SAP MM Scheduling Agreement 类型决定单据是否需要Release Document?

SAP MM Scheduling
Agreement 类型决定单据是否需要Release



Indicator for scheduling agreement release documentation

Determines whether the scheduling agreement release documentation is active.


If you set the indicator, the forecast delivery
schedule releases will be saved in a separate file and can be displayed at any


而Release Document的解释:

Release documentation

Purchasing (MM-PUR)

A log relating to an item of an outline
purchase agreement (contract or scheduling agreement), giving information on
existing releases.

In this context, the term "release"
covers both release orders (standard purchase orders issued against contracts,
also referred to as contract release orders) and scheduling agreement
releases, which are various types of delivery schedule issued against such an

Release documentation provides information such
as the following:

Target quantity planned for the item

Releases to date for the item (document number
and date)

Quantity released to date against a contract
item (with the corresponding value)

Open quantity

If the documentation relates to a contract, it
may also be referred to as "release order documentation."


时间: 2024-09-20 07:50:32

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