Scalaz(23)- 泛函数据结构: Zipper-游标定位

  外面沙尘滚滚一直向北去了,意识到年关到了,码农们都回乡过年去了,而我却留在这里玩弄“拉链”。不要想歪了,我说的不是裤裆拉链而是scalaz Zipper,一种泛函数据结构游标(cursor)。在函数式编程模式里的集合通常是不可变的(immutable collection),我们会发现在FP编程过程中处理不可变集合(immutable collection)数据的方式好像总是缺些什么,比如在集合里左右逐步游动像moveNext,movePrev等等,在一个集合的中间进行添加、更新、删除的功能更是欠奉了,这主要是因为操作效率问题。不可变集合只有对前置操作(prepend operation)才能获得可靠的效率,即对集合首位元素的操作,能得到相当于O(1)的速度,其它操作基本上都是O(n)速度,n是集合的长度,也就是随着集合的长度增加,操作效率会以倍数下降。还有一个原因就是编程时会很不方便,因为大多数程序都会对各种集合进行大量的操作,最终也会导致程序的复杂臃肿,不符合函数式编程要求的精简优雅表达形式。我想可能就是因为以上各种原因,scalaz提供了Zipper typeclass帮助对不可变集合操作的编程。Zipper的定义如下:scalaz/Zipper.scala

final case class Zipper[+A](lefts: Stream[A], focus: A, rights: Stream[A])


final case class Zipper[+A](
  lefts: Stream[A],
  focus: A,
  rights: Stream[A])


trait StreamFunctions {
  final def toZipper[A](as: Stream[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] = as match {
    case Empty   => None
    case h #:: t => Some(Zipper.zipper(empty, h, t))

  final def zipperEnd[A](as: Stream[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] = as match {
    case Empty => None
    case _     =>
      val x = as.reverse
      Some(Zipper.zipper(x.tail, x.head, empty))


1   Stream(1,2,3).toZipper                          //> res2: Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 1, <rights>))
2   Stream("A","B","C").toZipper                    //> res3: Option[scalaz.Zipper[String]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, A, <rights>))
3   Stream(Stream(1,2),Stream(3,4)).toZipper        //> res4: Option[scalaz.Zipper[scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int]]] = Some(Z
4                                                   //| ipper(<lefts>, Stream(1, ?), <rights>))
5   Stream(1,2,3).zipperEnd                         //> res5: Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 3, <rights>))


trait ListFunctions {
 final def toZipper[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] =

  final def zipperEnd[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] =

final class NonEmptyList[+A] private[scalaz](val head: A, val tail: List[A]) {
  def toZipper: Zipper[A] = zipper(Stream.Empty, head, tail.toStream)

  def zipperEnd: Zipper[A] = {
    import Stream._
    tail.reverse match {
      case Nil     => zipper(empty, head, empty)
      case t :: ts => zipper(ts.toStream :+ head, t, empty)


trait ZipperFunctions {
  def zipper[A](ls: Stream[A], a: A, rs: Stream[A]): Zipper[A] =
    Zipper(ls, a, rs)


1 List(1,2,3,4).toZipper                          //> res0: Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 1, <rights>))
2   List(List(1,2),List(2,3)).toZipper              //> res1: Option[scalaz.Zipper[List[Int]]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, List(1, 2), <r
3                                                   //| ights>))
4   NonEmptyList("A","C","E").toZipper              //> res2: scalaz.Zipper[String] = Zipper(<lefts>, A, <rights>)
5   NonEmptyList(1,2,3).zipperEnd                   //> res3: scalaz.Zipper[Int] = Zipper(<lefts>, 3, <rights>)


final case class Zipper[+A](lefts: Stream[A], focus: A, rights: Stream[A]) {
   * Possibly moves to next element to the right of focus.
  def next: Option[Zipper[A]] = rights match {
    case Stream.Empty => None
    case r #:: rs     => Some(zipper(Stream.cons(focus, lefts), r, rs))

   * Possibly moves to next element to the right of focus.
  def nextOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    next getOrElse z
   * Possibly moves to the previous element to the left of focus.
  def previous: Option[Zipper[A]] = lefts match {
    case Stream.Empty => None
    case l #:: ls     => Some(zipper(ls, l, Stream.cons(focus, rights)))

   * Possibly moves to previous element to the left of focus.
  def previousOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    previous getOrElse z
   * Moves focus n elements in the zipper, or None if there is no such element.
   * @param  n  number of elements to move (positive is forward, negative is backwards)
  def move(n: Int): Option[Zipper[A]] = {
    def move0(z: Option[Zipper[A]], n: Int): Option[Zipper[A]] =
      if (n > 0 && rights.isEmpty || n < 0 && lefts.isEmpty) None
      else {
        if (n == 0) z
        else if (n > 0) move0(z flatMap ((_: Zipper[A]).next), n - 1)
        else move0(z flatMap ((_: Zipper[A]).previous), n + 1)
    move0(Some(this), n)

   * Moves focus to the start of the zipper.
  def start: Zipper[A] = {
    val rights = this.lefts.reverse ++ focus #:: this.rights
    this.copy(Stream.Empty, rights.head, rights.tail)

