SAP的标准移动类型说明(From SAP Help)(ZZ Kanterwang)

Below you will find a short description
of the standard movement types. The reversal movement type is the
movement type + 1 (reversal of 101 = 102).

101 Goods receipt for purchase order or order

If the
purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock
type (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked
stock) can be entered during goods receipt.

If the
purchase order or order has been assigned to an account, the goods
receipt is not posted to the warehouse, but to consumption.

In the case
of non-valuated materials, the goods receipt is posted to the
warehouse, although the purchase order has not been assigned to an

Possible special stock indicators:

  • K Goods receipt for purchase order to consignment stock
  • O Goods receipt for purchase order to stock of material provided to vendor
  • E GR for purchase order or order to sales order stock
  • Q GR for purchase order or order to project stock.

Goods receipt for

subcontract order: at goods receipt, the consumption of the components is posted at the same time (see movement type 543)

Goods receipt for

transport order: at goods receipt the transported quantity is posted in
the receiving plant from stock in transit into unrestricted-use stock
(stock in quality inspection or blocked stock).

103 Goods receipt for purchase order into GR blocked stock

You cannot receive goods into goods receipt blocked stock for stock transport orders.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

105 Release from GR blocked stock for purchase order

Movement type 105 has the same effects as 101.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

121 Subsequent adjustment for subcontracting

This movement type cannot be entered manually.

With a
subsequent adjustment for a subcontract order it is possible to correct
the consumption of components. In this case, the material produced by
the supplier is credited with the excess consumption /
under-consumption. For this reason, if there is a subsequent
adjustment, an item is generated for the produced material using
movement movement type 121.

Movement type 121 does not have a reversal movement type.

Possible special stock indicators:

O, E, Q

122 Return delivery to supplier or to production

Using movement type 122, you can distinguish real return deliveries for a purchase order or order from cancellations (102).

In the
standard version, you must enter a reason for the return delivery if
you are using movement type 122. This enables you to carry out
evaluations for return deliveries.

The effects of movement type 122 correspond to a cancellation of movement type 101.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

123 Reversal of return delivery

If you returned a goods receipt using movement type 122, you can reverse the return delivery using movement type 123. This movement type has the same effects as movement type 101.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

124 Return delivery to vendor from GR blocked stock

Using movement type 124, you can return a goods receipt to GR blocked stock ( 103).

Movement type 124 has the same effects as movement type 104.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

125 Return delivery from GR blocked stock - reversal

If you returned a goods receipt to GR blocked stock using movement type 124 , you can reverse the return delivery using movement type 125.

Movement type 125 has the same effects as movement type 103.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

131 Goods receipt for run schedule header

movement type cannot be entered manually. It is generated automatically
at notification of goods receipt for a run schedule header.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

141 Goods receipt for subsequent adjustment for active ingredient

This movement type cannot be entered manually. It is generated automatically upon subsequent adjustment for a proportion/product unit
. Subsequent adjustment is necessary if the system finds that there has
been excess consumption or under-consumption after a goods receipt

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

161 Return for purchase order

If a
purchase order item is marked as a returns item, the returns to vendor
are posted using movement type 161 when the goods receipt for purchase
order ( 101) is posted.

Movement type 161 has the same effects as movement type 122.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, O, E, Q

201 Goods issue for a cost center

The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

  • K: Goods withdrawal from consignment stock
  • P: Goods withdrawal from the pipeline

If you have withdrawals from consignment stock and from pipeline, payables to suppliers ensue.

221 Goods issue for a project

The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

K, Q

231 Goods issue for a customer order (without Shipping)

You use this movement type if you want to process the delivery without Shipping.

The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

241 Goods issue for an asset

The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:


251 Goods issue for sales (without customer order)

Use this
movement type if you have not entered a customer order in SD. In the
standard system, the movement is assigned to a cost center.

The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:


261 Goods issue for an order

This refers
to all withdrawals for orders (for example,
DS:GLOS.3526C388AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>production orders,
maintenance orders), with the exception of customer orders.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, P, Q, W

The goods
issue can be posted manually in Inventory Management or automatically
when an order is confirmed or via a delivery in Shipping.

281 Goods issue for a


The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.

The goods issue can also be posted via a delivery in Shipping.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, P, Q

291 Goods issue for any arbitrary account assignment

With this
movement type, all account assignment fields are ready for input. You
can assign the movement to any arbitrary account assignment object.

