

Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.


如上图所示(截取自《Head First Design Patterns》一书),主要包括三个部分

1. Component抽象组件。定义参加组合对象的共有方法和属性,可以定义一些默认的函数或属性。

2. Leaf叶子节点。构成组合树的最小构建单元。

3. Composite树枝节点组件。它的作用是组合树枝节点和叶子节点形成一个树形结构。






复制代码 代码如下:

* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_clipChildren
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_clipToPadding
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_layoutAnimation
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_animationCache
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_persistentDrawingCache
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_alwaysDrawnWithCache
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_addStatesFromChildren
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_descendantFocusability
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_animateLayoutChanges
public abstract class ViewGroup extends View implements ViewParent, ViewManager {


复制代码 代码如下:

* Adds a child view. If no layout parameters are already set on the child, the
* default parameters for this ViewGroup are set on the child.
* @param child the child view to add
* @see #generateDefaultLayoutParams()
public void addView(View child) {
addView(child, -1);

* Adds a child view. If no layout parameters are already set on the child, the
* default parameters for this ViewGroup are set on the child.
* @param child the child view to add
* @param index the position at which to add the child
* @see #generateDefaultLayoutParams()
public void addView(View child, int index) {
LayoutParams params = child.getLayoutParams();
if (params == null) {
params = generateDefaultLayoutParams();
if (params == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("generateDefaultLayoutParams() cannot return null");
addView(child, index, params);

* Adds a child view with this ViewGroup's default layout parameters and the
* specified width and height.
* @param child the child view to add
public void addView(View child, int width, int height) {
final LayoutParams params = generateDefaultLayoutParams();
params.width = width;
params.height = height;
addView(child, -1, params);

* Adds a child view with the specified layout parameters.
* @param child the child view to add
* @param params the layout parameters to set on the child
public void addView(View child, LayoutParams params) {
addView(child, -1, params);

* Adds a child view with the specified layout parameters.
* @param child the child view to add
* @param index the position at which to add the child
* @param params the layout parameters to set on the child
public void addView(View child, int index, LayoutParams params) {
if (DBG) {
System.out.println(this + " addView");

// addViewInner() will call child.requestLayout() when setting the new LayoutParams
// therefore, we call requestLayout() on ourselves before, so that the child's request
// will be blocked at our level
addViewInner(child, index, params, false);


复制代码 代码如下:

public void removeView(View view) {

* Removes a view during layout. This is useful if in your onLayout() method,
* you need to remove more views.
* @param view the view to remove from the group
public void removeViewInLayout(View view) {

* Removes a range of views during layout. This is useful if in your onLayout() method,
* you need to remove more views.
* @param start the index of the first view to remove from the group
* @param count the number of views to remove from the group
public void removeViewsInLayout(int start, int count) {
removeViewsInternal(start, count);

* Removes the view at the specified position in the group.
* @param index the position in the group of the view to remove
public void removeViewAt(int index) {
removeViewInternal(index, getChildAt(index));

* Removes the specified range of views from the group.
* @param start the first position in the group of the range of views to remove
* @param count the number of views to remove
public void removeViews(int start, int count) {
removeViewsInternal(start, count);

private void removeViewInternal(View view) {
final int index = indexOfChild(view);
if (index >= 0) {
removeViewInternal(index, view);

private void removeViewInternal(int index, View view) {

if (mTransition != null) {
mTransition.removeChild(this, view);

boolean clearChildFocus = false;
if (view == mFocused) {
clearChildFocus = true;

if (view.getAnimation() != null ||
(mTransitioningViews != null && mTransitioningViews.contains(view))) {
} else if (view.mAttachInfo != null) {




if (clearChildFocus) {

* Sets the LayoutTransition object for this ViewGroup. If the LayoutTransition object is
* not null, changes in layout which occur because of children being added to or removed from
* the ViewGroup will be animated according to the animations defined in that LayoutTransition
* object. By default, the transition object is null (so layout changes are not animated).
* @param transition The LayoutTransition object that will animated changes in layout. A value
* of <code>null</code> means no transition will run on layout changes.
* @attr ref android.R.styleable#ViewGroup_animateLayoutChanges
public void setLayoutTransition(LayoutTransition transition) {
if (mTransition != null) {
mTransition = transition;
if (mTransition != null) {

* Gets the LayoutTransition object for this ViewGroup. If the LayoutTransition object is
* not null, changes in layout which occur because of children being added to or removed from
* the ViewGroup will be animated according to the animations defined in that LayoutTransition
* object. By default, the transition object is null (so layout changes are not animated).
* @return LayoutTranstion The LayoutTransition object that will animated changes in layout.
* A value of <code>null</code> means no transition will run on layout changes.
public LayoutTransition getLayoutTransition() {
return mTransition;

private void removeViewsInternal(int start, int count) {
final View focused = mFocused;
final boolean detach = mAttachInfo != null;
View clearChildFocus = null;

final View[] children = mChildren;
final int end = start + count;

for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
final View view = children[i];

if (mTransition != null) {
mTransition.removeChild(this, view);

if (view == focused) {
clearChildFocus = view;

if (view.getAnimation() != null ||
(mTransitioningViews != null && mTransitioningViews.contains(view))) {
} else if (detach) {



removeFromArray(start, count);

if (clearChildFocus != null) {

* Call this method to remove all child views from the
* ViewGroup.
public void removeAllViews() {

