MySQL/MariaDB-Galera 0.8发布 MySQL衍生版

MySQL/MariaDB-Galera是一套在 MySQL InnoDB 上面实现 Multi-master 且 synchronous replication 的系統。

MySQL/MariaDB-Galera 0.8发行说明:

So Galera 0.8 comes with many nice features:

Works with MySQL 5.1 and MariaDB 5.1. The latest is
more interesting for us, as it is based on XtraDB. That means Galera supports the XtraDB storage engine. Support for multi-threaded slaves. Using custom scripts for node propagation. RSYNC method comes with the Galera distribution, and it is quite easy to add support for Percona Xtra
Backup to propagate nodes.

Why MySQL/MariaDB + Galera 0.8 is interesting? It allows to solve following problems:

A Real High Availability solution for systems based on InnoDB/XtraDB. The recommended setup is 3 nodes and you can add / remove nodes al
most transparently. It is possible to use it in traditional master-slave setups, but with big difference – with Galera with have Synchronous slaves. A transaction is not committed on the master until it is committed on the slave. That means no more slave delays. With parallel appl
ying on slaves, the latency of round-trip transactions should be in an acceptable range. It opens the possibility for active master – active master setups. You can write on both masters and do not worry about conflict resolution and get rid of those “slave is out of sync with master” pain-in-the-neck problems. Combining all above, now we can setup distributed replication systems with masters in different data centers. This provides a HA solution for MySQL setups in the Cloud. E.g. with
current state of MySQL EC2 setups suffer from lacking a good HA schema. With Galera, we can setup replication with the same availability and in different zones. Remember the recent and famous EC2 outage? Ha
ving masters in USA and Europe regions would solve this kind of problems. Scaling Writes. From benchmarks provided by the Galera team we may see a good scaling of throughput writing to several nodes

时间: 2024-12-09 23:04:57

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原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 .作者信息和本声明.否则将追究法律责任. 方案优势: Galera能够实现MySQL/MariaDB数据库的主主复制和多主复制等模式,这些复制模式都是同步进行的,同步时间非常短 每一个节点都可以同时写入和读取,当某一节点发生故障时,可自动从集群中自动剔除 HAProxy能提供负载均衡和故障判断等功能解决服务器系统存在的单点故障 Keepaliv

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15 个有用的 MySQL/MariaDB 性能调整和优化技巧

MySQL 是一个强大的开源关系数据库管理系统(简称 RDBMS).它发布于 1995 年(20年前).它采用结构化查询语言(SQL),这可能是数据库内容管理中最流行的选择.最新的 MySQL 版本是 5.6.25,于 2015 年 5 月 29 日发布. 关于 MySQL 一个有趣的事实是它的名字来自于 Michael Widenius(MySQL 的创始人)的女儿" My".尽管有许多关于 MySQL 有趣的传闻,不过本文主要是向你展示一些有用的实践,以帮助你管理你的 MySQL