The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, P, Q

301 Transfer posting plant to plant in one step

The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock in the issuing plant to unrestricted-use stock in the receiving plant.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, O, Q, V, W

303 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - removal from storage

The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant tostock in transfer in the receiving plant.

For technical reasons, you cannot carry out transfer postings from plant to plant in two steps for split valuation materials.

Removal from storage can be posted with movement type 603 via Shipping.

Possible special stock indicators:


305 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - placement in storage

The quantity is posted from stock in transfer to unrestricted-use stock in the receiving plant. The movement is not valuated.

You can use movement type 605 in Shipping to post the goods receipt with reference to the delivery.

Possible special stock indicators:


309 Transfer posting material to material

The quantity
is posted from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing material into
unrestricted-use stock in the receiving material.

Prerequisite: both materials have the same stockkeeping unit.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, O, Q, V, W

311 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in one step

The quantity
is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing storage
location to unrestricted use in the receiving storage location.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, M, Q

See also 321, 343, 349, and 455 for other stock types

313 Stock transfer storage location to storage location in two steps - removal from storage

The quantity
is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing storage
location to stock in transfer in the receiving storage location.

Possible special stock indicators:


315 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in two steps - placement in storage

In the receiving storage location, the quantity is transferred from the stock in transfer to the unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:


317 Creation of a structured material from constituent components (Retail)

A material split into its components using movement type 319 can be rejoined using movement type 317.

Movement type 317 has the same effect as a cancellation of movement type 319.

Possible special stock indicators:


319 Split structured material into components (Retail)

You can enter the splitting of a structured material manually using movement type 319.

You can
configure Customizing so that a structured material (for example, aset,
prepack, or display is automatically split into its components at goods
receipt. The system posts the split using movement type 319. In this
process, the BOM header material is posted and each of the component
stocks are increased. You can also use this function if you use the
Warehouse Management System (LE-WM).

Possible special stock indicators:


box of the structured material S contains 3 pieces of the component K1
and 4 pieces of the component K2. The following material document items
result after the material is split at goods receipt:

  Qty Unit Material Movement type
  1 box S 101 +
  1 box S 319 -
  4 piece K1 319 +
  5 piece K2 319 +

321 Transfer posting stock in quality inspection - unrestricted-use stock

The quantity
is transferred from stock in quality inspection into unrestricted-use
stock. Here you can post the quantity to another storage location.

You cannot
use this movement type for QM-managed materials since transfer posting
for these materials takes place via the usage decision.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, O, Q, V, W

323 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - stock in quality inspection

The quantity
is transferred from stock in quality inspection in the issuing storage
location into stock in quality inspection in the receiving storage

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

325 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stock

The quantity
is transferred from blocked stock in the issuing storage location into
blocked stock in the receiving storage location.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

331 Withdrawal of sample from stock in quality inspection

The sample is destructive, that is, the withdrawal has the same effects asscrapping.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q, V, W

333 Withdrawal of sample from unrestricted-use stock

The sample is destructive, that is, the withdrawal has the same effects asscrapping.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q, V, W

335 Withdrawal of sample from blocked stock

The sample is destructive, that is, the withdrawal has the same effects asscrapping.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

340 Revaluation of batch

Using this
movement type, you can change a batch's valuation type. The system
automatically calls up this movement type when you want to revaluate a
batch by choosing Logistics -> Central Functions -> Batch Management -> Batch -> Change (transaction code MSC2N). There is no reversal movement type.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

341 Change in status of a batch (available to unavailable)

This goods
movement is automatically created when there is a change in thestatus
of a batch and it is also used to transfer the unrestricted-use stock
into restricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, M, O, Q, V, W

343 Transfer posting blocked stock - unrestricted-use stock

The quantity
is transferred from blocked stock to unrestricted-use stock. You can
also post the quantity to another storage location.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

349 Transfer posting from blocked stock to stock in quality inspection

The quantity
is transferred from blocked stock to stock in quality inspection. Here
you can transfer the quantity to another storage location.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

351 Goods issue for a stock transport order (without Shipping)

The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock in the issuing plant tostock in transit in the receiving plant.

type 351 is only used if the goods issue is posted without a delivery
in Shipping. A goods issue for a stock transport order with delivery in
Shipping is posted using movement types 641, 643, 645, or 647.

The transfer posting is also possible for materials with split valuation.

