Clang AST parsing for automated code generation


Syntax traversal is a powerful tool. With it you can automate repetitive tasks, search for semantic errors, generate wrappers, and so much more.  A few months ago I hit a hump (read: a f***ing mountain) of an issue with some legacy code that has
been on my plate for awhile now.

Having killed a small forest’s worth of paper I decided that manually tracing paths through code was an inefficient use of my time.  Instead I went in search an automatic method for generating an abstract
syntax tree
(AST) for C++ code.  My idea was that I could use the AST to generate something like a direct graph to better visualize code flow.

There are a few flavors of readable syntax generation out there (and likely more):

I’ve been a fan of Clang for awhile now and they have a very robust and active community making it a natural choice for my AST generation needs.  Clang also has decent articles on getting
started in both Windows and Linux
.  If you don’t have Clang installed, I suggest reading that linked article.  You’ll need compiled versions of clang.exe and libclang.dll to follow along with the Python binding below.


Clang at revision 183352 (2013-06-05)  has a slight issue in that it won’t identify Linkage specifications (e.g. extern “C” void foo()).  To fix
this issue
, follow these steps from my SO answer:

//Bit of a necroanswer but if you go in to \llvm\tools\clang\lib\Sema\SemaCodeComplete.cpp and add the following line:
case Decl::LinkageSpec:  return CXCursor_LinkageSpec;
//To the switch in:
CXCursorKind clang::getCursorKindForDecl(const Decl *D)
//It should resolve the issue of clang's Python binder
//returning UNEXPOSED_DECL instead of the correct LINKAGE_SPEC.
//This change was made at revision 183352(2013-06-05).
//Example from my version:
CXCursorKind clang::getCursorKindForDecl(const Decl *D) {
if (!D)
    return CXCursor_UnexposedDecl;
switch (D->getKind()) {
    case Decl::Enum:               return CXCursor_EnumDecl;
    case Decl::LinkageSpec:  return CXCursor_LinkageSpec;
   // ......



Libclang is Clang’s dynamic binding that is used in conjunction w/ Python to allow for interpreted code evaluation.  Eli Bendersky has a great
 on using libclang that I referenced frequently while writing code.  Clang documentation can be very lacking in some areas and Eli’s post does a good job of explaining the steps to getting libclang working with Python.  If you follow his
steps the basic pipeline is:

  • Compile libclang
  • Add libclang to your PATH environment variable
    • On *Nix it’s LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • On Windows it’s the standard PATH
    • Or do it in python: os.environ['PATH'] = ‘/path/to/libclang’
  • Copy the Clang/Python bindings from /llvm/tools/clang/bindings/python to your python installation or however you’d prefer to install it.
  • Verify it works by opening a python console and typing: improt clang.cindex
  • Squee when it works


Once libclang is tied to Python it’s time to test your code.  When I got to this step I had trouble finding any good examples.  There are really only 2 and they can be found in your Clang installation folder: llvm\tools\clang\bindings\python\examples\cindex.
 Others can be gleaned from blog posts and StackOverflow.  Here is a simple example I adapted that looks specifically for the LINKAGE_SPEC cursor type. LINKAGE_SPEC refers to code like `extern “C”`

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
from pprint import pprint
import clang.cindex
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH']  + os.getcwd()
def get_info(node, depth=0):
	return { 'kind' : node.kind,
             'usr' : node.get_usr(),
             'spelling' : node.spelling,
             'location' : node.location,
             'extent.start' : node.extent.start,
             'extent.end' : node.extent.end,
             'is_definition' : node.is_definition()}
def output_cursor_and_children(cursor, level=0):
	#Represents code of the type:  extern "C" void foo()
	if cursor.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.LINKAGE_SPEC:
		pprint(('nodes', get_info(cursor)))
	# Recurse for children of this cursor
	has_children = False;
	for c in cursor.get_children():
		if not has_children:
			has_children = True
		output_cursor_and_children(c, level+1)
def main():
	from clang.cindex import Index
	from pprint import pprint
	from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
	global opts
	parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog {filename} [clang-args*]")
	(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
	if len(args) == 0:
		print 'invalid number arguments'
	index = Index.create()
	tu = index.parse(None, args)
	if not tu:
		print "unable to load input"
if __name__ == '__main__':
#include "test.h"
int main(){
	Foo f;
	return 0;
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
class Foo
	int data_;
	void bar(int data){data_ = data;}
extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )void test1(){}

How to run:

python test.cpp


There are so many other ways to make use of ASTs and I wish I had more time to include some of them.  Suffice it to say I’ll probably end up posting about ASTs a few more times.  At least until I work through enough examples to meet my immediate

时间: 2024-08-30 11:54:29

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