

昨天,Ubuntu 的创始人 Mark Shuttleworth 在自己的博客中发表通告说,可能会在 Natty 之后的 Ubuntu 11.10 中内置 Qt 库及运行环境,同时会对一些有价值的 Qt 程序进行评估,并考虑会把它们内置于安装光盘及默认安装到 Ubuntu 中。

Qt支持下列操作系统: Microsoft Windows 95/98, Microsoft Windows NT, Linux, Solaris, SunOS, HP-UX, Digital UNIX (OSF/1, Tru64), Irix, FreeBSD, BSD/OS, SCO, AIX, OS390,QNX以及Symbian、maemo、meego等手机操作系统 。


As part of our planning for Natty+1, we’ll need to find some space on the CD for Qt libraries, and we will evaluate applications developed with Qt for inclusion on the CD and default install of Ubuntu.

Ease of use, and effective integration, are key values in our user experience. We care that the applications we choose are harmonious with one another and the system as a whole. Historically, that has meant that we’ve given very strong preference to applications written using Gtk, because a certain amount of harmony comes by default from the use of the same developer toolkit. That said, with OpenOffice and Firefox having been there from the start, Gtk is clearly not an absolute requirement. What I’m arguing now is that it’s the values which are important, and the toolkit is only a means to that end. We should evaluate apps on the basis of how well they meet the requirement, not prejudice them on the basis of technical choices made by the developer.

In evaluating an app for the Ubuntu default install, we should ask:

* is it free software?
* is it best-in-class?
* does it integrate with the system settings and preferences?
* does it integrate with other applications?
* is it accessible to people who cannot use a mouse, or keyboard?
* does it look and feel consistent with the rest of the system?

Of course, the developer’s choice of Qt has no influence on the first two. Qt itself has been available under the GPL for a long time, and more recently became available under the LGPL. And there’s plenty of best-in-class software written with Qt, it’s a very capable toolkit.

时间: 2024-10-05 02:44:39



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Ubuntu系统中使用火狐OS模拟器体验Firefox OS

西班牙已经发布了基于Firefox OS的手机,但是不是任何人能体验到,很都人都在苦苦等待,现在我们有另一种方法,不需要任何命令,没有纷繁复杂的安装步骤,在该文中,会教大家在ubuntu系统中一种轻松体验 Firefox OS. 只需在火狐浏览器中就可是实现: 火狐OS模拟器是为开发者使用的,用来测试他们的程序的的火狐浏览器插件,下面是该模拟器的功能: Push to Device Rotation simulation Basic geolocation API simulation Mani


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Ubuntu 系统中通过火狐OS模拟器轻松体验 Firefox OS

西班牙已经发布了基于Firefox OS的手机,但是不是任何人能体验到,很都人都在苦苦等待,现在我们有另一种方法,不需要任何命令,没有纷繁复杂的安装步骤,在该文中,会教大家在ubuntu系统中一种轻松体验 Firefox OS.   只需在火狐浏览器中就可是实现: firefoxosvs4 火狐OS模拟器是为开发者使用的,用来测试他们的程序的的火狐浏览器插件,下面是该模拟器的功能: Push to Device Rotation simulation Basic geolocation API


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