ubuntu 10.10错误信息:configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create execut


“configure: error: C++++ compiler cannot create executables"

说明没装gcc或者装了gcc,没装g++,我这ubuntu10.10就是没有g++,最后是apt-get install g++,修复了congfiure不通的错误。

You need to install c++ on your computer. even if you installed gcc that doesn’t automatically install g++. Try to run one of the following commands that fit your Linux distribution best :)

1 yum install gcc-c++<br>
2 or<br>
3 apt-get install gcc-c++<br>

if apt-get doesn’t like the command try

apt-get install g++

查看 build-essential 的依赖项:


$ apt-cache depends "build-essential"


|Depends: libc6-dev

&">nbsp; Depends: <libc-dev>


Depends: gcc

Depends: g++

Depends: make

Depends: dpkg-dev

你可以看到包含了很多与编译有关的软件包,实际上 build-essential 是一个 meta package。

如果你需要进行软件的编译,需要gcc/g++等,都需要用到这个。当然你也可以分别单独安装gcc/g++的软件包,用build-essential 只不过方便管理罢了!

时间: 2024-08-02 21:28:40

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