Apache::Deploy 是一个用来将 war 包发布到 Tomcat 的 ">Apache 模块。 该版本修复了属性文件的模板解析,处理了 Windows 的行结束符的问题。
Apache::Deploy 0.5.1此版本修复了模板文件属性的解析。需要在属性文件Windows行结尾的进行说明。
In your Rexfile use the following commands.
To inject special configuration parameters for different environments
use Rex::Apache::Inject YAML; template_file "inject.conf"; template_search_for "application.yml"; desc "Inject Configuration"; task "inject", sub { inject "myapp-1.0.tar
.gz", pre_pack_hook => sub { run "BUNDLE_PATH=vendor/bundle bundle install"; }, post_pack_hool => sub { say "568.html">Hello, i'm the post pack hook\n"; }; };
Deploy the package
deploy_to "/path/to/deploy/to"; document_root "/var/www/html"; generate_deploy_directory sub { return $VERSION; }; desc "Deploy Package"; task "deploy", group => "fe", sub { deploy "myapp-1.0.tar.gz"; };