The goods issue for a stock transport order takes place using movement type 101.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q
special stock indicators E and Q and for purchase orders assigned to an
account, ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock in transit
in the receiving plant.

411 Transfer posting of special stocks E, K, and Q to company's own stock

The quantity
is transferred from unrestricted-use special stock E (sales order
stock), unrestricted-use stock K ( consignment stock) and
unrestricted-use special stock Q (project stock) to unrestricted-use
storage location stock. The corresponding special stock indicator is
required for this movement.

If you do not use the special stock indicator, the system uses this movement type and movement type 311.

For sales
order stock, you can change the material number for this movement if
you manage the material in your company's own stock under a different
material number (for example, for configurable materials).

Consignment stock is transferred to valuated stock, thus resulting in a vendor liability.

413 Transfer posting to sales order stock

You can use
this movement type to carry out a transfer posting from your own
unrestricted-use stock, other sales order stock, consignment stock, and
project stock to a sales order stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

415 Transfer posting to project stock

You can use
this movement type to carry out a transfer posting from your own
unrestricted-use stock, consignment stock, and other project stock to a
project stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

441 Transfer posting non-tied to tied empties

Part of the stock of an "empties" material assigned to a full product is managed in the stock type "tied empties".

Empties stock not assigned to a full product forms part of the stock type "unrestricted-use".

movement type 441, you can make a transfer posting for an empties
material from the stock type "unrestricted-use" to the stock type "tied
empties". Movement type 442 reverses this transaction.


The full product "beer" has a stock of 15 cases. Part of the empties components "bottle" and "case" is tied empties stock.

  Material unrestricted-use tied empties
  Beer 15  
  Bottle 240 360
  case 10 15

451 Returns from customer (without Shipping)

Using movement type 451, you post customer returns without a returns delivery in Shipping into blocked stock returns.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 453, 651, 653

453 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to unrestricted-use stock

The quantity is transferred from blocked stock returns to unrestricted-use stock and thereby transferred to valuated stock.

With this movement you can transfer the quantity to another storage location at the same time.

Possible special stock indicators:


455 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stock returns

The quantity
is transferred from blocked stock returns of the issuing storage
location to blocked stock returns of the receiving storage location.

Possible special stock indicators:


457 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to quality inspection stock

The quantity is transferred from blocked stock returns to quality inspection stock and thereby transferred to valuated stock.

With this movement you can transfer the quantity to another storage location at the same time.

Possible special stock indicators:


459 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to blocked stock

The quantity is transferred from blocked stock returns to blocked stock and thereby transferred to valuated stock.

With this movement you can transfer the quantity to another storage location at the same time.

Possible special stock indicators:


501 Goods receipt without purchase order - unrestricted-use stock

movement type is used for deliveries from vendors that are not based on
a purchase order. Invoice verification is not possible for these goods

For a goods receipt for purchase order (

101), the receipt of returnable transport packaging can be entered using movement type 501 and special stock indicator M.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, M, Q

503 Goods receipt without purchase order - stock in quality inspection

movement type is used for deliveries from vendors that are not based on
a purchase order. Invoice verification is not possible for these goods

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

505 Goods receipt without purchase order - blocked stock

movement type is used for deliveries from vendors that are not based on
a purchase order. Invoice verification is not possible for these goods

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

511 Free-of-charge delivery from vendor

The quantity
is posted to unrestricted-use stock. If there is a material with moving
average price, the moving average price is reduced accordingly.

Possible special stock indicators:


521 Goods receipt without order - unrestricted-use stock

This movement type is used for deliveries from production that are not based on an order.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

523 Goods receipt without order - stock in quality inspection

This movement type is used for deliveries from production that are not based on an order.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

525 Goods receipt without order - blocked stock

This movement type is used for deliveries from production that are not based on an order.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

531 Goods receipt from by-product from the order

The goods receipt of a by-product usually refers to an order, but it can be entered without a reference.

If a component is entered with a negative quantity in the order, a reservation item is created with 531 (instead of 261
). The receipt of a by-product can be entered when the component for
the order is withdrawn from stock or it can be entered as an 'other
goods receipt'.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

See also: 545 and 581

541 Transfer posting unrestricted-use stock - stock of material provided to vendor

With this
movement type you provide the subcontractor with the components
required for subcontract orders. The quantity is posted into
unrestricted-use stock of material provided to vendor.

If there is a goods receipt for a subcontract order ( 101 ) consumption of components is posted from this stock.

