AJAX 图片展示框架56个 提升开发效率第1/2页_AJAX相关

动态图片展示一方面能使用AJAX或Flash实现图片数据的异步获取,减少浏览的等待时间;一方面使用JavaScript+CSS定制友好的用户体验模式,是图片展览web应用程序开发的一大利器。这里收集的框架都是经过测试可用的,描述大多是各框架主页上的介绍,来不及翻译(有些是西班牙语的 @_@),主要收集来源为欧美和台湾的一些社区和博客,希望大家也能将自己收集的好框架拿出来一起分享!

Ajax Image Galleries & Lightboxes

  1. Minishowcase
    Minishowcase is a small and simple php/javascript online photo gallery, powered by AJAX/JSON that lets you put easily your images in an online gallery, without having to configure databases or changing and customising code (though you may do it if you feel so) allowing to have an up-and-running gallery in a few minutes.
  2. JonDesign's SmoothGallery
    Unlike other systems out there, JonDesign's SmoothGallery is designed from the ground up to be standard compliant: You can feed it from any document, using custom css selectors. And even better, this solutions is very lightweight: The javascript file is only 16kb.
  3. Ajax Photo Gallery
    The AJAX version of AgileGallery is a free AJAX photo gallery that rips through the XML output from Picasa (a free download from google) and generates DHTML for the paging and thumbnails and displays the full sized photos along with any description entered in Picasa. Since this photo gallery uses AJAX technology, it eliminates the need for any page refresh as the user pages through the photos.
  4. Pyxy-gallery
    Pyxy-gallery is an AJAX image gallery in PHP and JavaScript, which optionally uses lightbox.js. It is designed to be an ultra-light-weight, “drop-in” image gallery.
  5. zenphoto
    Zenphoto is an answer to lots of calls for an online gallery solution that just makes sense. After years of bloated software that does everything and your dishes, zenphoto just shows your photos, simply. It's got all the functionality and “features” you need, and nothing you don't. Where the old guys put in a bunch of modules and junk, we put a lot of thought. We hope you agree with our philosopy: simpler is better.
  6. Couloir.org: Resizing, Fading Slideshow Demo - AJAX Slideshow
    This photo slideshow is a demonstration of Flash-like behavior implemented solely in Javascript, HTML, and CSS. The code is offered as-is — Couloir.org offers no technical support. However, you are permitted to use it on your own project so long as you do so according to the rules outlined in the Creative Commons ‘Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0′ License and the license terms contained in the associated, third-party APIs.
  7. Grey Box
    A pop-up window that doesn't suck. GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content in a beautiful way.
  8. Lightbox2
    Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.
  9. Litebox
    Litebox is a modified version of Lightbox v2.0 created with one thing in mind, size reduction. Litebox utilizes the 3kb javascript library moo.fx in association with prototype.lite, giving us the basic tools we need to make this work and you the ability to expand.
  10. Multifaceted Lightbox
    A script (JavaScript) that allows you to focus the users attention on a particular portion of the screen. It creates the equivalent of a modal dialog box - this means that while the user looks at this focused part of the screen, they can't interact with the rest of the screen.
  11. Slightly ThickerBox 1.7
    Slightly ThickerBox is a modification of Cody Lindley's Thickbox script. I modified it for use on my Jason's Toolbox Redesign. The modifications allow the script to generate “Previous Image” and “Next Image” links. The result is that you can use Slightly ThickerBox to create image galleries. In addition, you can create groups of galleries by setting a “rel” attribute on the links. (I also moved the Caption and Close link to the top and made the script case insensitive.)
  12. TripTracker
    The TripTracker slideshow is a lightweight JavaScript image viewer with an animated slideshow feature.
  13. Slimbox, the ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone
    Slimbox is a 7kb visual clone of the popular Lightbox JS v2.0 by Lokesh Dhakar, written using the ultra compact mootools framework. It was designed to be small, efficient, more convenient and 100% compatible with the original Lightbox v2.
  14. Suckerfish HoverLightbox