* Called by a ViewGroup subclass to remove child views from itself,
* when it must first know its size on screen before it can calculate how many
* child views it will render. An example is a Gallery or a ListView, which
* may "have" 50 children, but actually only render the number of children
* that can currently fit inside the object on screen. Do not call
* this method unless you are extending ViewGroup and understand the
* view measuring and layout pipeline.
public void removeAllViewsInLayout() {
final int count = mChildrenCount;
if (count <= 0) {

final View[] children = mChildren;
mChildrenCount = 0;

final View focused = mFocused;
final boolean detach = mAttachInfo != null;
View clearChildFocus = null;

for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final View view = children[i];

if (mTransition != null) {
mTransition.removeChild(this, view);

if (view == focused) {
clearChildFocus = view;

if (view.getAnimation() != null ||
(mTransitioningViews != null && mTransitioningViews.contains(view))) {
} else if (detach) {


view.mParent = null;
children[i] = null;

if (clearChildFocus != null) {

* Finishes the removal of a detached view. This method will dispatch the detached from
* window event and notify the hierarchy change listener.
* @param child the child to be definitely removed from the view hierarchy
* @param animate if true and the view has an animation, the view is placed in the
* disappearing views list, otherwise, it is detached from the window
* @see #attachViewToParent(View, int, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)
* @see #detachAllViewsFromParent()
* @see #detachViewFromParent(View)
* @see #detachViewFromParent(int)
protected void removeDetachedView(View child, boolean animate) {
if (mTransition != null) {
mTransition.removeChild(this, child);

if (child == mFocused) {

if ((animate && child.getAnimation() != null) ||
(mTransitioningViews != null && mTransitioningViews.contains(child))) {
} else if (child.mAttachInfo != null) {



复制代码 代码如下:

* Returns the view at the specified position in the group.
* @param index the position at which to get the view from
* @return the view at the specified position or null if the position
* does not exist within the group
public View getChildAt(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= mChildrenCount) {
return null;
return mChildren[index];


复制代码 代码如下:

public class TextView extends View implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {


复制代码 代码如下:

public class LinearLayout extends ViewGroup {
public static final int HORIZONTAL = 0;
public static final int VERTICAL = 1;

public class FrameLayout extends ViewGroup {

public class RelativeLayout extends ViewGroup {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "RelativeLayout";

private static final boolean DEBUG_GRAPH = false;

public class AbsoluteLayout extends ViewGroup {
public AbsoluteLayout(Context context) {



时间: 2025-01-27 01:03:33



组合模式定义: Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. 将对象组合成树形结构以表示"部分-整体"的层次结构,使得用户对单个对象和组合对象的使用具有一致性. 如上图所示(截取自<Head First De


单例模式定义: Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it. 动态确保某一个类只有一个实例,而且自行实例化并向整个系统提供这个实例.     如上图所示(截取自<Head First Design Patterns>一书). 通过使用private的构造函数确保了在一个应用中产生一个实例,并且是自行实例化(在Singleton中自己使用new Singleton()). 具体单


工厂方法模式定义: Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses. 定义一个用于创建对象的接口,让子类决定实例化哪一个类.工厂方法使一个类的实例化延迟到其子类. 常用的工厂方法模式结构: 如上图所示(截取自<Head Firs


观察者模式定义: Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents aer notified and updated automatically. 定义对象间一种一对多的依赖关系,使得当一个对象改变状态,则所有依赖于它的对象都会得到通知并被自动更新.   如上图所示(截取自<Head First Design Patterns>一书)


单例模式定义: Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it. 动态确保某一个类只有一个实例,而且自行实例化并向整个系统提供这个实例. 如上图所示(截取自<Head First Design Patterns>一书). 通过使用private的构造函数确保了在一个应用中产生一个实例,并且是自行实例化(在Singleton中自己使用new Singleton()). 具体单例模式有


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《Android 源码设计模式解析与实战》——导读

目 录 自序一 自序二 前言 致谢 第1章 走向灵活软件之路--面向对象的六大原则 1.1节优化代码的第一步--单一职责原则1.2节让程序更稳定.更灵活--开闭原则1.3节构建扩展性更好的系统--里氏替换原则1.4节让项目拥有变化的能力--依赖倒置原则1.5节系统有更高的灵活性--接口隔离原则1.6节更好的可扩展性--迪米特原则1.7节总结 第2章 应用最广的模式--单例模式 2.1节单例模式介绍2.2节单例模式的定义2.3节单例模式的使用场景2.4节单例模式UML类图2.5节单例模式的简单示例

Android 源码分析,FreeMind 是一件超级利器

Android 源码分析,FreeMind 是一件超级利器 思维导图软件 XMind 与 FreeMind 的对比 作者: 善用佳软 日期: 2012-04-17 分类: 1 文本办公, 1.5 思维导图 标签: mindmap 思维导图类软件中,最有影响力的开源免费软件是 FreeMind 和 XMind.FreeMind历史悠久,当属经典:XMind作为后起之秀,大有赶超之势.同作为免费.开源的思维导图解决方案,应如何选择/结合两款软件?本文试做分析,以供用户/开发者参考. 本文的分析基于W


转载请注明出处: 前言 本次给大家分析的是Android中Alarm的机制以及它和Binder的交互,所用源码为最新的Android4.4.因为Alarm的功能都是通过Binder来完成的,所以,介绍Alarm之前必须要先介绍下它是如何调用Binder来完成定时功能的.由于内容较多,本文会比较长,在文章结构安排上是这样的:首先简单介绍如何使用Alarm并给出其工作原理,接着分析