自动杀掉占用较多CPU资源的Shell脚本_linux shell

复制代码 代码如下:


# March-13-2006
# CPUuse trigger script by Noel
# bash code to watch a running program's CPU usage.
# if it's above a set value, it will auto send an email.
# You will need to set a Cron job to run this script every xx minutes
# Set some needed things:
processToWatch="convert" # in my case I need to watch convert
emailAddress="root@host" # this is my main emailaddress
triggerValue=90 # if the CPU use is above 90% send an email. DO NOT USE a DOT or COMMA!
tempFileName=tmp-cpu # some name of the temp file for the ps, grep data

ps auxww | grep "$processToWatch" | grep -v grep > /tmp/$tempFileName
export LINE
read LINE
while [ -n "$LINE" ]
set $LINE
read LINE
if [ $(echo "$3" | sed -e 's/\.[0-9]*//g') -gt $triggerValue ]; then
mail -s "CPU message alert for: $processToWatch" $emailAddress <<-END
This is to inform you that the following process: $processToWatch with PID (Process ID) $2 is now using more than your preset $triggerValue value.

Process: $processToWatch is using: $3 of CPU power!
The command used is: $11
)< /tmp/$tempFileName

时间: 2024-09-20 06:41:33

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