    The Suckerfish HoverLightbox is a mashup of three very popular Web design techniques blended together to offer a new way of presenting your image galleries.
  15. LightWindow
    LightWindow Supports EVERY Media type and renders it appropriatly, and with better Animation effects.
  16. Lytebox
    Lytebox was written from the Lightbox class that Lokesh Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com) originally wrote. The purpose was to write a self-contained object that eliminated the dependency of prototype.js, effects.js, and scriptaculous.js.
  17. iBox
    iBox is a lightweight script that lets you overlay images and documents in a small dialog without a page reload. It's built to be easy to install and use, while offering great flexibility. The quick start shows example code and explains how to use it.
  18. Smoothbox
    Smoothbox is the Mootools conversion of Thickbox, a script running on JQuery.For the description and the features, you can go to Thickbox's website, as they are basically the same.The main difference from a user point of view is that I've added some effects when the box shows up and on scroll.
  19. YUI Based Lightbox
    The most significant change in this version of the lightbox is that image thumbnails are no longer required for creating lightbox instance. That implies that you can create an image gallery without the presence of image thumbnails. The more exciting aspect of this new feature is that you can virtually grab any image from the internet and include it in your gallery.
  20. Imago
    Imago is an Ajax Image Gallery with focus on simplicity and ease of use. It's plain JavaScript and build on the mature ajax library mootools. No server side scripting is required! Neither is flash. Whether your photos are on flickr, smugmug or you'd like to host them yourself, Imago can show them.
  21. photoViewer
    PhotoViewer leverage the Flickr API for better flexibility can load image from remote XML and easily skinned for customization
  22. carousel
    The carousel component manages a list of content (HTML LI elements within a UL) that can be displayed horizontally or vertically. The content can be scrolled back and forth with or without animation. The content can reference static HTML content or the list items can be created dynamically on-the-fly (with or without Ajax).
  23. multibox
    lightbox that supports images, flash, video, mp3s, html.
  24. FrogJS Javascript Gallery
    FrogJS is a simple, unobtrusive javascript gallery. It's not a replacement for other thumbnail galleries like Lightbox JS, but a different way of showcasing galleries. This type of gallery is best used when a page-by-page gallery is needed, as is the case with photo stories. Below is a small example of a FrogJS gallery. Just click the parrot thumbnail to scroll through the gallery.
  25. Galleria [homesite、lightweight gallery]
    Galleria is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery. It loads the images one by one from an unordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded. It will create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled, centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS.
  26. AJAX Image Gallery powered by Slideflow (like Cover Flow)
    You can drag the Slideflow using your mouse, or click anywhere in the stack to jump there. Click inside the frame in order to enable mouse wheel and arrow key navigation! Or better yet, try the fullscreen example.
  27. JaS gallery
    JaS is short for JavaScript Slides and it is a highly customizable JavaScript library for easily turning your images into a collection viewable as a slideshow, and with fading effects, if desired. It also supports automatic thumbnail creation and tagging of images, so the viewers can find the exact images they're looking for. You can use it any way you like in your own web site, and adapt it to your specific needs.
  28. MooFlow
    Image gallery uses MooTools.
  29. Shadowbox
    Shadowbox is an online media viewer application that supports all of the web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website authors can showcase a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without navigating users away from the linking page.

