
An Introduction to Agile Modeling


Agile Modeling (AM) is a practice-based methodology for effective modeling and documentation of software-based systems.   Simply put, Agile Modeling (AM) is a collection of values, principles, and practices for modeling software that can be applied on a
software development project in an effective and light-weight manner.  As you see in Figure 1 AM is meant to be tailored into other, full-fledged methodologies such as XP or RUP, enabling you to develop a software process which truly meets your needs.

敏捷建模(AM)是一种针对有效的建模和基于软件的系统文档,基于实践的方法。简而言之,敏捷建模(AM)是价值观,原则,以及针对能够以高效和轻量级方式应用于软件开发项目的建模软件的实践的集合。正如你在图1中看到,AM意味着被量身定制到其他的,全面的方法,如XP(eXtreme Programming
)或RUP(Rational Unified Process统一软件开发过程)定制,使您能够开发软件的过程,真正满足您的需求。

The values of AM, adopting and extending those of eXtreme Programming v1, are communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and humility.  The keys to modeling success are to have effective communication between all project stakeholders, to strive to develop
the simplest solution possible that meets all of your needs, to obtain feedback regarding your efforts often and early, to have the courage to make and stick to your decisions, and to have the humility to admit that you may not know everything, that others
have value to add to your project efforts.


AM is based on a collection of principles, such as the importance of assuming simplicity when you are modeling and embracing change as you are working because requirements will change over time.  You should recognize that incremental change of your system over
time enables agility and that you should strive to obtain rapid feedback on your work to ensure that it accurately reflects the needs of your project stakeholders.  You should model with a purpose, if you don't know why you are working on something or you
don't know what the audience of the model/document actually requires then you shouldn't be working on it. Furthermore, you need multiple models in your intellectual toolkit to be effective.  A critical concept is that models are not necessarily documents,
a realization that enables you travel light by discarding most of your models once they have fulfilled their purpose.  Agile modelers believe that content is more important than representation, that there are many ways you can model the same concept yet still
get it right. To be an effective modeler you need to recognize that open and honest communication is often the best policy to follow to ensure effective teamwork.  Finally, a focus on quality work is important because nobody likes to produce sloppy work and
that local adaptation of AM to meet the exact needs of your environment is important.


To model in an agile manner you will apply AM's practices as appropriate.   Fundamental practices include creating several models in parallel, applying the right artifact(s) for the situation, and iterating to another artifact to continue moving forward
at a steady pace.  Modeling in small increments, and not attempting to create the magical "all encompassing model" from your ivory tower, is also fundamental to your success as an agile modeler.  Because models are only abstract representations of software,
abstractions that may not be accurate, you should strive to prove it with code to show that your ideas actually work in practice and not just in theory  Active stakeholder participation is critical to the success of your modeling efforts because your project
stakeholders know what they want and can provide you with the feedback that you require.  The principle of assume simplicity is a supported by the practices of creating simple content by focusing only on the aspects that you need to model and not attempting
to creating a highly detailed model, depicting models simply via use of simple notations, and using the simplest tools to create your models.  You travel light by single sourcing information, discarding temporary models and updating models only when it hurts.
 Communication is enabled by displaying models publicly, either on a wall or internal web site, through collective ownership of your project artifacts, through applying modeling standards, and by modeling with others.  Your development efforts are greatly
enhanced when you apply patterns gently.  Because you often need to integrate with other systems, including legacy databases as well as web-based services, you will find that you need to formalize contract models with the owners of those systems. Read this
article for a better understanding of how AM's practices fit together.


I would argue that AM is an agile approach to modeling, that at its core AM is simply a collection of practices that reflect the principles and values shared by many experienced software developers. With an Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) (see Figure
2) approach you typically do just enough high-level modeling at the beginning of a project to understand the scope and potential architecture of the system, and then during development iterations you do modeling as part of your iteration planning activities
and then take a just in time (JIT) model storming approach where you model for several minutes as a precursor to several hours of coding.


Another way to look at Agile Modeling is as a collection of best practices,
as you see in Figure 3.


My experience is that these practices can be applied to most software development projects, you don't have to be working on an project following an agile software process (such as XP) to take advantage of the approaches described by AM, although one of AM's
goals is to explain how to model when following the XP approach. A project team doesn't need to apply all of the practices, principles, and values of AM to benefit from it -- I have always been a firm believer that you should tailor your software process to
reflect the unique needs of your environment -- although it is my opinion that like XP you are much more likely to succeed if you do adopt all of AM.

