【Oracle】Installing and Using Standby Statspack in 11g

Statspack/AWR cannot be executed on a standby due to its read-only nature. Therefore tuning the performance of the apply process involves manually collecting statistics.

In 11gR1, using the new Active Data Guard option, users can now use statspack from the primary database to collect data from a standby database that is opened read-only and performing recovery.  

The standby statspack is installed in a separate schema on the Primary database, STDBYPERF which is then propagated to the standby. 

This new user does not have DBA privileges and has no access to local V$ tables.

大致意思由于standby 库是只读的,我们不能直接在standby 库上或者AWR/SP 报告。在11gR1中可以通过使用Active Data Guard特性,我们可以通过主库来获取standby库的信息!备库的sp 是安装在主库的STDBYPERF下的。而这个用户没有dba 权限也不能访问本地的 v$ 表

本文仅仅适用于11g 以上的版本!

创建步骤:下面的所有步骤都是在primary 库上执行的!

Installing and Using Standby Statspack in 11g

1. Standby Statspack 的用法

1.1 Statspack 安装

The perfstat schema and statspack related objects must be present on the primary and standby prior to installing standby statspack.  The standby statspack installation script. (sbcreate.sql) creates the standby statspack schema to hold the standby snapshots. The script. asks for:

A password for stdbyperf user

Default tablespace

Temporary tablespace

The script. creates the ‘stdbyperf’ user and assigns it the selected default and temporary table space. After the user has been created it calls sbaddins.sql to add the first standby instance to the configuration.


SQL> @sbcreate

1.2添加standby 的实例到 Statspack Configuration

Log in to the primary as the 'stdbyperf' user and run the script. sbaddins.sql to add a standby instance to the configuration. The script. asks for:

The TNS alias of the standby database instance

The password of the perfstat user on the standby site。The script. then creates a private database link to the perfstat schema on the standby site and a separate gathering package for each standby instance. Example:

SQL> connect stdbyperf/your_password

SQL> @sbaddins

Input inst2_alias as the tns alias.

1.3 收集 Standby Instance的性能统计数据。

The script. sbaddins.sql creates a separate PL SQL package for each standby instance. Run the snap procedure of those packages to collect the performance data. The statspack_.snap procedure accesses the data dictionary and stats$ views on the standby database via database link connected to the original perfstat user und stores the data to stats$ tables on the primary instance. For example, while the standby is opened read only, login to the primary database and create the snap:

SQL> connect stdbyperf/your_password

SQL> exec statspack_.snap

1.4 生成 Standby Statistics 报告

The script. sbreport.sql generates the standby statistics report. The script. asks for: database id, instance number, high and low snapshots id to create the report. Example:


1.5 删除快照集

The script. sbpurge.sql purges a set of snapshots. The script. asks for database id, instance number, low and high snapshots ids. The script. purges all snapshots between the low and high snapshot ids for the given instance. Example:


1.6 从配置中删除一个实例 

The script. sbdelins.sql deletes an instance from the configuration, and deletes the associated PL SQL package. The scripts asks for instance name. The snapshots are not automatically purged when the instance is deleted. After deleting the instance, you are not able to generate reports for that instance. Example:

SQL> @sbdelins

1.7 删除 Statspack 模式

The script. sbdrop.sql drops the stdbyperf user and tables. The script. must be run when connected to SYS (or internal). Example:

SQL> connect / as sysdba

SQL> @sbdrop

2. New Statistics Collected

Two new sections are added to standby statspack report: 

(1) Recovery Progress Stats

(2) Managed Standby Stats. 

An example is provided below.

Recovery Progress Stats DB/Inst: MADISON/madison1 End Snap: 2

-> End Snapshot Time: 20-Jun-07 13:59:29

-> ordered by Item, Recovery Start Time desc

Recovery Start Time Item Sofar Units Redo Timestamp

------------------- ----------------- -------------- ------- ------------------

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Active Apply Rate 8,420 KB/sec

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Active Time 4,291 Seconds

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Apply Time per Lo 267 Seconds

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Average Apply Rat 3 KB/sec

08-Jun-07 11:57:15 Average Apply Rat 955 KB/sec

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Checkpoint Time p 0 Seconds

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Elapsed Time 1,044,073 Seconds

08-Jun-07 11:57:15 Elapsed Time 6 Seconds

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Last Applied Redo 15,273,580 SCN+Tim 20-Jun-07 13:59:29

08-Jun-07 11:57:15 Last Applied Redo 13,945,701 SCN+Tim 08-Jun-07 11:56:16

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Log Files 16 Files

08-Jun-07 11:57:15 Log Files 33 Files

08-Jun-07 11:58:15 Redo Applied 3,181 Megabyt

08-Jun-07 11:57:15 Redo Applied 6 Megabyt


Managed Standby Stats DB/Inst: MADISON/madison1 End Snap: 2

-> End Snapshot Time: 20-Jun-07 13:59:29

-> ordered by Process

Process pid Status Resetlog Id Thread Seq Block Num

----------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------- -----------

Client Proc Client pid Blocks Delay(mins)

----------- ---------- -------------- --------------

ARCH 29360 CLOSING 624693241 2 59 18433

ARCH 29360 340 0

ARCH 29358 CLOSING 624693241 1 57 94209

ARCH 29358 1,596 0

ARCH 29356 CLOSING 624693241 1 56 903169

ARCH 29356 1,835 0

ARCH 29354 CLOSING 624693241 2 61 919553

ARCH 29354 770 0

MRP0 30839 APPLYING_LOG 624693241 2 62 57

N/A N/A 2,097,152 0

RFS 28886 IDLE 0 0 0 0

N/A 16388 0 0

RFS 28875 IDLE 624693241 2 62 2164

LGWR 16137 432 0

RFS 30192 IDLE 624693241 1 58 51

LGWR 2092 1 0

RFS 28892 IDLE 0 0 0 0

UNKNOWN 16384 0 0

RFS 30326 IDLE 0 0 0 0

N/A 2268 0 0


3. List of New Scripts and Short Descriptions

sbcreate.sql - Install standby statspack

sbcusr.sql - Called from sbcreate.sql to create the schema

sbctab.sql - Called from sbcreate.sql to create tables holding snapshots

sbaddins.sql - Called from sbcreate.sql to add a standby database instance to the configuration.

sbaddins.sql - Add a standby database instance to the configuration

sbcpkg.sql - Called from sbaddins.sql to create the instance specific statspack package

sblisins.sql - List instances in the standby statspack configuration

sbreport.sql - Create a standby statistics report

sbrepcon.sql - Called from sbreport.sql to get the report configuration

sbrepins.sql - Called from sbreport.sql to create the actual report

sbpurge.sql - Purge a set of snapshots identified by low and high snapshot ids

sbdelins.sql - Delete an instance from the standby statspack configuration

sbdrop.sql - Drop the stdbyoperf user and tables of the standby statspack

sbdtab.sql - Called from sbdrop.sql to drop tables

sbdusr.sql - Called from sbdrop.sql to drop user, must run from an account that connects to internal (SYS)

MOS DOC [ID 454848.1]

时间: 2025-01-20 10:06:26

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