Modify Branding of FreeCAD

Modify Branding of FreeCAD

This article describes the Branding of FreeCAD. Branding means to start your own application based on FreeCAD. That can be only your own executable or splash screen till a complete reworked program. Based on the flexible architecture of FreeCAD it’s easy to use it as base for your own special purpose program.





int main( int argc, char ** argv )
   // Name and Version of the Application
   App::Application::Config()["ExeName"] = "FooApp";
   App::Application::Config()["ExeVersion"] = "0.7";
   // set the banner (for loging and console)
   App::Application::Config()["CopyrightInfo"] = sBanner;
   App::Application::Config()["AppIcon"] = "FooAppIcon";
   App::Application::Config()["SplashScreen"] = "FooAppSplasher";
   App::Application::Config()["StartWorkbench"] = "Part design";
   App::Application::Config()["HiddenDockWindow"] = "Property editor";
   App::Application::Config()["SplashAlignment" ] = "Bottom|Left";
   App::Application::Config()["SplashTextColor" ] = "#000000"; // black
   // Inits the Application 
   App::Application::Config()["RunMode"] = "Gui";
   Gui::BitmapFactory().addXPM("FooAppSplasher", ( const char** ) splash_screen);
   return 0;




Gui::BitmapFactory().addXPM("FooAppSplasher", ( const char** ) splash_screen); 


时间: 2024-10-23 10:07:09

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