


  Apple iPhoneObjective-C


  Google AndroidJAVA


  Windows PhoneC#


  Windows Phone7是全新的平台,和以前的不兼容,目前不支持C/C++



  RIM BlackBerryJAVA

  Palm webOSJavaScript





  the native crossplatform framework

  Ø Rhodes and RhoSync from Rhomobile. Use Ruby for cross-platform business logic in this MVC framework and leverage HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the UI. The optional RhoSync server supports synchronization of client-server data. With Rhodes, you can build applications for iPhone/iPad, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile. The client framework is MIT License; their RhoSync server framework is GPL with a commercial option. http://rhomobile.com/

  Ø PhoneGap from Nitobi. Use HTML, CSS, and Javascript along with projects and libraries that support native application development to create applications that run on iPhone/iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Palm, and Symbian. Open-source MIT License. http://www.phonegap.com/

  Ø Titanium Mobile from Appcelerator. Use JavaScript with custom APIs to build native applications for iPhone and Android. Titanium is an open-source framework, released under the Apache 2 license. http://www.appcelerator.com

  Ø QuickConnectFamily. Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build an application that runs on iPhone/iPad, Android, BlackBerry, and WebOS. The QuickConnectFamily templates give you access to behavior normally restricted to “native” apps. You can have full database access across all the supported platforms. http://www.quickconnectfamily.org

  Ø Bedrock from Metismo. A cross compiler converts your J2ME source code to native C++, simultaneously deploying your product to Android, iPhone, BREW, Windows Mobile, and more. Bedrock is a set of proprietary libraries and tools. http://www.metismo.com

  Ø Corona. Develop using the Lua scripting language for native iPhone, iPad, and Android apps. Corona is a proprietary framework. http://anscamobile.com/corona/

  Ø MoSync SDK. Use C or C++ to develop using MoSync libraries to build for Symbian, Windows Mobile, j2me, Moblin, and Android. MoSync is a proprietary framework. http://www.mosync.com/

  Ø Qt Mobility. Use C++ and Qt APIs to target S60, Windows CE, and Maemo. Qt (pronounced “cute”) is a cross-platform application development framework widely used for the development of GUI programs. The Qt mobility project moves it to mobile platforms. It is distributed as open source under the LGPL. http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/QtMobility

  Ø Adobe Flash Lite. Use ActionScript, a JavaScript-like proprietary scripting language, to build cross-platform application files (SWF) that will run as applications on a variety of devices that support Flash Lite. Adobe Flash Lite is a proprietary platform. http://www.adobe.com/products/flashlite/

  Ø Adobe AIR. Adobe is working toward having the full features of Flash Player 10 work across a wide array of mobile devices; however, those efforts seem to be focused on web-based applications rather than native applications. Adobe AIR (as of this writing, in beta for Android) allows developers to run

  Flash applications outside of the mobile browser as stand-alone applications. http://www.adobe.com/products/air/

  Ø Unity. A popular game development platform which allows you to deploy to Mac, Windows, or iPhone. Unity supports three scripting languages: JavaScript, C#, and a dialect of Python called Boo. They have announced support of Android, iPad, and PS3 to be released in Summer 2010. http://unity3d.com/

  frameworks to create HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for mobile web applications.

  Ø Sencha Touch. A JavaScript framework that allows you to build native-looking mobile web applications in HTML5 and CSS3 for iOS and Android. Sencha Touch is an open-source framework available under the GNU GPL license v3, with a commercial license option available. http://sencha.com

  Ø JQTouch. A JQuery plug-in for making iPhone-like applications that are optimized for Safari desktop and mobile browsers. Released under the MIT License. http://jQTouch.com

  Ø iWebKit. An HTML5 and CSS3 framework targeting iOS native and web applications. iWebkit has been released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. http://iWebkit.net

  Ø iUI. A JavaScript and CSS framework to build mobile web applications that run on iOS. iUI has been released under the New BSD License. http://code.google.com/p/iui/

  Ø xUI. A lightweight JavaScript framework currently being used by PhoneGap. Currently targeting iOS applications with tentative future support for IE mobile and BlackBerry. Currently released under a GNU GPL license. http://xuijs.com

  Ø Magic Framework. An HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework. Used to make fast and smooth iPhone-feeling apps with native-feeling widgets, lists, and so forth. Also provides an easy HTML5 db storage interface. Currently released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. http://www.jeffmcfadden.com/projects/Magic%20Framework

  Ø Dashcode. A Framework developed by Apple to make simple, lightweight, dashboard widgets for OSX and mobile safari applications for iOS that utilize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Currently available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. http://developer.apple.com/leopard/overview/dashcode.html

  Ø CiUI. Developed by tech news site CNET.com to make an iPhone-friendly version of their web site. Released under the MIT License. http://code.google.com/p/ciui-dev/

  Ø Safire. An open-source web application framework written in HTML, JavaScript- and CSS-targeting iOS. Released under the MIT License. http://code.google.com/p/safire/

  Ø iphone-universal (UiUIKit). An HTML and CSS framework for iPhone web development. Contains the iPhone-like Chat Balloons just like SMS on the iPhone. Released under GNU General Public License v3. http://code.google.com/p/iphone-universal/

  Ø WebApp.Net. A lightweight, JavaScript framework to build applications that can take advantage of a WebKit browser control; namely, iOS, Android, and WebOS. Released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. http://WebApp.net

