关于Sweep and Prune 算法

在第一阶段的检测(BroadPhase)中所需要的算法就是Sweep and Prune,因为从未接触过此类的东西,所以不知道到底是个什么东西,今天终于找到具体资料了,一看,晕倒掉了.原来就是<游戏编程精粹2>里面所提及到的 逐维递归分组法...

Sweep and Prune
Given a number N of objects, O(N2) object pairs have to be checked for collision. In general, the objects in most of the pairs aren't even close to each other so we should be able to eliminate them quickly. To do this we use a technique called Sweep and Prune ([CLMP95]). In this section I will briefly introduce this technique.

To determine whether two objects are close enough to potentially collide, the Sweep and Prune checks whether the axis aligned bounding boxes of the respective objects overlap. If they do, further investigation is necessary. If not, the objects can't possibly collide and the algorithm can move on. To determine whether two bounding boxes overlap, the algorithm reduces the 3D problem to three simpler 1D problems. It does so by determining the intervals occupied by the bounding volume along each of the x,y and z axes. If and only if the intervals of two bounding volumes overlap in all of the three dimensions, the objects corresponding to these bounding volumes must overlap. To determine which intervals of the objects along an axis overlap, the list of the intervals is sorted. Normally, using quick-sort, this would be an  process. However, by exploiting frame coherence (the similarity between situations in two subsequent frames) we can sort the lists in an expected (O(N), using insertion sort.

Another difficult part in the Sweep and Prune approach is the maintenance of the bounding volume. If the objects in the scene move or rotate, the previously calculated bounding boxes are invalid. It is important to be able to update the boxes as quickly as possible. Again, we can do this by exploiting frame coherence.

The algorithm's performance is of course dependent on the application and the typical situations that occur in that application. Many variations exists, such as reducing the overlap problem by only 1 dimension and using a rectangle intersection test. It is also possible to choose other types of bounding volumes that might be faster to update but produce a less accurate approximation of the object.

时间: 2025-01-21 13:35:56

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碰撞检测 小结

Sweep and Prune:1.将物体的AABB分离到三个坐标轴上.得到若干个区间.2.根据区间的终点坐标由小到大排序.3.逐个遍历排序结果,当遇到一个区间的起始点的时候,就将这个区间放到一个列表中:当遇到一个区间的终点时,就将这个区间从列表中清除. 当在列表中存在区间,而又遇到一个新区间的起始点时,则遇到的区间与列表中的所有区间重叠.4.如果一对物体在三个坐标轴上的区间都重叠,那么他们的AABB相叠. Mid-phase碰撞检测 碰撞检测树就是将要碰撞的网格分离成多个部分,并将这些部分按树


神经网络的结构对其性能有极其重要的影响.目前主流的神经网络结构搜索法仍然是试凑法,该方法存在三大问题: 训练过程中神经网络结构是固定的,训练并不能改善结构 时间和计算消耗巨大 生成的网络通常很冗余,计算和存储成本过高 为了解决以上问题,普林斯顿大学研究人员仿照人类大脑的学习过程,提出了一种自动生成神经网络的算法.该算法从一个种子结构(seed architecture)开始,这个种子结构类似于初生婴儿的大脑. 在训练过程中,先根据反向传播算法获得的梯度(gradient),连接和生长(grow)

jvm系列(三):GC算法 垃圾收集器

概述 垃圾收集 Garbage Collection 通常被称为"GC",它诞生于1960年 MIT 的 Lisp 语言,经过半个多世纪,目前已经十分成熟了. jvm 中,程序计数器.虚拟机栈.本地方法栈都是随线程而生随线程而灭,栈帧随着方法的进入和退出做入栈和出栈操作,实现了自动的内存清理,因此,我们的内存垃圾回收主要集中于 java 堆和方法区中,在程序运行期间,这部分内存的分配和使用都是动态的. 对象存活判断 判断对象是否存活一般有两种方式: 引用计数:每个对象有一个引用计数属性


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