Seed7 2011-09-04版本更新日志:
-Declarations were moved from "seed7_05.s7i" to the new library "forloop.s7i".
-For loops, with traverse array elements and keys, were introduced in "seed7_05.s7i".
-Test cases were added to "chkbig.sd7" and "chkexc.sd7".
-C++ompiler options, to control the optimization of constant expressions, were introduced.
-The console handling was improved to allow writing Unicode characters to the console.
-The random number generator was improved.
-Several optimizations were done in "big_rtl.c" and "big_gmp.c".
-Support for 'SOC_INPUT_READY' was added to the compiler (comp.sd7).
-各种预定义类型,如可调整大小的数组,hashes, sets,structs,color,time,duration,等。