Vortex Library 1.1.8发布 BEEP核心协议的实现

Vortex Library是BEEP核心协议的实现,按照RFC3080和RFC3081定义的标准。它有一个干净和易于使用的API,使您可以非常快的编写新应用协议。Vortex Library 已开发的AF-Arch项目,它是在数据传输层。然而,Vortex Library 可以独立使用的Af-Arch。

Vortex Library 1.1.8更新日志:

This release in short

&">nbsp;  Bug fixes and documentation updates.

Changes since 1.1.7

* [fix] Ensuring connection reference used by vortex sequencer is defined avoiding the sequencer to call to vortex_channel_get_connection.

* [fix] Updated vortex.tls python module to include method to check if the connection has TLS enabled. API added:
    - is_enabled Updated documentation.

* [fix] Removed annoying message "context not defined" when called to logging.

* [fix] Updated PyVortex exception notification to remove all % symbols from string notified to avoid the caller user to pass this string to printf like API, causing wrong memory access under some cases..

* [fix] Updated vortex-file-transfer-{client,server}.c to allow testing ANS/NUL with feeder support. All tests shows it is working..

* [fix] Adding more documentation to payload feeder..

* [fix] Making add channel notification to be done after channel start reply.

* [fix] Adding documentation about disabling channel complete flag implications.

* [fix] Updated documentation to explain on connection accepted and connection state post created are called twice during TLS  activation.

* [new] Updated vortex connection API to include a new function to return actual remote peer IP. Unlike vortex_connection_get_host which returns the connecting name (that may be not an IP) this new function ensures returning an IP. Updated PyVortex to also support this addition:

- vortex_connection_get_host_ip
   - vortex.Connection.host_ip

* [fix] Making configure.ac to remove -arch options from python-config --cflags command to avoid problems. Bug found at macosx (i386). Reported by Ralf Konush.

* [fix] Wimpie Nortje recently discovered a possible race condition caused at vortex_connection_new used in conjunction with onconnected handler causing the thread started to do the notification to access to connection option object which may be out of the scope, causing release function to be activated depending on memory stack status with variable wrong results. General code update to make server name acquisition to be also governed from associated VortexCtx object, releasing vortex_connection_new function from allocating a variable on the function stack to signal this configuration.

* [fix] Increasing revision and updating libvortex-1.1.def file.

* [fix] General changes to prepare libvortex-1.1 packages for squeeze.

* [fix] Updated debian files to prepare debian squeeze packages. Fixed missing files from debian packages.

* [fix] Adding missing dependency for debian packages..

* [fix] Fixed wrong null pointer handling at PyVortexChannelPool implementation..

* [fix] Making PyVortex bridge events to release GIL if a failure is found.

* [fix] Making vortex channel new to avoid setting serverName attribute if the connection already has a serverName negotiated even when the user asks to do so.

* [fix] Improved vortex tls module error reporting to advise the user when it is detected vortex_tls_init was not called.

* [fix] Added vortex.tls client code examples into PyVortex docs...

* [fix] Making PyVortex ctx.new_event handler to remove the handler internally via vortex_thread_pool_remove_event before waiting to return false, to avoid race with deallocating event metadata.

* [fix] Updated PyVortex ctx.new_event handler to provide a working handler  example.

* [fix] Making vortex_tls listener handling to provide more debug info.

* [fix] Making vortex_thread_pool_new_event to queue soon events first.

* [fix] Updated vortex Makefile.am to remove all gcc specific code which is now detected at configure.ac and provide view
  compiler_options variable. This fixes building vortex on unix platforms where gcc is not available..

* [fix] Adding check for pkg-config into configure.ac to warn the user..

* [fix] Making MIME processing for NUL frames to be optional generating an log error message instead of dropping the frame. Bug reported by Subrahmanya.




时间: 2024-09-17 13:56:43

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