我的经验是,这些做法可以适用于大多数软件开发项目,你不必工作在这样一个项目,敏捷软件过程(如极限编程)AM所描述的方法的优势,虽然一AM的目标是解释如何模拟极限编程的方法。一个项目团队并不需要应用所有的做法,原则和价值观,我从中受益 - 我一直坚信,你应该定制您的软件过程,以反映您的环境的独特需求 - 虽然这是我看来,像极限编程中,如果你不采取所有的AM,你更容易成功。

Reference site: http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/introductionToAM.htm

时间: 2024-09-23 20:45:28


PowerDesigner UML 建模简介(第一部分)

PowerDesigner UML 建模简介David Dichmann,PowerDesigner 产品经理,Sybase, Inc. 由于引入了 UML,PowerDesigner 8.0 支持使用例图.序列图和类图的面向对象分析与设计(OOAD).在即将发布的 9.0 版中,PowerDesigner 加强了对 UML 的支持,提供了活动图表和组件图表.改进了分析方法并增强了与开发过程的集成. PowerDesigner 能够帮助您构建适应现代 IT 发展的传统商务和电子商务系统,使用 J


Agile Modeling and eXtreme Programming (XP) 敏捷建模和极限编程(XP) Agile Modeling (AM) is a practices-based software process whose scope is to describe how to model and document in an effective and agile manner.  On the AM home page I state that one of the go

PowerDesigner UML 建模简介(第二部分)

PowerDesigner UML 简介(第二部分)作者:Sybase, Inc. PowerDesigner 产品经理 David Dichmann 在 BluePrint #4(访问 http://www.sybase.com/blueprint 以获取以往问题的电子版)中,我们探讨了 5 种 UML 图表:用例图.序列图.活动图.类图和组件图,它们可以帮助您掌握系统的需求,设计其物理结构和预期功能,并转换为代码.我们还可以使用另外 4 个 UML图来进一步精简前 5 个图中包含的定义,或者


时至今日,还讨论这样一个老话题,是否感觉老调重弹?因为两年前(2010年底)时任谷歌中国测试经理的段念先生就 写了一篇文章<什么是敏捷软件测试>(刊登在InfoQ网站上[1]), 就已经谈到这个话题,"敏捷软件测试更多的是一种 理念,而非过程".在2011年,我自己也写了一篇文章<敏捷测试的思考和新发展>,刊登在<程序员>杂志上,谈到"在 BDD.ATDD和TDD最根本的.共同的思想基础上,构成一个全新的.更完善的敏捷测试框架"[

SQL Server 2005中XML数据建模简介

关系或 XML 数据模型 如果您的数据是高度结构化的,具有已知的架构,则关系模型可能对于数据存储最为有效.Microsoft SQL Server 提供了您可能需要的必要功能和工具.另一方面,如果结构是灵活的(半结构化和非结构化)或未知的,则必须适当地考虑如何对此类数据进行建模. 如果您需要独立于平台的模型,以便确保使用结构化和语义标记的数据的可移植性,则 XML 是一种不错的选择.而且,如果满足下列某些属性,则它还是一种适当的选择: • 您的数据比较稀疏,或者您不了解数据的结构,或者数据的结构


       Scrum是一种灵活的敏捷软件开发管理过程.这个名词来源于英式橄榄球.Scrum方法由Ken Schwaber和 Jeff Sutherland 提出,它将软件开发团队比作橄榄球队,全队有明确的最高目标:发布产品的重要性高于一切.团队高度自治,队员们熟悉开发过程中涉及到的各种技术,紧密合作,确保每个迭代都朝着最高目标推进.而且每隔2至6周,每个人都能看到能实际工作的软件,并且据此决定是发布这个版本还是继续开发以加强它的功能.        对于功能需求可能经常发生变化的项目来说,S

UML建模之数据建模(Data Model Diagram)

一.数据建模简介 数据建模不仅可以对象的属性建模(比如E-R图),也可以对数据的行为建模(比如触发器Trigger. 存储过程Stored Procedure).在进行数据库设计时,设计到如下几个概念: 模式 Schema.主键 Primary.外键 Foreign key.关系 Relationship.约束 constraint.索引 Index.触发器 Trigger.存储过程 Stored Procedure.视图 View. 二.数据建模元素 1.表(Table) 表是关系数据库最基本


敏捷.敏捷开发这类词最近很火!敏捷开发,就是指能够在需求迅速变化的情况下快速开发软件.我们接触最多的和敏捷相关的名词是:极限编程(XP).结对编程.测试驱动开发(TDD)等. 敏捷建模(Agile Modeling,AM),的价值观包括了XP的四个价值观:沟通.简单.反馈.勇气.此外,还扩展了第五个价值观:谦逊. 敏捷开发是针对传统的瀑布开发模式的弊端而产生的一种新的开发模式,目标是提高开发效率和响应能力.除了原则和实践,模式也是很重要的,多研究模式及其应用可以使你更深层次的理解敏捷开发. SC

《挖掘管理价值:企业软件项目管理实战》一1.5 敏捷软件项目管理

1.5 敏捷软件项目管理 挖掘管理价值:企业软件项目管理实战计算机进入互联网时代后,软件得到了前所未有的普及.人们对软件开发适应度的要求逐渐提高,传统的开发模式面对快速变换的需求显得力不从心.近20年来,很多学者和专家在研究软件的敏捷开发模式,其中Scrum开发.极限编程.迭代开发都是某种形式的敏捷开发方法. 1.5.1 敏捷开发概念 敏捷的英文是Agile,其原意是快速和灵巧地做出反应或动作.经过多年的敏捷实践和探索,在2001年美国雪鸟会议上,敏捷开发概念被真正地提出来,同时发表了<敏捷宣言