25G and 50G Optical Modules in Explosive Growth

With the gradual increase in standard equipment supporting the 25GE and 50GE protocols, the global market for Ethernet switches is attracting new sales boom. Recently, Infonetics Research, the market research firm, released the latest quarterly data center network equipment report for the third quarter of 2014. The report said the third quarter, the global data center Ethernet switch market has a good performance, the quarter rose 5%, the market value of $ 2.2 billion.
25GE and 50GE optical modules will usher in explosive growth According to the data, from the US public sector and cloud service providers for data center Ethernet switches, application delivery controller (ADC) and WAN optimization equipment deployment needs, have become a direct stimulus to 25GE and 50GE equipment growth point.
Clon Grossner, an analyst at Infonetics Research, said the data center switch market is expected to turn to 25GE and 50GE to meet the needs of large cloud service providers to build new data center network architectures, including 10GE switching and server connections to 100GE switching and 25GE server connectivity The So Cliff Grossner believes that in order to enhance the overall data port hybrid port speed, 2015 next-generation Ethernet switch chip will increase the 25GE and 50GE standard support. In addition, the report also pointed out that although the global application delivery controller in the third quarter fell 2%, but the ADC market in the past six quarters of performance, year on year growth. Sales of virtual ADC devices increased 20% from the second quarter of 2014.

Sales of virtual ADC devices increased 20% from the second quarter of 2014
At the same time, in the third quarter, global WAN optimization equipment sales also received a quarterly growth of 9% quarterly performance. What is the 25GE and 50GE standards? 25GE and 50GE standards, namely 25Gbps and 50Gbps Ethernet standard. As an important convergence of the 1 / 10G Ethernet connectivity standard, 25Gbps and 50Gbps per-channel technology will be the basis for future 100Gbps (4 25Gbps) and 400Gbps (8 50Gbps) Ethernet standards. The industry generally hopes to use this transmission rate to replace the existing 10Gbps rate.

Ethernet module port evolution table However, in March 2014 the IEEE plenary, the development of the relevant standards of the issue did not get enough support, which also led to a number of companies start a separate stove, began to develop their own standards. Among them, Artista, Broadcom, Google, Mellanox and Microsoft five set up a 25G Ethernet alliance to jointly develop 25Gbps and 50Gbps Ethernet standard, then Brocade and Dell also joined the alliance camp. In response to the standards developed by the IEEE, the 25G Ethernet Alliance announced that their initial single-channel 25Gbps Ethernet and dual 50Gbps Ethernet standards would not charge any royalties. The 25GE and 50GE standards will address the connection of the server network interface controller to the ToR switch at the top of the rack, including physical and MAC layers, such as virtual channel tuning, auto-negotiation, FEC, and so on.

In summary, with the server performance to further enhance the data center from the leaf to the Spine layer of the connection gradually migrate to 100Gbps, and 25GE technology to help reduce the data center required for the number of roof switches. Therefore, in order to enhance the data center network performance, from the existing 10Gbps upgrade to 25Gbps / 50Gbps, it becomes quite practical significance.
Sinovo Telecom Developed and launched 25G series products, such as SFP28 25G SR, SFP28 25G LR, 25G DA
C, AOC Cable and 2x50G, 56G DAC, AOC Cable, etc., for the majority of business users to establish the future Data center room contribution Mianbozhili.

时间: 2024-10-02 13:10:05

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面对互联网+,面对中国市场氛围在变.竞争形势在变,但企业的本质就是逐利,预计未来与将会加强与重要客户和合作伙伴深度沟通,提供一个端到端解决方案. 25G能否成为主流看市场 面对互联网.云计算和大数据在近几年的发展步伐加快,加速推动了数据中心的建设,诸多行业的竞争明显加剧,IT基础设施已经成为应对这些新趋势,提升企业竞争力的关键,在数据中心内部新一轮的以太网升级也在进行之中,其中25G越来越受到企业亲睐,对于25G未来的发展,我们已经看到25G市场增速非常快,它允许客户可以快速地将服务器从10G移

Mellanox亚太及中国区市场开发高级总监刘通 —— 未来3年内25G将成数据中心主流网络

日前,"2016ODCC开放数据中心峰会"在京隆重举行,就数据中心的发展现状.未来趋势进行了深入研讨.会中,Mellanox(迈络思)公司亚太及中国区市场开发高级总监刘通接受了记者专访,分享了他们对数据中心网络建设的认识和成果. 高速和开放已成市场普遍需求         云计算和大数据技术的不断成熟直接带动了云数据中心的兴起.与传统数据中心相比,云数据中心要求有更灵活的机制来进行管理网络,从而对硬件和软件都提出了更多需求."更高速.更开放已经成为市场的普遍要求."


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近几年,随着互联网.云计算和大数据等产业的加速发展,诸多行业的竞争明显加剧,IT基础设施已经成为应对这些新趋势,提升企业竞争力的关键,因此各行业的数据中心建设步伐也在不断加快.而在数据中心内部,新一轮的以太网升级也在进行之中,根据调研机构Crehan Research的最新调查报告显示,未来几年,100G以太网将在数据中心领域强势增长. Crehan Research的总裁指出,云计算.大数据的蓬勃发展,使得数据中心开始向云数据中心.超大型数据中心演进,而在这一过程之中,100G以太网交换机将开

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