异常-c++初学者求助 Access violation reading location


c++初学者求助 Access violation reading location

 #include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<iomanip>using namespace std; int main(){    int Month Day;    string Name Email Address;    while (cin >> Month >> Day >> Name >> Email >> Address)    {        Person p(Month DayNameEmailAddress) m;        int size = sizeof(Person);        string name = p.getName();        int month = p.getMonth() day = p.getDay();        fstream out1(""SortByName.dat"" ios::out | ios::in | ios::binary);//按姓名排序        out1.seekp(0 ios::end);        while (out1.tellp())        {            out1.seekp(-size ios::cur);            out1.read((char*)&m size);            if (m.getName() <= name)                break;            out1.seekp(out1.tellp() ios::beg);            out1.write((const char*)&m size);            out1.seekp(-2 * size ios::cur);        }        out1.write((const char*)&p size);        out1.close();        fstream out2(""SortByBirthDay.dat"" ios::out | ios::in | ios::binary);//按生日排序        out2.seekp(0 ios::end);        while (out2.tellp())        {            out2.seekp(-size ios::cur);            out2.read((char*)&m size);            if ((m.getMonth() < month) || (m.getMonth() == month&&m.getDay() <= day))                break;            out2.seekp(out2.tellp() ios::beg);            out2.write((const char*)&m size);            out2.seekp(-2 * size ios::cur);        }        out2.write((const char*)&p size);        out2.close();    }}


 //Person.h #ifndef PERSON_H#define PERSON_H#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;class Person{public:    Person(int int string string string);    Person(){};    int getMonth() const;    int getDay() const;    string getName() const;    void setEmail(string);    void setTel(string);    string getDayOfWeek() const;    virtual void print() const;protected:    int month;    int day;    string m;    string dayOfWeek;    string name;    string email;    string tel;};#endif


  #include""Person.h""Person::Person(int a int b string c string d string e){    month = a;    day = b;    name = c;    email = d;    tel = e;    dayOfWeek = getDayOfWeek();    string mm[12] = { ""January""February"" March"" April"" May""June""July""August""September"" October"" November"" December"" };    m = mm[month-1];}int Person::getMonth() const{    return month;}int Person::getDay() const{    return day;}string Person::getName() const{    return name;}void Person::setEmail(string a){    email = a;}void Person::setTel(string a){    email = a;}string Person::getDayOfWeek() const{    string week[7] = { ""Sunday""Monday""Tuesday""Wednesday""Thursday""Friday""Saturday"" };    int m=monthd=dayy=15;    if (m < 3)    {        m += 12; y--;    }    int ans =  y + y / 4 + 26 * (m + 1) / 10 + d - 36;    ans = (ans % 7 + 7) % 7;    return week[ans];}void Person::print() const{    cout << m << '/' << day << '/' << dayOfWeek << ""   "" << name        << ""   Tel:"" << tel << ""   Email:"" << email << endl;}

Unhandled exception at 0x5527DF58 (msvcp120d.dll) in AddressBook.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0043E4A4.



0xC0000005错误 表示使用了未创建(未分配内存空间)的变量或对象。



时间: 2024-12-28 03:11:50

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