Memory Management in C++

Memory Management

Use the same form in corresponding uses of new and delete


new operator时会发生两件事:首先,内存通过operator new被分配;然后,为被分配的内存调用一个或多个构造函数。

delete operator时也会发生两件事:首先,为将释放的内存调用一个或多个析构函数;然后,通过operator delete释放内存。

对于delete operator来说会有这样一个重要的问题:内存中有多少个对象需要被删除呢?删除多了,程序也就崩溃了;删除少了,就有内存未被正确释放。这个问题简单来说就是:要被删除的指针指向是单个对象,还是对象数组?这只有你来告诉delete operator。如果你在用delete operator时没有括号,delete就会认为指向的是单个对象;否则它就会认为指向的是一个数组。

Prefer new and delete to malloc and free







  2: #include <iostream>
  3: using namespace std;
  5: class CTest
  6: {
  7: public:
  8:     CTest() { cout<<"Default constructor."<<endl; }
  9:     ~CTest() { cout<<"Default destrcutor."<<endl; }
 11: };
 13: int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 14: {
 15:     cout<<"=== Test new/delete begin ==="<<endl;
 16:     CTest* pTestNewDelete = new CTest;
 17:     delete pTestNewDelete;
 18:     cout<<"=== Test new/delete end   ==="<<endl;
 20:     cout<<"~~~ Test malloc/free begin ~~~"<<endl;
 21:     CTest* pTestMallocFree = static_cast<CTest*> (malloc(sizeof(CTest)));
 22:     free(pTestMallocFree);
 23:     cout<<"~~~ Test malloc/free end   ~~~"<<endl;
 25:     return 0;
 26: }


1 === Test new/delete begin ===
2 Default constructor.
3 Default destrcutor.
4 === Test new/delete end   ===
5 ~~~ Test malloc/free begin ~~~
6 ~~~ Test malloc/free end   ~~~

1. Scott Meyers Effective C++


PDF Version Memory Management in C++

时间: 2024-12-15 05:08:48

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