   * Moves focus to the end of the zipper.
  def end: Zipper[A] = {
    val lefts = this.rights.reverse ++ focus #:: this.lefts
    this.copy(lefts.tail, lefts.head, Stream.empty)

   * Moves focus to the nth element of the zipper, or the default if there is no such element.
  def moveOr[AA >: A](n: Int, z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    move(n) getOrElse z


   * Moves focus to the nearest element matching the given predicate, preferring the left,
   * or None if no element matches.
  def findZ(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] =
    if (p(focus)) Some(this)
    else {
      val c = this.positions, c.rights).find((x => p(x.focus)))

   * Moves focus to the nearest element matching the given predicate, preferring the left,
   * or the default if no element matches.
  def findZor[AA >: A](p: A => Boolean, z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    findZ(p) getOrElse z

   * Given a traversal function, find the first element along the traversal that matches a given predicate.
  def findBy[AA >: A](f: Zipper[AA] => Option[Zipper[AA]])(p: AA => Boolean): Option[Zipper[AA]] = {
    def go(zopt: Option[Zipper[AA]]): Option[Zipper[AA]] = {
      zopt match {
        case Some(z) => if (p(z.focus)) Some(z) else go(f(z))
        case None    => None

   * Moves focus to the nearest element on the right that matches the given predicate,
   * or None if there is no such element.
  def findNext(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] = findBy((z: Zipper[A]) =>

   * Moves focus to the previous element on the left that matches the given predicate,
   * or None if there is no such element.
  def findPrevious(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] = findBy((z: Zipper[A]) => z.previous)(p)


   * An alias for insertRight
  def insert[AA >: A]: (AA => Zipper[AA]) = insertRight(_: AA)

   * Inserts an element to the left of focus and focuses on the new element.
  def insertLeft[AA >: A](y: AA): Zipper[AA] = zipper(lefts, y, focus #:: rights)

   * Inserts an element to the right of focus and focuses on the new element.
  def insertRight[AA >: A](y: AA): Zipper[AA] = zipper(focus #:: lefts, y, rights)

   * An alias for `deleteRight`
  def delete: Option[Zipper[A]] = deleteRight

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the left. If there is no element on the left,
   * focus is moved to the right.
  def deleteLeft: Option[Zipper[A]] = lefts match {
    case l #:: ls     => Some(zipper(ls, l, rights))
    case Stream.Empty => rights match {
      case r #:: rs     => Some(zipper(Stream.empty, r, rs))
      case Stream.Empty => None

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the left. If there is no element on the left,
   * focus is moved to the right.
  def deleteLeftOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    deleteLeft getOrElse z

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the right. If there is no element on the right,
   * focus is moved to the left.
  def deleteRight: Option[Zipper[A]] = rights match {
    case r #:: rs     => Some(zipper(lefts, r, rs))
    case Stream.Empty => lefts match {
      case l #:: ls     => Some(zipper(ls, l, Stream.empty))
      case Stream.Empty => None

   * Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the right. If there is no element on the right,
   * focus is moved to the left.
  def deleteRightOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
    deleteRight getOrElse z

   * Deletes all elements except the focused element.
  def deleteOthers: Zipper[A] = zipper(Stream.Empty, focus, Stream.Empty)
   * Update the focus in this zipper.
  def update[AA >: A](focus: AA) = {
    this.copy(this.lefts, focus, this.rights)

   * Apply f to the focus and update with the result.
  def modify[AA >: A](f: A => AA) = this.update(f(this.focus))

insert,modify,delete也很齐备。值得注意的是多数Zipper的移动函数和操作函数都返回Option[Zipper[A]]类型,如此我们可以用flatMap把这些动作都连接起来。换句话说就是我们可以用for-comprehension在Option的context内实现行令编程(imperative programming)。我们可以通过一些例子来示范Zipper用法:

 1 val zv = for {
 2     z <- List(2,8,1,5,4,11).toZipper
 3     s1 <-
 4     s2 <- s1.modify{_ + 2}.some
 5   } yield s2                                      //> zv  : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 10, <rights>))
 7          //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(2), 10, Stream(1,5,4,11))
 8   zv.get.toList        //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 1, 5, 4, 11)
 9 ...
10 val zv = for {
11     z <- List(2,8,1,5,4,11).toZipper
12     s1 <-
13     s2 <- s1.modify{_ + 2}.some
14     s3 <- s2.move(1)
15     s4 <- s3.delete
16   } yield s4                                      //> zv  : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 5, <rights>))
18       //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(10,2), 5, Stream(4,11))
19   zv.get.toList     //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 5, 4, 11)
20 ...
21 val zv = for {
22     z <- List(2,8,1,5,4,11).toZipper
23     s1 <-
24     s2 <- s1.modify{_ + 2}.some
25     s3 <- s2.move(1)
26     s4 <- s3.delete
27     s5 <- s4.findZ {_ === 11}
28     s6 <- if (s5.focus === 12) s5.delete else s2.insert(12).some
29   } yield s6                                      //> zv  : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 12, <rights>))
31        //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(10,2), 12, Stream(1,5,4,11))
32   zv.get.toList      //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 12, 1, 5, 4, 11)
33 ...
34 val zv = for {
35     z <- List(2,8,1,5,4,11).toZipper
36     s1 <-
37     s2 <- s1.modify{_ + 2}.some
38     s3 <- s2.move(1)
39     s4 <- s3.delete
40     s5 <- s4.findZ {_ === 11}
41     s6 <- if (s5.focus === 12) s5.delete else s2.insert(12).some
42     s7 <- s6.end.delete
43     s8 <- s7.start.some
44   } yield s8                                      //> zv  : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 2, <rights>))
46         //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(), 2, Stream(10,12,1,5,4))
47   zv.get.toList       //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 12, 1, 5, 4)