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时间: 2025-01-21 16:50:37

AJAX 图片展示框架56个 提升开发效率第1/2页_AJAX相关的相关文章


先给大家展示效果图: 效果演示 本例是分页的另外一种显示方式,并不是隐藏未显示的内容 数据库结构与<ajax 翻页>是一样的 JavaScript 代码 <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var track_click = ; //track user click on "load more" button, righ now it is click


一.使用Ajax的主要原因 1.通过适当的Ajax应用达到更好的用户体验:2.把以前的一些服务器负担的工作转嫁到客户端,利于客户端闲置的处理能力来处理,减轻服务器和带宽的负担,从而达到节约ISP的空间及带宽租用成本的目的.二.引用Ajax这个概念的最早提出者Jesse James Garrett认为: Ajax是Asynchronous JavaScript and XML的缩写. Ajax并不是一门新的语言或技术,它实际上是几项技术按一定的方式组合在一在同共的协作中发挥各自的作用,它包括 使用

十大 Node.js 的 Web 框架,快速提升工作效率

Node.js 系统含有多种不同的结构,如 MVC.全栈.REST API 和生成器等.这些结构不仅提升了 Web 应用的开发效率,也优化了开发过程.在这里,我们收集整理了十个高效的 Node.js 框架,希望对你有帮助. 1.Node.js 开发框架 Sail.js Sails.js 就像是 Node.js 平台上的 Rails 框架.这是一个可靠可伸缩的开发框架,面向服务的架构,提供数据驱动的 API 集合.用来开发多玩家游戏.聊天应用和实时面板引用非常方便,也可用于开发企业级 Node.j

十大Node.js 的Web框架,快速提升工作效率

Node.js 系统含有多种不同的结构,如 MVC.全栈.REST API 和生成器等.这些结构不仅提升了 Web 应用的开发效率,也优化了开发过程.在这里,我们收集整理了十个高效的 Node.js 框架,希望对你有帮助. 1.Node.js 开发框架 Sail.js Sails.js 就像是 Node.js 平台上的 Rails 框架.这是一个可靠可伸缩的开发框架,面向服务的架构,提供数据驱动的 API 集合.用来开发多玩家游戏.聊天应用和实时面板引用非常方便,也可用于开发企业级 Node.j

JSF与WEB的完美组合 高度提升开发效率

js|web 与微软Visual Studio.NET程序开发有可视化工具的支持相比,人们在开发基于Java的Web用户界面时仍然需要手工书写大量的标签,同时还要考虑页面状态信息的保存.客户端事件处理等问题,开发难度比较大,效率较低,重用性差.Java Server Faces(JSF)技术正是为了解决这一问题应运而生的,其最引人注目的特性之一是它与标记语言.协议.客户端设备无关.利用JSF提供的可重用.可扩展.基于组件的用户界面框架,在快速开发工具RAD的支持下实现可视化开发.现在JSF技术已


标准|程序 通过为你的企业建立一个公共的应用程序结构框架来提高.NET应用程序的开发效率. 作者:Rao Chejarla (印度) 涉及技术:ADO.NET.ASP.NET 开发企业应用程序是个复杂的过程.你可以运用Microsoft .NET技术的许多工具来使这个过程变得更快更容易,但由于.NET的复杂性,选择最直接的方法是很难的.如果没有明确的标准和方针用来开发应用程序,企业中的每个开发小组就可能在安全.数据库访问策略和测试过程上进行重复开发.虽然每个小组都可能在这些领域中开发出有效的方法


AJAX技术是多种计算机技术的结晶,它的名称来自:Asynchronism(异步).JavaScript.And.XML这4个单词首字母,即异步JavaScript请求处理XML技术.简单的描述就是数据异步传输网页局部刷新的技术.AJAX很流行,WEB程序设计中如果不应用AJAX技术,可以说是不完善的设计.就好象黑白电视机与彩电一样,AJAX就是后者,是一种技术更新的革命! 本人学习AJAX时间并不长,仅10余天,不能说百分之百掌握,但也有所领悟.现在把自己的学习经过和体会写下来,与君共分享.

详解Ajax和form+iframe 实现文件上传的方法(两种方式)_AJAX相关

自从有html5之后,文件上传变的非常简单.很方便的解决了项目中需要用到的文件上传功能.HTML5支持多图片上传,而且支持ajax上传,而且支持上传之前图片的预览,而且支持图片拖拽上传,而且还是纯粹利用file控件实现,JS代码寥寥,想不让人称赞都难啊! HTML5Ajax上传 html5的上传实现,是需要file控件以及XMLHttpRequest请求.下面是我封装的一个上传插件: function fileUpload(options) { var opts = options || {};


1.引言 2.实现代码 2.1.服务器端代码 2.1.1. 文件上传状态类(FileUploadStatus) 2.1.2. 文件上传状态侦听类(FileUploadListener) 2.1.3. 后台服务类(BackGroundService) 2.1.4. 文件上传状态控制类(BeanControler) 2.2. 客户端代码 2.2.1. AjaxWrapper.js 2.2.2. fileUpload.html 2.2.3. result.jsp 2.2.4. fileUpload.c