Android 6.0 Marshmallow tips and tricks 棉花糖的技巧和窍门

Since you're reading these lines, chances are you're among the lucky 2 percent of Android users who happen to have Marshmallow running on their smartphone. You've either received an update to Android 6.0, or you're simply
a Nexus user.从你看到这个起,你很幸运的了解6.0的新特新 Either way, you might be wondering what happens next; you might be in need of advice with making the most of Google's software. Well, wonder no more, as we're here to assist.

Below you'll find 9 tips and tricks in Android 6.0 – tips and tricks that can actually be useful and aren't just for show. You know, things like tweaking the user interface, browsing the file system, or taking advantage
of the new camera shortcut. Just keep in mind that some of these tricks might be unavailable on your particular device. And don't be mad at us for that – manufacturers who put their own custom interface layers on top of Android might choose to disable certain
features. If a trick doesn't work for you, do let us know in the comments. Also, feel free to share any other neat Android 6.0 Marshmallow tips that we may have missed.

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9 useful Android 6.0 Marshmallow tips and tricks

1. Enable the hidden UI Tuner

UI Tuner gives you access to a list of interface settings – you may enable a percentage battery level indicator in the status bar or rearrange your quick access toggles, for example. But the menu is hidden by default because the features it gives access to
may be buggy. If you don't mind the risk, pull down the notification shade twice to access your quick toggles. Then hold down the Settings cog wheel for a few seconds. The new menu should appear in Settings. Play with it at your own risk!

2. Double press of the power key launches the camera

The camera shortcut on the lock screen gets the job done, but there's an even quicker way of launching the camera app. Pressing the power button twice would take you straight to the cam UI – no need to wake your phone or to look at it beforehand. Enabling the
shortcut, if it isn't on already, is done from the Display menu in Settings. This trick might not work on non-Nexus phones, however.

3. Hold app drawer button to search for apps quickly

The next time you want to search for a particular app, hold down your app drawer button. This will take you to the drawer and will open up the search interface right away. Neat!

4. Hold Home button to access Google Now on Tap

Google Now on Tap is one of the killer features in Android 6.0 Marshmallow. It uses Google's sophisticated algorithms to provide information relevant to what you have on the screen. Imagine, for instance, that you're reading an article about George Clooney.
Now on Tap will display related actors and movies. You can access the feature from any screen by holding down the Home button.

5. Translate any word easily

Android 6.0 comes with an improved text selection tool. In addition to the usual Cut and Paste options, you may send a highlighted word or phrase straight to an app. For example, you may do quick translations like this if you have the Google Translate app.
Or do quick searches on Wikipedia if you have that app installed. Too bad that few are the apps with support for the feature.

6. Configuring default apps easily

Android 6.0 Marshmallow makes it easier to set apps as defaults. You may pick your favorite web browser, phone or texting app as default by going to Settings > Apps and pressing the cog wheel to access the app settings sub-menu.

7. Allow rotation in home screen

Android 6.0 has a landscape mode for the home screen, but it has to be enabled before it can be used. To do that, hold down on an empty home screen area, then choose Settings. The "Allow rotation" option should be at the bottom.

8. Access the hidden file browser

There's a basic file browser in Android 6.0 – it can't do all that much, but gets the job done with the simple stuff. To access it, go to Settings > Storage and scroll all the way down. The "Explore" option will let you browse your device's file system.

9. See how App Links work

If someone sends you a link to a cool post on Facebook, you probably don't want clicking it to launch your web browser in attempt to open the said link there. Launching the link in the Facebook app makes more sense, doesn't it? If you go to Settings > Apps
and press on the cog, you'll see the App Links menu, which lets you configure how links are handled. You may have links to a specific domain sent straight to a suitable application.

时间: 2025-01-01 15:59:39

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