The transfer posting can be posted via a delivery in Shipping.

Possible special stock indicators:


543 Consumption from stock of material provided to vendor

This movement cannot be entered manually.

The consumption of components for a subcontract order is posted using goods receipt for purchase order ( 101). It can be corrected by means of a subsequent adjustment.

For special
stock indicators E and Q, you must ensure that the quantity is not
posted to the stock of material provided to vendor, but to the
unrestricted-use sales order or project stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, O, Q

545 Goods receipt from by-product from subcontracting

If a
component is entered with a negative quantity for the subcontract
order, the receipt of the by-product is posted to stock provided to
vendor during goods receipt for purchase order or during the subsequent

For special
stock indicators E and Q, you must ensure that the quantity is not
posted to the stock of material provided to vendor, but to the
unrestricted-use sales order or project stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, O, Q

551 Scrapping from unrestricted-use stock

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, O, Q, V, W

553 Scrapping from stock in quality inspection

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, O, Q, V, W

555 Scrapping from blocked stock

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

561 Initial entry of stock - unrestricted-use stock


entry of stock balances, when the R/3 system is active, you enter the
physical warehouse stock figures or the book inventory from your old
system into the R/3 Materials Management component. This data entry
usually takes place by means of batch input.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, M, O, Q, V, W

563 Initial entry of stock - quality inspection


entry of stock balances, when the R/3 system is active, you enter the
physical warehouse stock figures or the book inventory from your old
system into the R/3 Materials Management component. This data entry
usually takes place by means of batch input.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, O, Q, V, W

565 Initial entry of stock - blocked stock


entry of stock balances, when the R/3 system is active, you enter the
physical warehouse stock figures or the book inventory from your old
system into the R/3 Materials Management component. This data entry
usually takes place by means of batch input.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

571 Goods receipt for assembly order to unrestricted-use

This movement cannot be entered in Inventory Management. It can only be entered in repetitive manufacturing using the Goods receipt for sales order function.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

573 Goods receipt for assembly order to quality inspection

This movement cannot be entered in Inventory Management. It can only be entered in repetitive manufacturing using the Goods receipt for sales order function.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

575 Goods receipt for assembly order to blocked stock

This movement cannot be entered in Inventory Management. It can only be entered in repetitive manufacturing using the Goods receipt for sales order function.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

581 Goods receipt of a by-product from the network

The goods receipt of a by-product usually refers to anetwork, but can be entered without reference.

If a component is entered with a negative quantity in the network, a reservation is created with 581 (instead of 281 ). The receipt of a by-product can be entered during the withdrawal for the network or as an 'other goods receipt'.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

601 Goods issue for delivery (Shipping)

In Shipping, this movement type is created automatically with the Goods issue for delivery function.

The quantity is taken from unrestricted-use stock.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, K, Q

603 Goods issue for stock transport order (Shipping) with additional

If you issue goods for a stock transport order in Shipping using movement type 641, you can use this movement type to assign an extra item to the order.

The ordered
material is transferred to the stock in transit of the receiving plant.
The material for the additional item is transferred from
unrestricted-use stock in the issuing plant to stock in transfer in the
receiving plant.

You can also use this movement type without referencing a purchase order.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 303, 641

605 Goods receipt for a stock transport order (Shipping) with
additional item

You can use
this movement type to transfer into unrestricted-use stock the material
you posted into stock in transfer in the receiving plant using movement
type 603. You post the goods movement with reference to the purchase order (if available) or the delivery.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 305 and 641

621 Transfer posting unrestricted-use - returnable packaging (Shipping)

The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock to the returnable packaging stock at customer.

Possible special stock indicators:


623 Goods issue from returnable packaging stock at customer (Shipping)

This quantity is withdrawn from unrestricted-use returnable packaging stock at the customer.

Possible special stock indicators:


631 Transfer posting unrestricted use - customer consignment stock (Shipping)

The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock to consignment stock at customer.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

633 Goods issue from customer consignment (Shipping)

The quantity is withdrawn from unrestricted-use consignment stock at the customer.

Possible special stock indicators:


641 Goods issue for a stock transport order (Shipping)

The quantity
is transferred using a delivery in Shipping from unrestricted-use stock
of the issuing plant to stock in transit of the receiving plant.

