Basic4android v3.50 发布

     这次发布的主要是debug 的增强。说实话,在这一方面B4a 比delphi做的要好。希望delphi 在新的版本里面



I'm happy to release Basic4android v3.50. This update brings major improvements to the debugging features of Basic4android.

With this update you can enjoy the rapidness and power of the rapid
debugger with runtime performance close to non-debug deployments.

A new powerful watch expression feature is also available:

This allows you to easily evaluate expressions when the debugger is paused.

New features and improvements:

  • Rapid debugger runtime performance is now close to non-debugged applications.
  • Watch Expressions feature (see screenshot above).
  • The rapid debuggers uses a virtual assets folder. This makes it
    possible to redeploy only the modified files. This feature makes
    deployments of large projects with many files much faster.
  • Visual designer - Views tree performance is significantly better. Views preserve their names when pasting views between layouts.
  • #AdditionalRes attribute can be used multiple times.
  • ScrollView.ScrollToNow method (available in HorizontalScrollView as
    well). Immediately scrolls the ScrollView to the new position.
  • Quick Search tool (Ctrl + I) - An index based search tool for quick searching (in all modules):

  • Regions were added to the Find Sub (Ctrl + E) tool.
  • New attributes: #DebuggerForceFullDeployment and #DebuggerForceStandardAssets.
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes.

There is a new style attribute in B4A.xml: CurrentLine. This attribute sets the color of the currently active line.
Users who are eligible for a free upgrade should receive an email with
the download link. Please allow up to 12 hours for the mail to arrive.
Other users should receive a mail with a discount offer (it will be sent tomorrow).

I would like to thank the beta testers for their help with the continuing development of Basic4android

时间: 2024-08-03 17:41:55

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