 15;

 * The width and height of the design resolution
const int kDesignWidth = 288;
const int kDesignHeight = 512;

 * The tag of game layer in the scene
const int kGameLayerTag = 101;

时间: 2024-10-03 08:48:50



状态层是比较复杂的了,状态层需要与游戏层通信,因此也需要为游戏层先设计一个代理类,以便状态层遵守游戏层的代理,这样游戏层就可以在游戏开始.得分.结束时,告诉状态层做出相应的状态表现了. 游戏层的代理类: /** * The delegate between status layer and game layer */ class GameStatusDelegate { public: /** * When the game start, this method will be called *


在游戏结束时,需要更新和获取最新得分. 设计一个工具类,只有类方法,这样外部就能很方便地获取和更新值. /** * This is a help class, using to operate the user information conveniencely */ class RecordTool { public: /** * Get the best score with a key, store in the UserDefault */ static int getBestScore


游戏背景层的任务是很简单的,只是根据当前时间来显示白天或者黑夜背景图,提供获取地面的高度方法. #ifndef __EngryBird__BackgroundLayer__ #define __EngryBird__BackgroundLayer__ #include "cocos2d.h" /** * The game background,showing the background information * in the game. */ class BackgroundLay


游戏有三种状态,准备开始.游戏中.游戏结束,定义一个枚举来表示: /** * The status of game, it has three status. */ typedef enum tag_GameState { /** The game hasn't started, but ready to start */ kGameStateReady = 1, /** The game has started, and the player is playing the game */ kG

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