Nginx系列教程:HTTP Log模块



log_format gzip '$remote_addr - $remote_
user [$time_local] ': '"$request" $status $bytes_sent ': '"$http_referer" "$http_user_
agent" "$gzip_ratio"';access_log /spool/logs/nginx-access.log gzip buffer=32k;


access_log log_format


语法: access_log path [format [buffer=size | off ] 默认值: access_log log/access.log combined

作用域: http, server, location

指令 access_log 指派路径、格式和缓存大小。参数 "off" 将清除当前级别的所有 access_log 指令。如果未指定格式,则使用预置的 "combined" 格式。缓存不能大于能写入磁盘的文件的最大大小。在 FreeBSD 3.0-6.0 ,缓存大小无此限制。


语法: log_format name format [format ...]

默认值: log_format combined "..."

作用域: http server

Directive log_format describes the format of a log entry. Besides general variables in the format it is possible to use variables which exist only at the moment of record into the log:

$body_bytes_sent, the number of bytes, transmitted to client minus the response headers, variable is compatible with parameter %B of module Apache's mod_log_config (this was called $apache_bytes_sent, before version 0.3.10) $bytes_sent, the number of bytes, transmitted to client $connection, the number of connection $msec, the time with an accuracy to microseconds at the moment of the log entry $pipe, "p" if request was pipelining $request_length, the length of the body of the request $request_time, the time of working on request in seconds $status, status of answer $time_local, local time into common log format.

The headers, transmitted to client, begin from the prefix "sent_http_", for example, $sent_http_content_range.

In the configuration there is always a predetermined format "combined":

log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ': '"$request" $status $apache_bytes_sent ': '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

时间: 2024-07-31 09:26:31

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A. 特点1. 高效.内存使用少.2. 权限分离,用户间互不干扰.3. 动态进程管理,资源分配均衡. B. 应用程序说明Nginx:事件驱动的 Web 服务器,采用模块化设计,小巧.高效.PHP-FPM:支持快速进程管理的 PHP FastCGI 接口版本,用它实现动态进程管理,提高资源使用效率. C. 整个架构的简单说明Nginx 处理所有的 Web 请求,它将 PHP 的请求 Match 出,发送给上游服务器处理,这里的上游服务器就是 PHP-CGI.PHP-CGI 工作在 FastCGI


A. 特点1. 高效.内存使用少.2. 权限分离,用户间互不干扰. B. 应用程序说明Nginx : 事件驱动的 Web 服务器,采用模块化设计,小巧.高效.PHP-CGI : PHP的CGI接口版本(本文使用FastCGI高效接口). C. 整个架构的简单说明Nginx 处理所有的 Web 请求,它将 PHP 的请求 Match 出,发送给上游服务器处理,这里的上游服务器就是 PHP-CGI.PHP-CGI 工作在 FastCGI 模式,它侦听着一个地址端口(或 Unix socket文件,建