Sencha Touch v1.1发布 第一个HTML5的Mobile App框架

前不久基于JavaScript编写的Ajax框架ExtJS,将现有的ExtJS整合JQTouch、Raphaël库,推出适用于最前沿Touch Web的Sencha Touch框架,该框架是世界上第一个基于HTML5的Mobile App框架。同时,ExtJS更名为Sencha,JQTouch的创始人David Kaneda,以及Raphaël的创始人也已加盟Sencha团队。

Sencha Touch可以让你的Web App看起来像Native App。美丽的用户界面组件和丰富的数据管理,全部基于最新的HTML5和CSS3的 WEB标准,全面兼容Android和Apple iOS设备。  


1.基于最新的WEB标准 – HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript。整个库在压缩和gzip后大约80KB,通过禁用一些组件还会使它更小。   



近日,Sencha Touch官方公布了新版的1.1,支持黑莓手机

BlackBerry 6+ Support

With Sencha Touch 1.1, you can now develop apps for Blackberry 6, the OS of the Blackberry Torch, as well as the new Blackberry TabletOS on the upcoming Playbook tablet. We’ve also made special enhancements to improve animation performance for Blackberry devices that do not have a Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), e.g. BlackBerry Torch. In addition, we’ve included a theme tailored specifically to BlackBerry which uses a “flat” style to minimize CSS3 overhead and again improve performance.

New features: Pull to Refresh and Pagination

We are also excited to introduce our first official plugins for the framework, which also serve as great examples for when you start to create your own class additions. The first feature is a popular user experience paradigm from many iOS apps (including Twitter and Facebook), called “pull to refresh.” By enabling this in your List component, you can now offer users an easy, natural feeling way to refresh list contents by pulling the top of the list down to a predefined point. Data is automatically fetched from your pre-defined data store, so setting up this new enhancement is just a few lines of code.

New Demo: O’Reilly Conferences

We are also including a brand new demo app in this release: A conference app we made in coordination with O’Reilly Conferences. The app features the conference schedule (which automatically defaults to the current day during the conference), speaker information, tweets related to the conference, a map for the venue, a list of YouTube videos relating to the conference, and several plain pages for things like credits and overview — all in under 800 lines of code. One of the most note-worthy pieces of the demo is its use of relationships, which allow us to easily show a list of speaker’s sessions when viewing their bio, and likewise a list of speaker bios when viewing a session.

Performance tweaks and style updates

In addition to the improvements we have made for BlackBerry, we have also made several optimizations specific to Android and are offer almost 3x better scrolling performance. Likewise, we have made several tweaks to resolve minor flickering situations on iOS.

时间: 2024-09-23 04:29:36

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