PCBSD是基于freebsd的以">桌面应用为目的的操作系统. PCBSD默认安装KDE桌面.它提供LINUX兼容模式,可以使用linux中优秀的媒体工具、办公软件,你可以像linux桌面版一样使用它。
PC-BSD的目标是成为易于安装和使用的桌面操作系统,它基于FreeBSD。为达到此目标,它准备了一套图形化的安装程序,这将使得即便是UNIX新 手也能容易地安装并使得它运行起来。PC-BSD还将装备KDE,以提供即刻可用的桌面。目前正在开发的是一套图形化的软件安装管理程序,这将使得安装预 编译好的软件变得像其他流行操作系统一样方便。
The PC-BSD Team is pleased to announce the availability of the second 920.html">Release Candidate for PC-BSD 8.2. This will be the last beta version prior to release which is expected some time in the next 2-3 weeks.
In addition to some fixes in response to previous 8.2 testing snapshots, RC2 contains the following software components:
- FreeBSD 8.2RC2
- KDE 4.5.4
- Xorg 7.5
- Nvidia Driver 260.19.29
- Nvidia Driver 173.14.25
- Nvidia Driver 96.43.16
PC-BSD 8.2-RC2 is available for download from our mirrors. Everyone is encouraged to test this beta and to report any bugs to the testing mailing list. Instructions for beta testers can be found in the PC-BSD Handbook.