举个例子:有一串数字,比如:List(1,4,7,9,5,6,10), 我想找出第一个高点元素,它的左边低,右边高,在我们的例子里是元素9。如果我们尝试用习惯的行令方式用索引去编写这个函数:

def peak(list: List[Int]): Option[Int] = {
  list.indices.find { index =>
    val x = list(index)
    index > 0 && index < list.size - 1 &&
    x > list(index - 1) && x > list(index + 1)

哇!这东西不但极其复杂难懂而且效率低下,重复用find索引导致速度降到O(n * n)。如果用Array会把效率提高到O(n),不过我们希望用immutable方式。那么用函数式编程方式呢?

def peak_fp(list: List[Int]): Option[Int] = list match {
   case x :: y :: z :: tl if y > x && y > z => Some(y)
   case x :: tl => peak(tl)
   case Nil => None

用模式匹配(pattern matching)和递归算法(recursion),这段程序好看多了,而且效率也可以提高到O(n)。


def raisePeak(list: List[Int]): Option[List[Int]] = {
   def rec(head: List[Int], tail: List[Int]): Option[List[Int]] = tail match {
     case x :: y :: z :: tl if y > x && y > z =>
          Some((x :: head).reverse ::: ((y +1) :: z :: tl))
     case x :: tl => rec(x :: head, tl) case Nil => None
   rec(List.empty, list)


def raisePeak_z(list: List[Int]): Option[List[Int]] = {
 for {
   zipper <- list.toZipper
   peak <- zipper.positions.findNext( z =>
        (z.previous, match {
          case (Some(p), Some(n)) => p.focus < z.focus && n.focus < z.focus
          case _ => false
  } yield (peak.focus.modify(_ + 1).toStream.toList)


   * A zipper of all positions of the zipper, with focus on the current position.
  def positions: Zipper[Zipper[A]] = {
    val left = => (x, x)))
    val right = => (x, x)))

    zipper(left, this, right)


时间: 2024-10-07 13:09:44

Scalaz(23)- 泛函数据结构: Zipper-游标定位的相关文章

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[推荐]ORACLE PL/SQL编程之四:把游标说透(不怕做不到,只怕想不到)

原文:[推荐]ORACLE PL/SQL编程之四:把游标说透(不怕做不到,只怕想不到) [推荐]ORACLE PL/SQL编程之四: 把游标说透(不怕做不到,只怕想不到)       继上两篇:ORACLE PL/SQL编程之八:把触发器说透             ORACLE PL/SQL编程之六:把过程与函数说透(穷追猛打,把根儿都拔起!)  得到了大家的强力支持,感谢.接下来再下猛药,介绍下一篇,大家一定要支持与推荐呀~!我也才有动力写后面的.     本篇主要内容如下: 4.1 游标概


来源:         一,游标是什么?                  游标是一段私有的SQL工作区,也就是一段内存区域,用于暂时存放受SQL语句影响到的数据.通俗理解就是将受影响的数据暂时放到了一个内存区域的虚表中,而这个虚表就是游标.         游标是一种能从包括多条数据记录的结果集中每次提取一条记录的机制.即游标用来逐行读取结果集.游标充当指针的作用.尽管游标

SQL Server游标的使用

原文地址: 游标是邪恶的!        在关系数据库中,我们对于查询的思考是面向集合的.而游标打破了这一规则,游标使得我们思考方式变为逐行进行.对于类C的开发人员来着,这样的思考方式会更加舒服.        正常面向集合的思维方式是:               而对于游标来说:              这也是为什么游标是邪恶的,它会使开发人员变懒,懒得去想

SQL Server游标的使用/关闭/释放/优化小结_MsSql

游标是邪恶的! 在关系数据库中,我们对于查询的思考是面向集合的.而游标打破了这一规则,游标使得我们思考方式变为逐行进行.对于类C的开发人员来着,这样的思考方式会更加舒服. 正常面向集合的思维方式是: 而对于游标来说: 这也是为什么游标是邪恶的,它会使开发人员变懒,懒得去想用面向集合的查询方式实现某些功能. 同样的,在性能上,游标会吃更多的内存,减少可用的并发,占用宽带,锁定资源,当然还有更多的代码量-- 从游标对数据库的读取方式来说,不难看出游标为什么占用更多的资源,打个比方:     当你从A

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