Orient DB 是一个可伸缩的文档数据库,支持 ACID 事务处理。使用 Java 5 实现。
OrientDB是一个开源NoSQL的数据库管理系统,使用Java编写,属于文档形数据库,支持ACID Tx,">Indexes,asynch queries,SQL layer,clustering等等。
orientdb 1.0rc2更新日志:
- Fixed multi-threads problems
- Speeded up index searching
- Refactored schema, index and security managers to work in multi-threads
- When use remote as protocol, triggers now work at server-side level
- New SQL BETWEEN operator, useful specially against indexes to execute
ranged queries
- New SQL ALTER CLASS and ALTER PROPERTy to refactor the db schema
- New Console DROP DATABASE command
- New Console INDEXES command that displays the configured indexes
- New DATE type to handle dates only with YYYY/MM/SS
- New SQL distinct() function
- New SQL union(), intersect() and difference() functions to work with
- MVCC (Multi-version Concurrency Control) system is enabled also outside
transactions by default, but can be turned off
- Supported +, -, *, / and % math operations in SQL Query
- Enforced security checks
- GraphDB support multiple edges between two vertexes
- Core is Java5 compatible, the server needs Java6
- 80 issues fixed in total!