The goods receipt for the stock transport order takes place using movement type 101
and can, if required, refer to the purchase order or to the delivery.
If a purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock
transport order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the
issuing plant with movment type 671.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

For the
special stock indicators E and Q and for purchase orders assigned to an
account, you must ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock
in transit of the receiving plant.

See also: 351, 643, 671

643 Goods issue for a cross-company
stock transport order (Shipping)

It is used
only for cross-company stock transport orders with SD billing and
invoice. The quantity is withdrawn from the unrestricted-use stock of
the issuing plant. No stock in transit is created here. In the second
step, the goods receipt must be entered in the receiving plant. If a
purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock transport
order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the issuing
plant with movment type 673.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 351, 641, 673

645 Goods issue for a cross-company
stock transport order in one step (Shipping)

Unlike movement type 643 when a goods issue is posted using movement type 645, a goods receipt line is generated automatically 101).
If a purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock
transport order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the
issuing plant with movment type 675.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 675

647 Goods issue for a stock transport order in one step

Unlike movement type 641 when a goods issue is posted using movement type 647, a goods receipt line (movement type 101)
is generated automatically in the receiving plant. If a purchase order
item is flagged as a returns item in the stock transport order, you can
post the goods receipt of the returns in the issuing plant with
movement type 677.

Possible special stock indicators:

E, Q

See also: 677

651 Returns from customer (Shipping)

Using movement type 651, you post returns from a customer with a return delivery in Shipping to blocked stock returns.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 451, 453, 653

653 Returns from customer (Shipping) to unrestricted-use stock

With this movement type you post returns from the customer with returns delivery via Shipping directly to the valuated stock.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 451, 453, 651

655 Returns from customer (Shipping) to stock in quality inspection

With this movement type you post returns from the customer with returns delivery via Shipping directly to the valuated stock.

Possible special stock indicators:


See also: 451, 453,

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时间: 2024-08-19 05:08:35

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SAP Business Suite 旧代码行与 SAP S/4HANA 新代码行之间有哪些根本区别?

SAP Business Suite 旧代码行与 SAP S/4HANA 新代码行之间有哪些根本区别?   SAP S/4HANA 采用了新的开发方法来消除所有应急工具.传统的基于行的传统关系数据库管理系统会采用一些应急工具来提升性能.这些工具包括聚合数据和编程索引等,它们不具备任何语义价值,仅仅只是用来提高访问数据和汇总数据的速度.然而,这些工具却存在许多弊端:它们会造成应用互联,增加系统锁定的复杂性,导致聚合数据的更新发生冲突.此外,冗长的提取.转换.加载 (ETL) 场景会造成数据延迟,致


标准库类型vector表示对象的集合,其中所有对象的类型都相同.集合中的每个对象都有一个与之对应的索引,索引用于访问对象.因为vector"容纳着"其他对象,所以它被称为容器. 要想使用vector,必须包含适当的头文件.#include<vector> C++语言既有类模板,也有函数模板 ,其中vector是一个类模板. 模板本身不是类或函数,相反可以将模板看作为编译器生成类或者函数编写的一份说明.编译器根据模板创建类或函数的过程成为实例化,当使用模板时,需要指出编译器应


我们公司进行货物移动主要由下面两个部门进行 1.采购部门 2.库管部门 约定,采购部门进行"入库",库管部门进行"收货" 入库  对应SAP中的 103, 104 :采购:表示货物送到了公司:这时只是东西到了公司,但是还没有验货,也没有存入公司的货架: 收货  对应SAP中的 105, 106 :库管:表示货物经过检验无误后,收入库房: SAP虹:SAP中的移动类型能够激发系统去查找过帐规则,以确定财务会计系统的科目(库存及消耗科目)如何记帐,以及物料主数据中的库存

《SAP ERP财务:配置与设计(第2版)》——2.4 配置企业结构

2.4 配置企业结构 SAP ERP财务:配置与设计(第2版) 贯穿全书,我们都将力图阐述完成配置操作所需要的所有步骤.应当把正文和界面截图与在你自己的SAP界面上所看到的内容联系起来. 备注 如果本书所阐述的内容与你自己SAP界面上的内容不一致,则可能是由于版本差异造成的(我们以下所著述的内容是基于SAP ERP ECC 6.0版本的),也可能是由所做的相关配置设置造成的. 在进入企业结构的详细配置之前,需要解释两个基本概念:国家和货币.虽然他们本身不是企业结构的一部分,但是国家和货币在企业结