  Ø The Dojo Toolkit. A flexible and extensible JavaScript framework, primarily used to build web applications. http://www.dojotoolkit.org

  Ø Jo. A lightweight JavaScript framework for HTML5 apps, built with PhoneGap in mind. Copyright 2010 Dave Balmer, Jr. this framework has a custom license (“as is” with attribution) http://grrok.com/jo/

时间: 2024-12-23 00:54:27



本文源于IT168 作者 陈雄华 http://tech.it168.com/o/2006-12-13/200612131101722.shtml 1 空前繁荣的开源世界 大致2000年以前,Java世界还是Sun一言九鼎,唯我独尊的时代.Sun发布的任何规范和标准都无一例外地被Java社区有意无意的追捧着,Java世界沉浸在一片歌功颂德,前拥后簇的氛围里.IBM,Bea,Oracle这些Java阵营的代表者也都为能最先最快实现Sun的各种规范而弹冠相庆. 但这三四年来,Java的列车驶进了春秋


本文给大家分享的是一款使用javascript来构建跨平台原生移动应用的开源框架--NativeScript,可以使用JavaScript开发跨平台.真正原生的iOS, Android 和 Windows 移动App.开发人员使用NativeScript提供的库来构建应用UI,其抽象了各种原生平台之间的不同. NativeScript是一款使用JavaScript语言来构建跨平台原生移动应用的开源框架,支持iOS.Android和Windows Phone.且NativeScript的使用没有过


NativeScript是一款使用JavaScript语言来构建跨平台原生移动应用的开源框架,支持iOS.Android和Windows Phone.且NativeScript的使用没有过多繁杂的要求,只需使用自己已经掌握的JavaScript和CSS技能就能开发出真正具有原生用户体验的移动应用. 作为免费开源项目的NativeScript,它的源码已经托管至Github上,让开发者可以没有任何门槛约束的随意使用.除了无需学习新的编程语言,使用大家所熟识的JavaScript编码及CSS打造应用


一.步骤: 1.添加权限(访问网络权限和读写权限) 2.获取上传文件路径并判断是否为空 3.若不为空,创建异步请求对象 4.创建上传文件路径 5.执行post请求(指定url路径,封装上传参数,新建AsyncHttpResponseHandler方法)   二.查看参考文档   三.实例项目解析 运行效果如下:        在本地文件夹中查看是否获取到图片,如下图显示 重点代码:均有详细解析,请认真查看注释 1.在AndroidManifest.xml中添加权限     <uses-permi


引用开源框架通过AsyncHttpClient进行文件上传,具体内容如下 一.步骤: 1.添加权限(访问网络权限和读写权限) 2.获取上传文件路径并判断是否为空 3.若不为空,创建异步请求对象 4.创建上传文件路径 5.执行post请求(指定url路径,封装上传参数,新建AsyncHttpResponseHandler方法) 二.查看参考文档 三.实例项目解析 运行效果如下: 在本地文件夹中查看是否获取到图片,如下图显示 重点代码:均有详细解析,请认真查看注释 1.在AndroidManifes


问题描述 我现在上班的这个公司只用自己内部的框架,开源框架一概不用,这样,我以前学的SSH都没有用武之地了.如果以后,我想要跳槽.会不会有影响啊,因为我看到现在很多招聘要求都是要求精通几种开源框架.而我长时间没有用开源框架,这方面的经验就比别人差了.我很担心以后的前途,希望各位有经验的可以给我分析一下,谢谢啦~~ 问题补充:andilyliao 写道 解决方案 建议从网上下载[Java核心技术(原书第8版)卷1/2 昊斯特曼写的 有中文版的 这些都是核心技术 然后可以看看java2的13个核心技


图像: 1.图片浏览控件MWPhotoBrowser        实现了一个照片浏览器类似 iOS 自带的相册应用,可显示来自手机的图片或者是网络图片,可自动从网络下载图片并进行缓存.可对图片进行缩放等操作.       下载:https://github.com/mwaterfall/MWPhotoBrowser   目前比较活跃的社区仍旧是Github,除此以外也有一些不错的库散落在Google Code.SourceForge等地方.由于Github社区太过主流,这里主要介绍一下Gith


程序员要站在巨人的肩膀上,C++拥有丰富的开源库,这里包括:标准库.Web应用框架.人工智能.数据库.图片处理.机器学习.日志.代码分析等.   标准库 C++ Standard Library:是一系列类和函数的集合,使用核心语言编写,也是C++ISO自身标准的一部分. Standard Template Library:标准模板库 C POSIX library : POSIX系统的C标准库规范 ISO C++ Standards Committee :C++标准委员会 框架 C++通用框架

2017 Android GitHub常用开源框架汇总

本文讲的是2017 Android GitHub常用开源框架汇总,现在 GitHub 上流行的开源库极大地节省了开发者从 0 开发的时间,很多公司和个人都在 GitHub 上开源自己的项目,今天我们就来整理一下 Android 开发中一些非常流行的库,也是我们必须掌握的,这样可以使我们在使用到时快速的查找到,这里的总结基本也都是自己在开发中用到的,也就是一些个人的见解,只做参考,不具有权威性 一.网络库 1. Retrofit Retrofit 是 Square 公司研发的网络请求库,也是目前