What is the difference between #include <file> and #include “file”?
When writing your C program, you can include files in two ways. The first way is to surround the file you want to include with the angled brackets < and >. This method of inclusion tells the preprocessor to look for the file in the predefined default location.
This predefined default location is often an INCLUDE environment variable that denotes the path to your include files. For instance, given the INCLUDE variable
using the #include <file> version of file inclusion, the compiler first checks the C:COMPILERINCLUDE
directory for the specified file. If the file is not found there, the compiler then checks the
S:SOURCEHEADERS directory. If the file is still not found, the preprocessor checks the current directory.
The second way to include files is to surround the file you want to include with double quotation marks. This
method of inclusion tells the preprocessor to look for the file in the current directory first, then look for it in the predefined locations you have set up. Using the #include “file” version of file inclusion and applying
it to the preceding example, the preprocessor first checks the current directory for the specified file. If the
file is not found in the current directory, the C:COMPILERINCLUDE directory is searched. If the file
is still not found, the preprocessor checks the S:SOURCEHEADERS directory.
The #include <file> method of file inclusion is often used to include standard headers such as stdio.h or
stdlib.h. This is because these headers are rarely (if ever) modified, and they should always be read from your
compiler’s standard include file directory.
The #include “file” method of file inclusion is often used to include nonstandard header files that you have created for use in your program. This is because these headers are often modified in the current directory, and you will want the preprocessor to use
your newly modified version of the header rather than the older, unmodified version.
时间: 2025-01-21 14:56:24
在编写ASP程序的时候,通常都会用到<!--#include virtual/file="path/filename"-->把一段相对独立的文件代码嵌套到当前页面中来.在实际的使用中很多人对"file"和"virtual"的使用不太理解,导致页面执行的时候会出现错误.现就该问题作一个简述. 使用"file"的时候,等号后面使用的是相对路径.所谓相对路径,是以当前文件所在的文件夹作为始点,通过路径搜索,得到其它文件(
js 获取、清空input type=&;quot;file&;quot;的值(示例代码)_javascript技巧
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